California Legislative Update - June 12th, 2024

Legislative update as of June 12th, 2024.

PERK Advocacy remains committed to careful monitoring, active lobbying, and consistent advocacy for California legislation. Rest assured, we are dedicated to providing you with ongoing updates on the status of these crucial bills, along with actionable steps you can take to bring about meaningful change. For more frequent updates and convenient access to the PERK Advocacy Action Center, be sure to visit us at


SB-976 (Skinner) Social Media Youth Addiction Law :

Asm Privacy and Consumer Protection

SB 1414 (Grove) Crimes: solicitation of a minor

05/20/24 Committee Location: Asm Public Safety

Time stamp 11:24

AB 2652 (Muratsuchi) State Department of Education: artificial intelligence working group -

In Assembly Appropriations committee: Held under submission.

AB 1824 (Valencia) California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018: opt-out right: mergers.
Re-referred to Senate Com. on APPR.

AB 1871 (Alanis) Adopted course of study for grades 7 to 12: social sciences: personal financial literacy.

Sen Appropriations Committee Hearing Date: 06/10/24

PERK Advocacy Action Campaigns - Support


AB 2442 (Zbur) Healing arts: expedited licensure process: gender-affirming health care and gender-affirming mental health care.

Sen Appropriations

AB 1825 (Muratsuchi) California Freedom to Read Act

In Senate. Read first time. To Com. on RLS. for assignment.

AB 1955 (Ward) Academic Futures and Educators for Today’s Youth Act.

Sen Appropriations Committee Hearing Date: 06/10/24

PERK Advocacy Action Campaigns - Oppose

action steps you can take:

Take action now to urge legislators to Support or Oppose a bill.

  1. Use our one click action campaigns via PERK Advocacy Action Campaign Center.

  2. Call your legislator now and leave a message. 

  3. Submit your letter of support to the legislative portal to be included in the official bill analysis.  

    HOW TO SUBMIT SUPPORT/OPPOSITION LETTERS:  After completing a one-time registration to obtain a username and password, log in to submit your position letter as a registered lobbyist, organization, or individual seeking to communicate your views to the bill author’s staff as well as the committee that will be hearing the bill.

    As an Individual, how do I send comments to the committee?

    1. Select measure type, measure number, and Session Type.

    2. Click on the “Search” button.

    3. Select the appropriate Committee.

    4. Select Your Stance.

    5. Input note message in the note box.

    6. Complete the Captcha and select the “Submit” button.   

PERK/Geneva Recap

It has been an exciting and memorable weekend in Geneva, Switzerland! It was incredible.  I had people come up to me from at least 5 other countries, who knew of PERK, and saw my videos, interviews, and the success of PERK in California.  I was surprised that our efforts in California have reached international freedom fighters.  Our credibility is high, and we are giving hope to freedom fighters all over the world.   When they’ve seen or heard of our victories, it’s been encouraging to them as well.  Some countries, like Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, and the UK, offer their support for PERK. I interacted with physicians from Mexico, researchers from Canada, experts from the UK, and various international figures eager to collaborate with PERK.

At the Inspired Network Global Leadership Summit, thousands of people zoomed in, to connect with us in Geneva.  In Japan, they were also protesting the WHO simultaneously with us.  We all shared a comradery for freedom that surpassed geography and culture.

 After the leadership summit, the next morning was a International Lawyers press conference led by Attorney Phillip Kruse.  He is an expert on the WHO issue and he and his team pulled together 10 international attorneys from 9 different countries (i.e. Israel, New Zealand, Switzerland, Germany). I had the opportunity to talk to several of them afterwards and record those brief conversations.  The PERK team will be working on releasing those videos to you all.  These international attorneys also offered to support PERK and getting this message out to everyone.

The Gates Foundation was holding a meeting in the same hotel.  I could not believe it.  They were just around the corner from the 10 attorneys, who held a press conference in opposition to the WHO.  You cannot make this up.  I had to take a picture.

This is a symbol that we are winning! The people of the world are waking up and fighting back against any group who tries to undermine our sovereignty.  The analysis of the international attorneys was quite sobering.  Their resounding answer to solve this problem of our day was for the people to rise, be aware, send letters to your representatives, and protect our countries at all costs.

Immediately following the press conference, we hurried to the International Freedom Rally.  There, with the United Nations behind me, I had the opportunity to deliver a message about being “Born Ready” for this moment to the thousands in attendance and the millions watching online.  You can watch me backstage with behind the scenes footage and you can see my full speech here!

Watch Amy's speech

It was so meaningful to have my family there and see the faces of an eager crowd motivated to protect their families, their rights, and their country.  I stood alongside them as we demonstrated, with a 2-hour people’s march for freedom.  The march was so loud and invigorating as it included drums, freedom chants, and bells, and most importantly, people from around the globe marching for freedom.

My friend, Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg and her colleagues, did a wonderful job and succeeded with their Geneva Project.  I’m grateful for the invitation to be there:

In this moment, I felt your prayers, love, your texts, your emails, your encouragement, and support.  I was so proud to stand and speak as a Californian, an American, a wife, a mother, an activist, and the President of PERK.  We were all ‘Born Ready’ for this moment. 


Amy Bohn

 Please continue to support our trip to Geneva, and your continued support allows us to continue our vital work.  I hope you enjoy the pictures!

 To support PERK's efforts please make a donation here:

During the Geneva Rally, it was announced that the WHO's pandemic treaty collapsed as member states couldn't agree. It won't be adopted at World Health Assembly. This is a victory for freedom advocates against WHO's pandemic control proposal.

The head of the World Health Organization on Monday voiced confidence that countries would one day reach a deal on a pandemic accord after failing to produce an agreement last week, although health officials warned it could take years.

Health officials have voiced frustration with the negotiations that have been dogged by lengthy discussions past midnight, last-minute shifts in position and growing criticism from right-wing commentators that the treaty would undermine sovereignty, which the WHO strongly denies. - CTV News

The WHO updated International Health Regulations before the deadline, seen as important. Critics noted that the final version didn't address concerns from health freedom advocates. After the World Health Assembly, WHO said the changes aim to enhance global health protection against future outbreaks. Legal concerns arise as the new IHR changes were proposed shortly before the Assembly, not following current rules. The final version was released on June 1 after voting just before the Assembly ended. WHO member states view the adoption of the diluted IHR amendments as significant progress and a win for the United States and others who led the process in 2021.

We won this fight, but we still need to win the overall war. Keep the pressure on our elected officials. Take action here with PERK Advocacy Action Campaigns.

Legislative season: The Second Half

As we come into the second half of the legislative calendar, we find bills moving forward in the second house. Assembly bills are now being heard in the Senate, and Senate bills are now being heard in the Assembly. Because of the state’s huge deficit, about 30% of bills placed in the suspense file, the place where bills with a large expense are held, died in the Appropriations Committee and will not move forward.

There are hundreds of bills that PERK Advocacy has been reviewing and watching, and we have taken action on many bills. If you haven’t already, please visit our Action Campaign page to review bills we feel are especially important to share your opinion on.

Let’s highlight some bills going through the legislature this year. PERK Advocacy needs the people of California to get more involved in civic engagement, and that starts with gaining knowledge. So, let’s take a look:

There are two financial literacy bills going through the legislature. The intent is to provide financial literacy education. Assemblymemer KevinMcCarty’s bill AB 2927 establishes a financial literacy course requirement for 9-12 graders. There may be concern that 9-12th grade already has a list of course requirements for graduation. This bill will mean sacrificing an elective or another important class to fulfill this added class, specifically stating “(iii) (I) A local educational agency may elect to eliminate one or more locally required courses established pursuant to paragraph (2) in order to accommodate the requirement that pupils, commencing with pupils graduating in the 2030–31 school year, complete a one-semester course in personal finance.” Assemblymember Juan Alanis’ bill AB 1871 will require curriculum to include personal financial literacy within social sciences courses for grades 7-12. Here there is concern that the requirement is too broad.

Interesting bill comparisons: take a look at this!

AB 1949 vs. AB 1414

AB 1949 by Assemblymember Buffy Wicks is a very important bill that needs to pass because it will raise the age of protection of minor children’s personal information to age 18, instead of the current age of 16. PERK Advocacy values bills that protect privacy and especially bills that protect our children. This bill does both by identifying children as including children ages 16 and 17.

Another very important bill PERK Advocacy is supporting is SB 1414 by Senator Shannon Grove. This bill would make it a punishable offense to solicit a minor ages 16 and under. Originally the bill was drafted to protect any minor under the age of 18, but hostile amendments were put in during the committee hearing and the bill author stated in the hearing she does not agree with the amendments and pled with the committee not to force them into the bill, but she accepted them as the only way the committee would allow the bill to move forward.

PERK Advocacy hopes to see both bills pass, and we hope the legislature will see the duplicity in their definition of a minor and work to protect all children under 18.

AB 1955 vs SB 957

AB 1955 is a gut and amend bill that came into the legislature after getting through the assembly as a different bill. Now that it is in the Senate, the bill author has reframed the bill to be a bill that will prohibit teachers and school employees and contracted workers from disclosing to the child’s parent (who is their family, responsible party, and primary caregiver) if the child asks to be identified in any way other than what is specified in the intake and enrollment forms completed by the parent. Although we see the caring intent to protect children’s control over their identity and when and how they choose to come out as LGBTQ or curious, PERK Advocacy stands on our values of parental rights. It is understood that such conversations can be scary, and it is a real concern that disclosing such sensitive information can lead to bullying, abuse and neglect from parents who will refuse to accept it. However, creating laws that will prohibit teachers, who are secondary caregivers, from disclosing information about their child to them without the child’s consent. The bill author is calling it a forced outing bill but this is not a bill that will force the teacher to out the child to their friends, classmates, the school, or the public. This is about a private communication to the parent about their child. A better way to deal with concerns of creating trauma in the parent child relationship, the bill authors need to work to improve the parent child relationship so children can feel more comfortable and parents can be more welcoming to the idea of discussing such a sensitive topic.This bill is not the right answer to the problem they seek to solve. Strengthening parent-child relationships is the true answer to the fear and trauma involved, not building walls of secrecy.

So while AB 1955 seeks to prohibit parents from knowing their child’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or related information, SB 957 will require the government to collect that same information! Basically, the legislature wants to prohibit parents from knowing how their child wants to identify while requiring the people of California to tell the government how they identify. And the profoundness of the words “prohibit” and “require” being extreme opposites regarding the same information, sadly, speaks volumes about who the people at the Capitol value.

More about the problems with AB 1955: this plays into last year's bills that are now law.

AB 5

Mandates teachers to complete training on how to identify and profile students whose parents don't affirm their child's gender identity, identify and implement inclusive curriculum, and counseling services for LGBTQ youth. 

Unintended Consequence 

Will train teachers to profile and document parents based on their personal beliefs.

AB 665

Removes decades of safeguards that say a child can only “self-consent” out of home and into a government “residential shelter” to receive “mental health services” without their parents’ / guardians’ knowledge if they are the victim of abuse or incest, or a risk of harm to self or others.

Unintended Consequence

Guardrails removed so will remove due process of verification with or notification to the parents before children get placed in residential shelter services.

*Remember how AB 665 said school counselors would make an attempt to contact parents. AB1955 would erase that caveat as it would prohibit notification to the parents.

As we comb through which bills have made it onto the second house, we will give you an update on the list of bills we are taking a position on. If you see a bill that is important to you, share it with us at, and make sure to call your legislator’s office to voice your concerns.

PERK Welcomes Jessica Sutta

PERK welcomes Jessica Sutta to the PERK Advisory Board. Jessica Sutta is a mother, singer, writer, vaccine injury advocate & former member of the international platinum award winning recording pop group, The Pussycat Dolls. She was severely injured by the Moderna mRNA shot two years ago and her life hasn’t been the same. However, that doesn’t extinguish the passion in her heart to help heal the injured and give a voice to the ones suffering with this debilitating disease, who have been shunned and silenced by society.

“I’m honored to be a part of the PERK advisory board. As a new mother and a vaccine injury advocate, our values and vision for the world align. I am confident that this organization has the capability of making an impact on safeguarding children’s lives. They are on the front lines protecting parental rights, standing strong against this tyrannical system and winning!!  All the members of PERK encompass a ferocious tenacity, and I am just humbled and excited to be a part of such a magnificent and powerful group of women that love our country and the safety of our children.”

-Jessica Sutta

Protect Kids California Initiative Gathers Over 400,000 Signatures.

Nicole Pearson, Esq. gives latest update on PKCA.

Protect Kids California Initiative Gathers Over 400,000 Signatures. Falls Short of Amount Required for Ballot.

The Protect the Kids Act (PKA) has officially concluded.  The dedicated staff at Perk poured their energy into this endeavor, conducting countless presentations and outreach efforts across California. Through our newsletter and social media channels, we successfully engaged over 30,000 Californians.

On May 28, 2024, Roseville, CA – Protect Kids California announced they collected an impressive 400,000 signatures for their proposed ballot measure, but fell short of the 546,651 required to be collected within a 180 day time frame to appear on the ballot.

PERK had joined in the effort with the tens of thousands of volunteers that had gathered signatures from every county in California. The largest collection areas were Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, Santa Clara and Alameda Counties. 

A completely grassroots effort, Protect Kids California raised close to $200,000 from over 1,200 donors. This equates to less than 50 cents per signature, a fraction of the amount standard ballot measure committees spend.

In collaboration with the PKCA team, PERK mobilized tens of thousands of volunteers to secure signatures. Together, we gathered 400,000 signatures from every county in California, a remarkable grassroots achievement. Funding for this endeavor totaled $200,000, generously contributed by more than 1,200 donors, this translates to less than 50 cents per signature, a fraction of what traditional ballot measure committees typically expend.

“Our message is simple. Schools shouldn’t keep secrets from parents; we should protect girls’ sports and private spaces at school; and we should protect kids from unproven, life-altering and often sterilizing medical procedures. We vow to continue fighting for these principles.”

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every individual who contributed, whether by signing the petition or actively gathering signatures. Your participation was crucial, and we couldn't have achieved this milestone without the collective effort of all involved.

To learn more about Protect Kids California, visit