AB 1955 to undercut parents’ rights.

OPPOSE AB-1955: Academic Futures and Educators for Today’s Youth Act.

At a last minute hearing, AB 1955 passed Senate Education committee today 5 to 2 along party lines. Next hearing will be in Sen Appropriations Committee Hearing Date: 06/10/24

Take action now. https://p2a.co/A8oNFLx

In a press conference, California Assemblyman Christopher Ward and the LGBQT+ Caucus announced it has gutted and amended AB 1955 after it passed through the Assembly that will make it illegal for schools to lawfully implement policies to notify parents when their child is wanting to transition/ change gender identity and name at school.

Erin Friday, Esq. stated in her substack:

“…judges in California, the school cases have been favorable towards parental rights and teachers who do not wish to be a part of socially transitioning of students behind the parents’ backs. The courtroom is, ultimately, where it will be decided if parents are still able to control that care, custody and upbringing of their children. Because of the court successes, the LGBTQ caucus of California legislature just announced a bill that will try to circumvent these cases.”

Reasons to oppose:

  • It could negatively affect the child by potentially needing guidance from parents and mental health support to determine the root cause of gender incongruence.

  • It could harm parents by taking away their right under the Fourteenth Amendment to care for, guide, and make healthcare choices for their kids.

  • It could also cause issues for teachers, as it might force them to hide information they think is important for their students' well-being. Refer to Mirabelli v. Olson EUSD (2023), Case No. 3:23-cv-00768-BEN-WVG, dated September 14, 2023.

  • This bill may break the Federal law by going against FERPA, which gives parents the right to access their child's school records. Schools creating fake records for students changing gender could lose federal money under FERPA's rule that parents must be allowed to review their children's records.

  • This bill suggests parents can't be trusted, believing state or strangers can handle teen issues better.

  • Children should have privacy protected in line with the federal and state laws, but children do not have a right to privacy that transcends their parents’ established rights


How to take action from www.PERKADVOCACY.com

  1.  Fill out Action campaign https://p2a.co/J3MHw0d

  2. Draft a simple Opposition Letter to submit to the Appropriations Committee via their Position Letter Portal TODAY. Email your letter to the Committee: Letters of support or opposition should be submitted to the Advocacy Portal by 3:00 p.m. seven calendar days prior to a scheduled hearing. Letters received after that deadline may not be reflected in the Committee analysis..

    • Letters from organizations must be on letterhead with signature and title of an official of the organization or designated representative.

    • Coalition letters must have logos, signatures, and titles for all organizations.

    • Letters of conditional support from organizations will not be listed on the analysis.

    • Letters from organizations must clearly indicate position (letters containing "concern" may not be listed).

    • Submit letters only once unless bill is subsequently amended causing uncertainty as to the organization's present position.


    After completing a one-time registration to obtain a username and password, log in to submit your position letter as a registered lobbyist, organization or individual seeking to communicate your views to the bill author’s staff as well as the committee that will be hearing the bill.

    • Select measure type, measure number and Session Type.

    • Click on the “Search” button.

    • Select the appropriate Committee.

    • Select Your Stance.

    • Input note message in the note box.

    • Complete the Captcha and select the “Submit” button.

  3. Call the following Senate Appropriations Committee Members and urge them to vote “NO” on AB 1955:

    Committee Members District Office & Contact Information

    Anna Caballero (Chair)

    Capitol Office, 1021 O Street, Suite 7620
    Sacramento, CA 95814-4900; (916) 651-4014

    Brian W. Jones (Vice-Chair)

    Capitol Office, 1021 O Street, Suite 7640
    Sacramento, CA 95814-4900; (916) 651-4040

    Angelique Ashby

    Capitol Office, 1021 O Street, Suite 7320
    Sacramento, CA 95814-4900; (916) 651-4008

    Josh Becker

    Capitol Office, 1021 O Street, Suite 7250
    Sacramento, CA 95814-4900; (916) 651-4013

    Steven Bradford

    Capitol Office, 1021 O Street, Suite 7210
    Sacramento, CA 95814-4900; (916) 651-4035

    Kelly Seyarto

    Capitol Office, 1021 O Street, Suite 7120
    Sacramento, CA 95814-4900; (916) 651-4032

    Aisha Wahab

    Capitol Office, 1021 O Street, Suite 7330
    Sacramento, CA 95814-4900; (916) 651-4410

  4. Call your Senator to urge him / her to vote “NO” on AB1955, and encourage their colleagues in the committee to vote “NO” as well. We need to prep them for the floor vote if it passes committee and their feedback can influence the committee members’ in their votes.

RESOURCES (linked above but here, again, for ease of reference):

AB 1955 Language: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240AB1955

Position Letter Portal: https://calegislation.lc.ca.gov/Advocates/

Senate Education Committee Members: https://sedn.senate.ca.gov

Find Your Senator: https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov

PERK Goes to Geneva!

Please make a donation to support PERK’s work, and sponsor this trip to Geneva. We are a non-profit that solely relies on you, the people, to support us. Can we count on you to help? Donate today: https://donorbox.org/geneva-say-no-to-the-who-treaty 

The highwire will stream the events live at https://thehighwire.com

Dear PERK Members,

For some time now, I’ve expressed deep concerns about the WHO treaty. I’ve shared how the WHO treaty undermines our national sovereignty and state rights. I don’t have the words to articulate what’s in my heart right now, but I’ll try.  The WHO treaty not only undermines America’s sovereignty, but it potentially undermines the sovereignty of all nations by centralizing control, authority, and power into the World Health Organization. Well, in light of all of this, I’m going to Geneva next week. I must do this.

I’m honored to be one of the speakers in Geneva, Switzerland during this historic moment and people’s march called, “We Are The Change” rally. I’ve also been invited to speak at a private leadership summit the day before hosted by the Inspired Global Leadership Summit.

I love our country and I’ve seen firsthand how lost the leaders in our country are. The corruption, the tyranny, the attempt to remove parental rights, implementing policies that harm children, violating medical freedom, ignoring religious rights, suppressing freedom of speech, and more are all direct challenges to fundamental human rights and freedoms. What’s happened in our country has also happened in a coordinated effort worldwide. Countries across the world violated the people’s rights. This will never end until the freedom loving people across the world unite, in unison, standing together for all our sovereignty and fiercely resolve to protect our countries, our families, and our freedom. This is why I must go to Geneva. I want to be one of those voices and leaders standing in truth, unison, and strength.

Anytime there’s a problem, I also believe there’s a solution. In this case, WE THE PEOPLE, are the solution to change. Take action now and send this letter to Congress and the President to say No to the WHO. We are the only ones who can ensure the protection of our liberties and freedom from this unprecedented power grab by the WHO.

I’m asking all PERK members to give something, support PERK’s work, and sponsor this trip to Geneva. We are a non- profit that solely relies on you, the people, to support us.

When I go to Geneva, I will stand alongside 70+ other countries leaders. This is a historic, crossroads moment. I feel like I’m representing all of us by going to Geneva. I feel the strength, love, prayers, and support from all of you. I’m encouraged and so honored to know the spirit of freedom and liberty that resonates in each of our hearts, reverberates like a light in a dark night. I’m representing the United States of America and I’m taking you all with me.


Amy Bohn

PERK President

P.S. Please also keep us in your prayers. We will try to live stream from our Instagram account from Geneva!


Twitter @PERK_GROUP Instagram @PERK_GROUP

Please consider donating to PERK, so that we can continue bringing you vital information, education and defending you via litigation and legislation.


PERK President, Amy Bohn to speak in Geneva

The path to taking back our freedoms starts today.  Join us in global movement of freedom. On 1st June, we declare our independence from unelected global authorities and begin creating the world we want. The time has come to take our power back . The #RoadToGeneva is our Road To Freedom, the road we travel together.

PERK President, Amy Bohn heads to Geneva, Switzerland to join the upcoming The Inspired Global Leadership Summit May 31st and WeAreTheChange Rally + March on June 1st 2024 during the signing of the Pandemic Treaty being held by the World Health Organization WHO. She will be one of the presenters that will speak in the square across from the UN Building. The Geneva Project has massive convoys coming from all the surrounding European countries, including the leaders from the Canadian Truckers, The US First Responders, The Freedom Fighters from Australia, Japan, Portugal, Italy, Serbia and well over 70 countries on our last call.

The overarching purpose of #TheGenevaProject is to spearhead a global movement that collectively shapes the future. It is time we stop fighting broken systems that do not serve us. The future belongs to the people.

#TheGenevaProject is comprised of 4 components:

*Located in Geneva, #TheGenevaProject represents the clashing of ideologies for the future.

What can you do?

Click on these action links to take action today!

Protect U.S. Sovereignty and Medical Freedom

Time is running out. The World Health Assembly, made up of WHO member nations, will meet in Geneva, Switzerland from May 27 to June 1. They'll be talking about and approving changes to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the "WHO Pandemic Agreement," both of which are treaties. It's vital to raise awareness about this significant WHO initiative. The proposed WHO agreement and IHR modifications pose a serious threat to our freedoms and rights by:

  • Making IHR suggestions mandatory for all member countries.

  • Introducing vaccine passports that might limit travel based on WHO's decisions.

  • Monitoring citizens' online activities and censoring "misinformation."

  • Enforcing harsh restrictions like quarantines and compulsory medical procedures.

  • Granting WHO the power to declare emergencies whenever they want.

  • Requiring nations to use specific "health products" like vaccines and drugs while banning others during crises.

We have a rare opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the world! By demanding our legislators Support H.R 1425, S.Res 81, and S.444, we can ensure that our rights and freedoms are protected from the proposed WHO treaty and IHR amendments.  As well as demanding President Biden not violate the U.S. Constitution by entering into the forthcoming World Health Assembly (WHA) multi-national pandemic-related agreement without the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate.

H.R.1425 - No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act

This bill establishes that any convention or agreement on pandemic-related issues reached by the World Health Assembly (WHA) pursuant to a specified negotiating body shall be deemed to be a treaty requiring the advice and consent of the Senate.

Specifically, this bill applies to any international instrument negotiated by the intergovernmental negotiating body established by the WHA in December 2021 to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.

S.Res. 81: World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty Implementation Resolution:

This resolution prohibits any international agreement that is drafted by the World Health Organization and relates to pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response from legally binding the United States unless the Senate ratifies the agreement as a treaty. The bill also outlines requirements for negotiating and ratifying such an agreement.

Members may object to the consideration of any legislation that implements the agreement until the President submits it to the Senate for ratification.

S.444 - No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act

This bill establishes that any convention or agreement on pandemic-related issues reached by the World Health Assembly (WHA) pursuant to a specified negotiating body shall be deemed to be a treaty requiring the advice and consent of the Senate.

What You Can Do:
1. Click on these Action Campaigns to urge your state and federal lawmakers to demand that the administration submit any pandemic related treaties for the Senate’s consent by supporting bills H.R. 1425, S.Res. 81, and S.444. And demand President Biden not violate the Constitution.

2. Call your U.S. Senators and your U.S. Representatives to support House Resolution 1425; Senate Resolution 444; and Senate Resolution 81

3. Share these campaigns with your family and friends via social media.  

Psychology of Winning

"Psychology of Winning" 4 day Seminar with Leigh Dundas

Watch video here.

If the last few weeks have made anything apparent, it is the fact that a huge number of universities -- from coast to coast in this country -- have become more concerned with pushing agendas than with actually educating the bright minds of our youth.  If we are to preserve the Great American Experiment, we cannot let this travesty in our educational system continue:  the US was built on the backs of great men and women who believed in God, Country and Freedom -- and who gave their all and achieved victory in the face of the impossible -- and we owe it to our youth to both teach them these concepts and to leave them a country steeped in such positive values.  

Human Rights Attorney & Master Speaker Leigh Dundas is dedicated to reversing the dangerous trends seen in so many universities, beginning this very month with a course that will deconstruct the habits and science that underpin the individuals in our society who are able to avoid falling victim to bad agendas . . . and who are yet further able to flip such negative influences on their head in order to succeed in the face of adversity.  

In sum?  There is a Psychology to Winning, and Leigh Dundas is going to teach this replicable but little known recipe to all who want and need it.  The course (which is hosted by Kairos Christian University in Tustin, CA) is open to college, high school and junior high youth -- as well as their parents, siblings, grandparents and neighbors of all ages and locales -- and counts as a GE Course in Psychology, or as dual high school/college credit (if desired).  Students may attend in person, or asynchronously (anytime) online.

The information you reap as a result of the decision to take this course may well be one of the most pivotal determinations you ever make in your child's life -- or in your own life -- so do not delay:  go to LeighDundas.com/Education to register or learn more!

“The Psychology of the Winner” begins May 18, 2024, and is credentialed by Kairos University. You can sign up and take it online.