Action Steps This Week: March 1st

AB 659 - HPV (Aguiar-Curry)

This bill, the Cancer Prevention Act, would add human papillomavirus (HPV) to the described list of diseases for which immunization documentation is required for school. The bill would specifically prohibit the governing authority from unconditionally admitting or advancing any pupil to the 8th grade level of any private or public elementary or secondary school if the pupil has not been fully immunized against HPV.

The bill would clarify the department’s authority to adopt HPV-related regulations for grades below the 8th grade level. By creating new duties for school districts, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.

  • California would be the first state to have an HPV vaccine mandate without non-medical exemptions available (Personal or religious belief exemptions would not be available).

  • The bill would allow for the California Department of Health's authority to use HPV-related regulations for students

Action Steps

  1. Ask your outside organizations, unions, religious leaders and/or school district superintendents to submit an official letter of opposition opposing AB 659 to Assembly Health Committee via legislative portal. Submit letters by March 7th.

  2. Contact your Assemblymember (Find your Rep) to formally register your opposition to AB 659. Also, Phone and Email your letter to the CA Assembly Health Committee directly.

  3. Submit your letter of opposition no later than March 7th via the Legislative Portal. Instructions here: how to submit a letter.

  4. Post a copy of your letter to legislators and tag all the Assembly Health Committee social media pages. Asking them “I have sent this to you today. Did you read my letter of opposition?” #NoOnAB659


Use these hashtags when posting #PERKgroup #Savethekids #protectourkids #CAleg #capolitics #cadems #caassembly #cabudget #parentsareessential #parents #children #PERKadvocacy #advocacy #forthekids #health #healthfreedom #mybodymychoice #choice #bodilyautonomy #healthequity #equityforstudents


California AB 659-Cancer Prevention Act also known as the HPV Vaccine Mandate bill for school kids was introduced by Assembly Member Aguiar-Curry, and co-authored Assembly Members Wendy Carrillo, Friedman, Kalra, Ortega, Papan, and Blanca Rubio and Senator Wiener.  

AB 659 will require the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to attend 8-12 grade in public or private school, starting January 1 2024. 

The bill would clarify the department’s authority to adopt HPV-related regulations for grades below the 8th grade level. By creating new duties for school districts, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.

  • California would be the first state to have an HPV vaccine mandate without non-medical exemptions available. (No Personal or religious belief exemptions.)

  • The bill would allow for the California Department of Health's authority to use HPV-related regulations for students.

  • This bill is another obstacle for equal access to education.

Status of Bill

2/21/23 - This bill has been assigned to Assembly Health Committee. May be heard in committee March 15.


  1. Contact the CA Assembly Health Committee directly. By calling and emailing them directly.

  2. Submit your letter of opposition via the Legislative Portal by March 3rd. Instructions on how to do this here. Your letter of opposition submitted in this portal will be part of the legislative analysis.

  3. Meet with your CA Assembly Member office to discuss your opposition to AB 659. (Find your Rep)

  4. Meet with your Religious Leaders to ask them to oppose AB 659 via legislative portal.

  5. Meet with your School Board Members to discuss AB 659 and ask them to oppose the bill via legislative portal.

* As always, maintain a professional demeanor when communicating with legislators and leaders.

Submit your letter of opposition to the legislative portal by Friday March 3rd.

Ask organizations, faith leaders and unions to also submit their opposition as well. A significant factor in defeating bills last year was getting unions and outside organizations to show their unity in opposition to these bills. This shows the legislators who is opposing the bills and makes them think twice about their vote. 

Talking points to use when contacting your legislator:

1. This bill would continue to decrease school enrollment when families are forced into a medical intervention in order to attend school.

2. In order to increase school enrollment, there should be minimal requirements for kids to receive an education.

3. HPV is NOT transmitted in a classroom setting, is there an urgent need for this bill? 

We are more than happy to help you set up meetings with your legislator and consult with you on the best plan of action for your meeting!

If you are interested in a consult or hosting us to Educate your community on this bill, please email:


Click here for the full list of all colleges of that don’t have CV 19 vaccine mandates. *This list is for your reference only.
PLEASE VERIFY the status of a college's policies by checking the college’s website itself.
# Look for additional protocols required of unvaccinated students if any.
# Policies and website links change very frequently, and accordingly, the info here may no longer be current. And, now that CDC has changed recommendations, colleges may decide to make further changes.
# Check the remainder of the college's website for the college's most recent information, especially: (1) a coronavirus section (2) a student health section, where student immunization requirements may be listed.
# STUDENT EMPLOYEES and HEALTH SCIENCE STUDENTS are often subject to additional vaccine requirements not indicated here

California Bill AB 659: HPV vaccine mandate for school kids just introduced by Assembly Member Aguiar-Curry.

February 9, 2023, California AB 659- HPV vaccine mandate bill was introduced for school kids grade 8 and up by Assembly Member Aguiar-Curry, and co-authored Assembly Members Wendy Carrillo, Friedman, Kalra, Ortega, Papan, and Blanca Rubio and Senator Wiener.  

AB 659 will require the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to attend 8-12 grade in public or private school, starting January 1 2024. 

There is a long process before a bill can become a law. This bill has not been assigned to committees yet. But you can start taking action today to voice your opposition.

Action steps:

1) Meet with your CA Assembly Member office to discuss your opposition to AB 659.

2) Meet with your Religious Leaders to ask them to oppose AB 659.

3) Meet with your School Board Members to discuss AB 659 and ask them to oppose the bill.

* As always, maintain a professional demeanor when communicating with legislators and leaders

Please follow us on Twitter @perk_group for latest updates.