Over The Weekend PERK and Local Fire Stations Partner Up To Successfully Help Nearly 170 Fire Victim Families With Donated Mattresses from Local Furniture Company
Dear PERK Members,
We had an incredible weekend serving our local community. PERK and local fire stations partnered up to help nearly 170 fire victim families with donated mattresses from local furniture company.
We dedicated a day of service for the fire victims in our community on Sunday, March 23rd . Thank you to all the many hands who helped make this day successful. We had close to 30 volunteers, local fire stations, including LAFD, the Firemen’s Relief Association, and hundreds of mattresses donated and given to fire victims on Sunday. Cars lined up to receive their mattresses. The stories of loss, tragedy, and heartache were evident as many families shared what they’ve been through since losing everything in the fires. Some stories included losing a loved one unexpectedly a week before losing everything else to the fires.
One local pastor shared he lost his church, his business, and his home to the fires. He shared that more than 75% of his congregation lost their home in the fire. Yet, as a minister, he exemplified the spirit of giving as he selflessly continued to help others. Fire victims also included first responder families who tragically fought the recent California fires, while also losing their own homes. The furniture company generously provided hundreds of mattresses to nearly 170 families impacted by the California fires.
A huge thank you to all the PERK volunteers who showed up and made tremendous contributions on Sunday.
Their support and efforts made a difference in the success of the day and in the lives of others. The group effort from all organization and volunteers was evidence that political parties, race, religion, and other labels did not divide us. We shared a common purpose to help others and stand united to give back to our community, together.
Amy Bohn
PERK President