Right to Refuse — PERK

Right to Refuse

Bodily autonomy is the fundamental cornerstone of civil liberties. The Declaration of Independence, the Nuremberg Code, and the Constitution all safeguard our unalienable rights to bodily self-determination. Coerced consent to medical procedures is a clear violation of the Nuremberg Code and our inherent rights as individuals. People must retain the ability to make their own informed medical decisions, with equitable alternatives available. Liability-free products should be offered without mandates, coercion, or restrictions on personal freedom. We must learn from the lessons of history to avoid repeating past injustices. It is our duty to protect the American people from potential civil and human rights tragedies.

National Right to Refuse

One of the most talked about issues right now are mandates. Mandates around testing, injections, masks, Emergency Use Authorization products, and more. At PERK, we believe all human beings have a right to refuse or choose what they put into their body. We have carefully designed document templates to support your Right to Refuse. You may use these to protect your rights, empower your knowledge, or notify your employer or school officials of the laws and regulations that protect you. Please consider an appropriate donation for use of our resources and support our mission. 12 Page Legislation Template, 7 Document Opt Out Packet Below:

Medical Discrimination: How Did We Get Here?

The COVID-19 pandemic drastically altered the landscape of medical choice, leading us to a critical juncture in the history of health freedom and individual rights. Panic over the virus catalyzed a media frenzy that pushed vaccinations as the sole solution to a crisis that resulted in hundreds of thousands of lives lost. The narrative was relentless—news outlets and social media platforms painted a dire picture, creating an urgent demand for vaccinations, often at the expense of transparency. As vaccine advertisements flooded the airways, crucial warning statements mandated by the FDA were frequently overlooked or omitted entirely.

This environment of fear led to sweeping mandates from businesses and educational institutions. Employees found themselves in a precarious position—either accept liability-free, emergency use authorization (EUA) vaccines or risk losing their jobs. Essential workers, including first responders who had been on the front lines, were suddenly coerced into making a choice between their livelihoods and their personal health decisions. These mandates not only placed undue pressure on individuals but also infringed upon the foundational principle of informed consent.

The parallels to past vaccination policies are stark. When California's vaccine policy changed in 2015, stripping parents of opt-out rights following a measles outbreak, it was driven by similar fears. The narrative framed unvaccinated children as a danger to public health, disregarding the importance of personal choice and informed consent. In both instances, fear overshadowed reason, resulting in coercive policies rather than promoting transparent dialogues about the risks and benefits of medical interventions.

At PERK, we believe it is crucial to examine how we arrived at this point of medical discrimination. Understanding the forces that have shaped public perception and policy is vital to advocating for the educational rights of children, the rights of parents, and the importance of medical freedom. It is time to reclaim informed consent and to ensure that policies reflect the values of choice and autonomy, rather than coercion. Join us in championing the rights that protect our health decisions and the dignity of all individuals in the face of ongoing challenges.

The Importance of Medical Privacy Regarding Vaccination Status

Maintaining the confidentiality of individuals' medical information, including vaccination status, is a fundamental right that must be upheld. Protecting this privacy is essential to preserving personal autonomy, fostering trust in the healthcare system, and safeguarding against potential discrimination or coercion.

Individuals have a reasonable expectation that their medical records, including details about their vaccination history, will be kept private and secure. Unauthorized access or disclosure of this sensitive information can lead to stigmatization, social ostracization, and even denial of employment or educational opportunities.

Moreover, the right to medical privacy is closely tied to the principle of informed consent. Individuals should have the freedom to make informed decisions about their own healthcare, including whether to receive certain vaccinations, without fear of repercussions or pressure from external parties.

Upholding medical privacy regarding vaccination status is not only a matter of individual rights but also a crucial factor in maintaining public trust in the healthcare system. If individuals cannot trust that their personal medical information will be protected, they may be less inclined to seek necessary medical care or participate in public health initiatives, ultimately undermining the overall effectiveness of healthcare and disease prevention efforts.

In conclusion, the protection of medical privacy, including vaccination status, is a fundamental human right that must be safeguarded. Preserving this right is essential for maintaining personal autonomy, fostering trust in the healthcare system, and upholding the principles of informed consent and non-discrimination.

Preserving Bodily Autonomy: A Cornerstone of Civil Liberties

Our mission at PERK is to safeguard the educational rights of children, parental rights, and medical freedom for all. We firmly believe that the preservation of bodily autonomy is central to the civil liberties and rights enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, the Nuremberg Code (including Informed Consent), and the Constitution.

Medical ethicists have long maintained that a patient who has been coerced to consent to the injection of biotechnology or a medical procedure due to the fear of losing access to basic necessities (such as food, medical care, education, employment, travel, or freedom) should not be presumed to have provided lawful informed consent. Medical mandates and coercion are a clear violation of the Nuremberg Code and our unalienable rights to bodily autonomy.

The American people must retain their ability to make their own medical decisions through education and informed consent, with equitable alternatives. Liability-free products must be offered without mandates, coercion, or restrictions of freedom placed upon U.S. citizens. We must learn from our history to prevent another potential great civil and human rights travesty.

PERK is committed to protecting the American people and ensuring that their fundamental rights to bodily autonomy are preserved.

California Right to Refuse

California, we have carefully designed 10 document templates to support your Right to Refuse. You may use these to protect your rights, empower your knowledge, or notify your employer or school officials of the laws and regulations that protect you. Please consider an appropriate donation for use of our resources and support our mission. Document Packet Here:

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Right to Refuse: “In addition, indemnity has been removed from most companies involved, including pharmaceutical companies, vaccine manufacturers, testing labs, and diagnostic centers, who are providing medical procedures or products. Upon waiving all privacy rights, participation also removes all indemnity, legal recourse, and my legal protection to the fullest extent of the law. Without legal protection to ensure accountability in the case of harm, bodily injury, cyber security breaches, unknown risks, unknown long-term health consequences, it is my right to accept or refuse.”