Oppose AB 659 - HPV Cancer Prevention Act (Aguiar-Curry)
Assembly Bill 659, also known as the HPV vaccine mandate bill has been amended. It removed the mandate for 8th graders, but now will add Human Papillomavirus (HPV) to the described list of diseases for which immunization documentation is required for all students, ages 18-26, enrolled in Community College, UC and Cal State Universties. Only a medical exemption will be available to opt out.
Oppose AB 659 - HPV Cancer Prevention Act (Aguiar-Curry)
Assembly Bill 659, also known as the HPV vaccine mandate bill has been amended. It removed the mandate for 8th graders, but now will add Human Papillomavirus (HPV) to the described list of diseases for which immunization documentation is required for all students, ages 18-26, enrolled in Community College, UC and Cal State Universties. Only a medical exemption will be available to opt out.
Although PERK supports the insurance part of this bill to increase access to care, the medical mandates are unacceptable. So we ask you to oppose AB 659, unless authors remove the vaccine mandates from this bill.
Assembly Health Committee Hearing: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 1:30 p.m. - 1021 O Street, Room 1100
postponed- Keep the PRESSURE on!
Reasons to remove HPV vaccine mandate in AB 659:
In order to ensure a robust and diversified student population, the focus should be on minimal requirements for school enrollment.
Cancer prevention should not be a requirement for school enrollment.
There are no current obtainable exemptions that would allow them to exercise their first amendment rights and respect their sincerely held religious beliefs.
University and Colleges allow for personal belief exemptions for Hep B vaccine.
HPV is not spread in the classroom.
Action Steps:
Click action campaign OPPOSE AB 659 to email and Tweet Assembly Health Committee Members.
Submit your letters of opposition to legislative portal ASAP to be included in the legislative analysis. Deadline is now. Instructions on how to submit letter.
Call Assembly Health Committee members. Capitol Offices M-Th, District Offices Friday. If out of district call after hours and leave a message
Assembly Health Committee Members to call.
Carlos Villapudua 209-948-7479 | 916-319-2013
Brian Maienschein 858-675-0760 | 916-319-2076
Kevin McCarty 916-324-4676 | 916-319-2006
Freddie Rodriguez 909-902-9606 | 916-319-2053
Joaquin Arambula 559-445-5532 | 916-319-2031
Miguel Santiago 213-620-4646 | 916-319-2054
Tasha Boerner Horvath 760-434-7605 | 916-319-2077
Marie Waldron 760-480-7570 | 916-319-2075
Heath Flora 209-599-2112 | 916-319-2009
Vince Fong 661-395-2995 | 916-319-2032
Joe Patterson 916-774-4430 | 916-319-2005
Sample script: “Hello, my name is _______________. I want to register my opposition with Assemblymember__________., please vote No or Abstain on AB 659, unless the HPV vaccine mandate for all students is removed. Thank you.
OPPOSE AB-1078 -- removes local authority over school districts. Instructional materials
Local school boards will lose their authority over curriculum, remove parents input and give all the power to the California Board of Education.
OPPOSE AB-1078 -- removes local authority over school districts. Instructional materials
Assembly Education Committee Hearing: Wednesday, March 29, 2023 @ 1:30 p.m. - 1021 O Street, Room 1100
As part of an Anti-Racism Bill Package, Assembly member Dr. Corey Jackson has introduced AB1078: Instructional materials: removing instructional materials and curriculum: diversity.
PERK supports efforts to combat racism and discrimination, but as an organization who advocates for education and parental rights, WE OPPOSE AB 1078. Local school boards will lose their authority over curriculum, remove parents input and give all the power to the California Board of Education. This will keep all text books and lesson plans written by union-favored authors that teach every topic through the lens of race, sexual orientation, and gender identity in schools, which is still a developing theory of education. Local districts would no longer have any say what is best for their community.
Reasons to oppose:
Removes local authority over school districts.
Cuts out parent input for their school district.
The bill is a broad approach that will create new, unintended obstacles for schools
Action Steps
Click our action campaign OPPOSE AB 1078 to email and Tweet Assembly Health Committee Members.
Submit your letters of opposition to legislative portal ASAP to be included in the legislative analysis. Deadline is now. Instructions on how to submit letter.
Call Assembly Health Committee members. Capitol Offices M-Th, District Offices Friday. If out of district call after hours and leave a message.
Assembly Education Committee Members to call.
Al Muratsuchi (Chair) (916) 319-2066,
Juan Carrillo (916) 319-2039
Alex Lee (916) 319-2024
Kevin McCarty (916) 319-2006
Sharon Quirk-Silva (916) 319-2067
Megan Dahle (Vice Chair) (916) 319-2001
Josh Hoover (916) 319-2007
Sample script: “Hello, my name is _______________. I want to register my opposition with Assembly member__________, please vote No or Abstain on AB 1078. Do not remove local authority over school districts. This will affect my child and remove authority from the people we elected.