Action Steps to Oppose AB 659 and AB 1078

Oppose AB 659 - HPV Cancer Prevention Act (Aguiar-Curry)

Assembly Bill 659, also known as the HPV vaccine mandate bill has been amended.  It removed the mandate for 8th graders, but now will add Human Papillomavirus (HPV) to the described list of diseases for which immunization documentation is required for all students, ages 18-26, enrolled in Community College, UC and Cal State Universties.  Only a medical exemption will be available to opt out.

Oppose AB 659 - HPV Cancer Prevention Act (Aguiar-Curry)

Assembly Bill 659, also known as the HPV vaccine mandate bill has been amended.  It removed the mandate for 8th graders, but now will add Human Papillomavirus (HPV) to the described list of diseases for which immunization documentation is required for all students, ages 18-26, enrolled in Community College, UC and Cal State Universties.  Only a medical exemption will be available to opt out.

Although PERK supports the insurance part of this bill to increase access to care, the medical mandates are unacceptable. So we ask you to oppose AB 659, unless authors remove the vaccine mandates from this bill.

Assembly Health Committee Hearing: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 1:30 p.m. - 1021 O Street, Room 1100

postponed- Keep the PRESSURE on!

Reasons to remove HPV vaccine mandate in AB 659:

  • In order to ensure a robust and diversified student population, the focus should be on minimal requirements for school enrollment.

  • Cancer prevention should not be a requirement for school enrollment.

  • There are no current obtainable exemptions that would allow them to exercise their first amendment rights and respect their sincerely held religious beliefs.

  • University and Colleges allow for personal belief exemptions for Hep B vaccine. 

  • HPV is not spread in the classroom.

Action Steps:

  1. Click action campaign OPPOSE AB 659 to email and Tweet Assembly Health Committee Members.

  2. Submit your letters of opposition to legislative portal ASAP to be included in the legislative analysis. Deadline is now. Instructions on how to submit letter.

  3. Call Assembly Health Committee members. Capitol Offices M-Th, District Offices Friday. If out of district call after hours and leave a message

    Assembly Health Committee Members to call.


Carlos Villapudua 209-948-7479 | 916-319-2013

Brian Maienschein 858-675-0760 | 916-319-2076

Kevin McCarty 916-324-4676 | 916-319-2006

Freddie Rodriguez 909-902-9606 | 916-319-2053

Joaquin Arambula 559-445-5532 | 916-319-2031

Miguel Santiago 213-620-4646 | 916-319-2054

Tasha Boerner Horvath 760-434-7605 | 916-319-2077


Marie Waldron 760-480-7570 | 916-319-2075

Heath Flora 209-599-2112 | 916-319-2009

Vince Fong 661-395-2995 | 916-319-2032

Joe Patterson 916-774-4430 | 916-319-2005

Sample script: Hello, my name is _______________. I want to register my opposition with Assemblymember__________., please vote No or Abstain on AB 659, unless the HPV vaccine mandate for all students is removed. Thank you.



OPPOSE AB-1078 -- removes local authority over school districts. Instructional materials

Local school boards will lose their authority over curriculum, remove parents input and give all the power to the California Board of Education.

OPPOSE AB-1078 -- removes local authority over school districts. Instructional materials

Assembly Education Committee Hearing: Wednesday, March 29, 2023 @ 1:30 p.m. - 1021 O Street, Room 1100

As part of an Anti-Racism Bill Package, Assembly member Dr. Corey Jackson has introduced AB1078: Instructional materials: removing instructional materials and curriculum: diversity.

PERK supports efforts to combat racism and discrimination, but as an organization who advocates for education and parental rights, WE OPPOSE AB 1078.  Local school boards will lose their authority over curriculum, remove parents input and give all the power to the California Board of Education.  This will keep all text books and lesson plans written by union-favored authors that teach every topic through the lens of race, sexual orientation, and gender identity in schools, which is still a developing theory of education. Local districts would no longer have any say what is best for their community.

 Reasons to oppose:

  • Removes local authority over school districts. 

  • Cuts out parent input for their school district.

  • The bill is a broad approach that will create new, unintended obstacles for schools

Action Steps

  1. Click our action campaign OPPOSE AB 1078 to email and Tweet Assembly Health Committee Members.

  2. Submit your letters of opposition to legislative portal ASAP to be included in the legislative analysis. Deadline is now. Instructions on how to submit letter.

  3. Call Assembly Health Committee members. Capitol Offices M-Th, District Offices Friday. If out of district call after hours and leave a message.

    Assembly Education Committee Members to call.


Al Muratsuchi (Chair) (916) 319-2066,

Juan Carrillo (916) 319-2039

Alex Lee (916) 319-2024

Kevin McCarty (916) 319-2006

Sharon Quirk-Silva (916) 319-2067


Megan Dahle (Vice Chair) (916) 319-2001

Josh Hoover (916) 319-2007

Sample script: Hello, my name is _______________. I want to register my opposition with Assembly member__________, please vote No or Abstain on AB 1078. Do not remove local authority over school districts. This will affect my child and remove authority from the people we elected.


Another Victory in California

AB 659 - HPV Vaccine Mandate has been Dropped for Middle School Students.


Dear PERK Members,

Congratulations to all our PERK Members, PERK Team, and PERK Partners.  The HPV Vaccine Mandate has been Dropped for Middle Schoolers! Last night, the amendments on the HPV vaccine mandate billAB659, were released.  We knew ahead of time there may be a victory.  It’s incredible that the mandate has been dropped.  THANK YOU! Your hard work is paying off! You keep answering the call to act and fight back with us.  You’ve registered your opposition, send letters, emails, phone calls, talk to your legislators, and more.  We know it takes a village to fight these bills and win in California. 

 On behalf of PERK, I can tell you the PERK Team works tirelessly to fight for you, your children, your medical freedom, your parental rights, and more.  We’ve been on the radio, on podcasts, we’ve flown up to the Capitol in January, February, and March, we’ve done extensive research, and we have met with key people such as the Education Committee Chair, and the author of this bill herself, including the Health Committee members, in order to educate them and to convince them to stop the HPV vaccine mandate bill.  These aren’t quick meetings.  These are sometimes hour-long meetings where we articulate the concerns and bring awareness to the grave issues at hand.  

 When we met with the author of the bill, we directly asked her to drop the mandate portion.  Surprisingly, she was unaware that California would be the only state to mandate the HPV vaccine without real and robust exemption. We addressed the legal issues, the unnecessary mandate, the barrier to education this bill would create on the heels of the pandemic.  I believe our teams were instrumental and sealed the deal at the Capitol as the bill author told us herself about the amendments, prior to their release last night. We asked Assemblywoman Aguiar-Curry to make the bills primarily focuses on insurance coverage, without a mandate.  Now, with the release of the amendments, we can confirm the HPV mandate on school age children is dropped. However, the fight is not over.  The bill now creates a mandate for college students.  We will address that in our next email.

 It's not an easy task to speak to those who disagree with you, yet I am so proud of my team who has done just that.  They have prepared resources to speak to and reach the Democrats, who are key to winning against bills like these.  With months of preparation, my team has given these resources out to you, our members, to other organization leaders, to attorneys, and alerted anyone willing to listen and act, and to do so now.  We have worked in collaboration with strategic partner organizations, other excellent leaders, and experts on the HPV vaccine’s legal issues.  We have amplified their resources.  The PERK team has given you the deadlines, the portal links, examples of what to say, and cheered you on to stand alongside us in this battle.  This is a victory for parents and all those who know choice should never be removed with medical decisions.

 We held meetings with the Democrats and Republicans to voice your concerns. This goes to show that our bi-partisan efforts are working.  Combined with every person's action, letters, and push on this bill, it’s making a difference and will lead to winning this battle.  As I heard the news of the mandate being dropped, my heart is full because of you, all of you. It takes a village, and with all our combined efforts, including yours, WE WILL CONTINUE TO WIN!!

Let’s see what happens over the next few days! Stay tuned.  We will keep all of you updated as soon as we hear anything.


Have a wonderful day and stay in this fight with us!

Amy Bohn

Stay alert for more details on next steps!

Please follow us on Instagram and Twitter @perk_group for latest updates.

Here is summary of the amendments.

  • Leaves insurance expansion coverage intact.

  • Removes the middle school HPV vaccine mandate to advance to 8th grade.

  • Creates a mandatory middle school notice to sent out to all 6th graders that HPV vaccination is expected before moving into the 8th grade instead of mandate.

  • Creates a new higher education HPV vaccine mandate for first-time enrollees under age 26 at CCC, CSU and U.C. (all colleges and universities), with only a medical exemption available.


Mail a Check:  Make it payable to PERK



3401 Grande Vista Dr. #723

Newbury Park, CA, 91319




PERK Venmo


Another Victory in California!

The HPV Vaccine Mandate has been Dropped for Middle School Students.


Dear PERK Members,

Congratulations to all our PERK Members, PERK Team, and PERK Partners.  The HPV Vaccine Mandate has been Dropped for Middle Schoolers! Last night, the amendments on the HPV vaccine mandate billAB659, were released.  We knew ahead of time there may be a victory.  It’s incredible that the mandate has been dropped.  THANK YOU! Your hard work is paying off! You keep answering the call to act and fight back with us.  You’ve registered your opposition, send letters, emails, phone calls, talk to your legislators, and more.  We know it takes a village to fight these bills and win in California. 

 On behalf of PERK, I can tell you the PERK Team works tirelessly to fight for you, your children, your medical freedom, your parental rights, and more.  We’ve been on the radio, on podcasts, we’ve flown up to the Capitol in January, February, and March, we’ve done extensive research, and we have met with key people such as the Education Committee Chair, and the author of this bill herself, including the Health Committee members, in order to educate them and to convince them to stop the HPV vaccine mandate bill.  These aren’t quick meetings.  These are sometimes hour-long meetings where we articulate the concerns and bring awareness to the grave issues at hand.  

 When we met with the author of the bill, we directly asked her to drop the mandate portion.  Surprisingly, she was unaware that California would be the only state to mandate the HPV vaccine without real and robust exemption. We addressed the legal issues, the unnecessary mandate, the barrier to education this bill would create on the heels of the pandemic.  I believe our teams were instrumental and sealed the deal at the Capitol as the bill author told us herself about the amendments, prior to their release last night. We asked Assemblywoman Aguiar-Curry to make the bills primarily focuses on insurance coverage, without a mandate.  Now, with the release of the amendments, we can confirm the HPV mandate on school age children is dropped. However, the fight is not over.  The bill now creates a mandate for college students.  We will address that in our next email.

 It's not an easy task to speak to those who disagree with you, yet I am so proud of my team who has done just that.  They have prepared resources to speak to and reach the Democrats, who are key to winning against bills like these.  With months of preparation, my team has given these resources out to you, our members, to other organization leaders, to attorneys, and alerted anyone willing to listen and act, and to do so now.  We have worked in collaboration with strategic partner organizations, other excellent leaders, and experts on the HPV vaccine’s legal issues.  We have amplified their resources.  The PERK team has given you the deadlines, the portal links, examples of what to say, and cheered you on to stand alongside us in this battle.  This is a victory for parents and all those who know choice should never be removed with medical decisions.

 We held meetings with the Democrats and Republicans to voice your concerns. This goes to show that our bi-partisan efforts are working.  Combined with every person's action, letters, and push on this bill, it’s making a difference and will lead to winning this battle.  As I heard the news of the mandate being dropped, my heart is full because of you, all of you. It takes a village, and with all our combined efforts, including yours, WE WILL CONTINUE TO WIN!!

Let’s see what happens over the next few days! Stay tuned.  We will keep all of you updated as soon as we hear anything.


Have a wonderful day and stay in this fight with us!

Amy Bohn

Stay alert for more details on next steps!

Please follow us on Instagram and Twitter @perk_group for latest updates.

Here is summary of the amendments.

  • Leaves insurance expansion coverage intact.

  • Removes the middle school HPV vaccine mandate to advance to 8th grade.

  • Creates a mandatory middle school notice to sent out to all 6th graders that HPV vaccination is expected before moving into the 8th grade instead of mandate.

  • Creates a new higher education HPV vaccine mandate for first-time enrollees under age 26 at CCC, CSU and U.C. (all colleges and universities), with only a medical exemption available.


Mail a Check:  Make it payable to PERK



3401 Grande Vista Dr. #723

Newbury Park, CA, 91319




PERK Venmo


Action Steps This Week: March 16th

AB 659 - HPV (Aguiar-Curry)

This bill would add human papillomavirus (HPV) to the described list of diseases for which immunization documentation is required for school. The bill would specifically prohibit the governing authority from unconditionally admitting or advancing any pupil to the 8th grade level of any private or public elementary or secondary school if the pupil has not been fully immunized against HPV.

The bill would clarify the department’s authority to adopt HPV-related regulations for grades below the 8th grade level. By creating new duties for school districts, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.

  • California would be the first state to have an HPV vaccine mandate without non-medical exemptions available (Personal or religious belief exemptions would not be available).

  • The bill would allow for the California Department of Health's authority to use HPV-related regulations for students

Action Steps

  1. Ask your outside organizations, unions, religious leaders and/or school district superintendents to submit an official letter of opposition opposing AB 659 to Assembly Health Committee via legislative portal. Submit letters by March 7th.

  2. Contact your Assemblymember (Find your Rep) to formally register your opposition to AB 659. Also, Phone and Email your letter to the CA Assembly Health Committee directly.

  3. Submit your letter of opposition ASAP via the Legislative Portal. Instructions here: how to submit a letter.

  4. Post a copy of your letter to legislators and tag all the Assembly Health Committee social media pages. Asking them “I have sent this to you today. Did you read my letter of opposition?” #NoOnAB659 Oppose unless vaccine mandate is removed.


Use these hashtags when posting #PERKgroup #Savethekids #protectourkids #CAleg #capolitics #cadems #caassembly #cabudget #parentsareessential #parents #children #PERKadvocacy #advocacy #forthekids #health #healthfreedom #mybodymychoice #choice #bodilyautonomy #healthequity #equityforstudents Oppose unless mandate is removed!

5 Reasons to remove HPV vaccine mandate in AB 659

 5 Reasons to remove HPV vaccine mandate in AB 659:

1.    Existing California law makes access to the HPV vaccine easily and readily available without parental consent or knowledge.

California already has 2 HPV policies:

  •  Children currently learn about HPV at school with the required sex ed curriculum, AND

  • California reproductive rights laws allow 8th graders/minors 12 and older to consent to the HPV vaccine, medical diagnosis, and treatment for sexually transmitted infections without parental knowledge or consent. (SB 158: Weiner)

Furthermore, California has policies for prevention education and access that appear to be effective based on rising HPV vaccination rates without mandating the vaccine for school enrollment. With a current HPV vaccination rate of 75% for adolescents without a mandate, the insurance portion of this bill will also expand access.

 There are more effective approaches to prevent the spread of hpv and lower the rate of cancer. Public health officials have long recommended the Pap test (also known as Pap Smear), which detects abnormalities in cervical tissue, and HPV DNA testing, as the most effective frontline public health response to the disease.

2.    In order to ensure a robust and diversified student population, the focus should be on minimal requirements for school enrollment.

HPV is not transmitted in a classroom setting and an HPV vaccine mandate is not necessary to be safe at school. School is compulsory and must be easily accessible for all children in California. Required Vaccine policies with limited exemptions have placed barriers for tens of thousands of students to attend public and private school. These type of medical intervention mandates take choice from parents, while adding distrust and skepticism to our education system.

Access rather than mandates support vaccination rates without risk of further impacting the enrollment rates. Mandated vaccinations and removal of exemptions has been a contributing factor for a concerning decrease in school enrollment since the 2014-2015 school year. Enrollment rates across the state have been in decline since the 2014-2015 school year, losing over 300,000 students in less than a decade. Working to improve cancer prevention without creating additional requirements for school enrollment is a priority.

          Vaccination Laws currently eliminating exemptions:

●     SB 277 (2015) Eliminated Personal and Religious Belief exemptions to immunization.

●     SB 276 (2019) Made the Medical Exemption unattainable for vaccine vulnerable families.

3.    Cancer prevention should not be a requirement for school enrollment.

A mandate to protect yourself from cancer is not a necessary requirement for children to participate in school when the HPV Vaccine manufacturer clearly states this vaccine DOES NOT PREVENT all HPV related cancer nor provides protection in ALL recipients. AB 659 “Cancer Prevention Act” directly contradicts the Vaccine manufacturers own fact sheet.

4.    Unlike other required vaccines, the HPV vaccine is the subject of multiple cases of current litigation for adverse reactions in teen girls. There have been over 59,831 serious adverse events including death. Considering that there is only 1 HPV vaccine available, and it is under scrutiny in the courts, this is not a good candidate for a statewide mandate. The law offices of Wisner Baum LLP, who represent hundreds of Gardasil injured girls and boys stated:

 “Hundreds of young women and men across the United States are filing lawsuits against the manufacturer of Gardasil (Merck) claiming Gardasil caused them to suffer serious life altering side effects, including death. Several cases are pending in various California state courts, and the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation recently consolidated all federally filed Gardasil cases before one judge in North Carolina.”