IEP Exclusion letter to schools
Sample letter for parents to send to school districts. Use sample letter to send to school districts regarding IEP/Exclusion policy regarding school vaccination policy. If your school is threatening to kick your student out, please reach out to us.
Personal Belief Exemption Letter For CV-19
From a legal perspective, wait until the school district mandates before sending the notice.
Union Withdrawal Letter
If your employer is mandating vaccination to remain in their employment, demand your union fight for you or you will withdraw your membership and dues.
Religious Exemption Guidance
Religious exemptions go back to the founding of this nation with deference to religion. The first amendment was clearly the first and most important to the founding of this nation. The first was religious pluralism. The point being: you can be any religion you want, and you can practice it however you want.
During war time in the United States people were allowed to not participate in the war if they had a sincerely held religious belief. See more guidance below.
See Example of exemption language
Religious Exemption Template
Religious Exemption Template forms are provided above from FOR-US. Having said that, some people have great success not using a template, but instead following these instructions for a Religious Exemption. If you require a Religious Affidavit, click on the box below. The states that do not allow school religious exemptions are:
Some U.S. colleges, schools, universities and employers started to require COVID-19 vaccination for enrollment and employment. Medical exemptions must be supported by a letter from a medical professional. However, religious exemptions do not require the support or endorsement of an official clergy or recognized religious leader. It can be helpful, but it’s not required or necessary. See religious exemption guidance above.
Guidelines for residential vaccine strike team by Pacific Justice Institute.
Step-by-Step Guide to Pushing Back on Illegal Mandates in Middle & High Schools by Fact Law Truth Justice legal team. Letter from Parents Opposing the Vaccine Mandate template. Suggested steps for standing up to your child’s school’s illegal mandates, and protecting your child from further harm.
Uniform Complaint Procedures
Uniform Complaint Procedures in school districts.
A Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) complaint is a written and signed statement alleging a violation of federal or state laws or regulations, which may include an allegation of unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying. A signature may be handwritten, typed (including in an email) or electronically generated. Complaints may be filed anonymously. A complaint filed on behalf of an individual student may only be filed by that student or that student's duly authorized representative. If the complainant is unable to put the complaint in writing, due to conditions such as a disability or illiteracy, the local agency shall assist the complainant in the filing of the complaint.
Organizations With Additional Resources and Support
Informed Consent Action Network
Physicians for Informed Consent
Fact Law Truth Justice - Nicole Pearson, Esq.