PERK Welcomes Tulsi Gabbard

Join PERK for an exclusive pre-release event for Tulsi Gabbard's new book, For Love of Country: Leave the Democrat Party Behind.

PERK is honored to welcome Tulsi as our Keynote Speaker on Saturday, April 27 at 5:30pm at a private venue in Los Angeles to discuss her new book. All guests who purchase tickets will receive a free copy of the book at the event before it’s released on April 30. 

This will be an unforgettable evening filled with compelling conversation, unparalleled elegant ambiance and delicious cuisine.  

General tickets are $250 and $2,500 for tables of 10.

*VIP tickets are limited and will include a meet and greet with Tulsi & photo opportunity. 

For more information and to view tickets & sponsorship opportunities go to:

For Love of Country: Leave the Democrat Party Behind By Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi Gabbard was the rising star of the Democrat Party. But the growing wokeness, fomenting racism, and intolerance were more than she could stomach, and she left. This is her story and a call to action to Americans who love our country and cherish peace and freedom.

A combat veteran, 4-term member of Congress, and 2020 presidential candidate, Tulsi loves her country: “I answered the call to serve and swore an oath, dedicating my life to supporting and defending the Constitution, both in uniform and in public office. I have always been an independent-minded person but became a Democrat when I first ran for office because I saw a party that stood up for the little guy, free speech and civil liberties. That party is no more.”

Now an Independent, Tulsi calls on those who love America to stand up for peace, defend freedom and protect our democratic republic from those seeking to undermine it at every turn. It’s time to leave the Democrat party behind.

About the Author – Tulsi Gabbard

4-term Congresswoman and 2020 Presidential Candidate Tulsi Gabbard is a combat veteran and Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve, author, and keynote speaker. She was elected to the Hawaii Legislature at the age of twenty-one, served on three deployments to the Middle East and Africa, represented Hawaii’s 2nd Congressional District from 2013 to 2021, and was Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee. She left the Democrat Party in 2022.

Parents Not Partisans Event Recap

The Parents Not Partisans Summit in Sacramento, sponsored by different organizations including PERK Advocacy, took place on March 12th and 13th, 2024. The event had informative sessions on education protection, parents’ rights, and Capitol issues.

More than 150 parents, school board members, and candidates across California met in Sacramento for CPC's Parents, Not Partisans Summit. CPC’s Lance Christensen moderated a series of panel discussions with some of California’s most high-profile parental rights advocates and education reform leaders, such as Amy Bohn, PERK President, Asm. Bill Essayli, and Conner Boyack, president of the Libertas Institute and creator of the popular Tuttle Twins children’s series! Other panelists included:

*The event was made possible by CPC donors and sponsors: PERK Advocacy, California Parents for Public Virtual Education, and Californians for Equal Rights Foundation.


Rally at the U.S. Supreme Court To Reclaim and Protect Free Speech

On March 19th, 2024, As the Supreme Court hears the oral argument in the case of Murthy v. Missouri (formerly Missouri v. Biden), hundreds gather on the SCOTUS steps to advocate for free speech.

Speakers included the following:

  • Michael Kane, Teachers for Choice

  • Mary Holland, President of CHD

  • Dr. Pierre Kory, FLCCC

  • Sujata Gibson, Health Freedom Attorney

  • Jeffrey A Tucker, Brownstone Institute

  • Mikki Willis Filmmaker

  • Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, Plaintiff, Psychiatrist

  • Del Bigtree, HighWire, ICAN

  • Amy Bohn, President of PERK

...and many more!!

The Rally to Reclaim Free Speech - March 18th, 2024

Join PERK at “The Rally to Reclaim Free Speech” in Washington D.C.


Speakers: CHD President Mary Holland, FLCCC’s Pierre Kory, M.D. and Paul Marik, M.D., ICAN Founder Del Bigtree, Aaron Kheriaty, M.D., TrialSiteNews Founder Daniel O’Connor, Christina Parks, Ph.D., PERK President and Co-Founder Amy Bohn and more to be announced!


Supreme Court of the United States,
1 First Street, NE,
Washington, DC 20543


March 18, 2024 @ 9 a.m. ET

Sen. Ron Johnson Leads Roundtable Discussion Exposing COVID Response

We had an opportunity to travel to Washington D.C. on Feb. 26th, 2024 to attend a round table COVID response briefingFederal Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What are They Hiding? , lead by U.S. Senator Ron Johnson. There was a diverse panel of experts that exposed the truth about COVID and the global response.

The speakers shed light on how federal health agencies, Big Pharma, Legacy Media, and Big Tech – engaged in censorship. As well as the coverups, the failures and the corruption of the global elite and their institutions.

The topics discussed included COVID-19 vaccines, the history of vaccine-injury coverup, the corruption of medical research and federal health agencies, censorship and propaganda, COVID responses in other countries, and the proposed World Health Organization (WHO) treaty.

It was an impactful event.  I was sincerely blown away by the content of what each expert shared.  They shared truth, knowledge, and facts.  It was incredible.  I highly recommend watching it.  The consensus from all the panel experts was clear.  What are they not hiding?

The American people have been betrayed by those in authority who were trusted to fulfill their obligation to protect the people.  Instead, the transparency that must exist in government is non- existent.  Those who speak the truth in each industry are censored, attacked, threatened, bullied, and their vital information is being suppressed.  The propaganda machine manipulates and preys on a fearful public. What does that tell us? If the best doctors and researchers in the world cannot speak against the narrative, to tell us the truth, no matter how counter it is to the narrative, we all should be asking ourselves what the significance of this moment is.

Some of those speaking the truth are facing criminal charges for simply speaking a different opinion than their government.  Do we live in “1984” where our own thoughts are policed, and our actions are under surveillance? Emails and contracts between our government, regulatory agencies, and the pharmaceutical companies, are being blacked out.

There’s a reason the uptake on the COVID 19 shot is at an all-time low.  Only 15% of Canadians are taking the COVID shot, which means 85% are no longer getting the COVID shot.  This information came directly from a Canadian Parliament member himself. A Romanian Parliament member shared how many people died the day the COVID shot was released.

If the best scientists, journalists, researchers, and doctors are being censored then it’s up to you and me to share their message with everyone we know and get the truth out.  One thing we can all do is share this round table event with everyone we know and transcend censorship.  We encourage all to continue to support PERK in our effort to protect your freedoms.  Just wait until you hear what the COVID 19 shot uptake is in America.  I'll share that in the next newsletter.  



Amy Bohn

President of PERK

See below for some of the highlights of the Roundtable discussion.

Senator Ron Johnson - "Someone needs to make them pay and we need safeguards so that this doesn't happen again."

Dr. Jessica Rose

"In 2021 ... a 1417% INCREASE in [vaccine adverse event] reporting occurred, whereby 93% of these reports were in the context of the Covid-19 products."

"One America CEO Scott Davison, in a chamber of commerce meeting, revealed that he had seen 40% excess mortality ... for 25 through 64. He said that a 10% increase would be once in a 200-year-flood or three standard deviation event. 40% was off the charts."

Del Bigtree, host of The Highwire and CEO of ICAN - “Millions of children are being injured around the world.”

Dr. Brian Hooker

"For every one child that is saved from death from COVID-19, there are 30 child deaths associated with the COVID-19 vaccine."

Barbara Loe Fisher

Testimony of Sen. Ron Johnson Roundtable on Federal Health Agencies and COVID Cartel Fisher talks about demonization and discrimination against parents and vaccine victims ...

Kevin McKernan - “Years of censorship: DNA contamination discovered in the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines.”

It is truly alarming that out of the FDA's 20,000 employees, Dr. David Gortler is the ONLY one to speak out. With over 13 billion doses of the Covid vaccine given worldwide, there still isn't a vaccine label displaying its potential side effects.

DR. Harvey Risch

“The virus origin cover up and the forced vaccination of the entire planet were orchestrated to protect the integrity of the bioweapons industry.”

Dr. Bret Weinstein emphasized that “Those who won’t buckle will be marginalized.” The evolutionary biologist, the story of whose rude awakening to the fascism threatening to take over our world features prominently in Dennis Prager and Adam Corolla’s 2019 No Safe Spaces, addressed the primary theme of the hearing. He asserted that our current challenge extends beyond federal agencies and the COVID cartel, stating, “We are being systematically blinded. We must fight back or we will enter another dark age.”

Mattias Desmet

“As society falls prey to propaganda, it becomes ever more clear that there is an urgent need for what the ancient Greeks called Parrhesia or sincere speech. From a psychological point of view, it can be argued crystal clear that Truth Speech both inhibits mass-formation (and hence also totalitarian systems which are always based on mass-formation) and the root cause of mass-formation, which is the disconnectedness and loneliness.”

Lara Logan

“In the name of preventing the spread of disinformation, they censor, silence, intimidate, and punish.”

Dr. Robert Malone - Update on the COVID modified mRNA vaccines. A brief survey and synopsis, as requested by the Senator.

"My clinical trials companies were also banned and censored from advertising on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Remember, I do clinical trials for a living and never as a clinical trial doctor have I not been able to advertise to recruit for a trial on social media...It is nearly impossible to publish data that goes against the national public health narrative...What we saw this pandemic was the price of the stock mattered more than the price of a life."

“Ivermectin proven effective in study with over half a million patients. Ivermectin is often recognized–2nd to penicillin–for having the greatest impact on human health. Its discovery even won the Nobel Prize. But propagandists told you it was “horse dewormer.””

Randy Hillier - “While Canadian politicians try to runaway from their devilish actions-Hillier provides a detailed description on how the Ontario government knew they overreacted during the "pandemic," but were manipulated into promoting the Con Job.”

Dr. Sorin Muncaciu

Dr. Sorin Titus Muncaciu, speaking about Covid green certificate, says that after communist dictatorship in Romania, it is "in our genes to distrust the government," so "I definitely opposed that."

“American reporters are all conflicted. They can't bite the hand that feeds them. They can't possibly investigate the most important stories of our time.”

Philip Kruse

Regarding the IHR amendments - “This is the information that is hidden from the people and that everybody must know with respect to these new pandemic agreements both of these legal instruments are technically International agreements they are concluded between 194 member states but they involve a has as a Target and objective the World Health Organization as a third party number two these Agreements are negotiated without taking into consideration the massive and undeniable amount of data and of scientific evidence about the collateral damages of the global pandemic management of the WHO and the WHO as probably most governments are still today in a state of total denial with respect to these collateral damages …”

Rob Roos

The #WHO already has the exclusive power to declare a pandemic. It also has the exclusive power to declare its end. Now, it wants the worldwide power to impose restrictions & bypass democracy during a pandemic. We have 3 months to stop this.

Dr. Ryan Cole ended his brief speech with this memorable and relevant quote from Patrick Henry in 1775:

“Are we disposed to be in the number of those who, having eyes, see not; having ears, hear not?”

“…Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased with chains or slavery? … I know not what course others may take; but, as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” 


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