News — PERK

Over 100k educational resources were provided...

Today, we are so thrilled to acknowledge that over 100k educational resources were provided to individuals & groups over the past year. Resources to educate about California legislation, how to get involved, and oppose bad bills/policies. Thank you for YOUR support in attending or hosting a PERK town hall, helping to pass on PERK resources, taking so much of your time to oppose these bad bills, and ask others to do the same. We applaud you for your efforts in getting involved and staying engaged.

Action Call

Please ask Governor Newsom to VETO the following bills before Sept. 30 by taking the following action steps.

  1. Call Governor Newsom’s office (916) 445-2841

  2. Click on ONE MINUTE ACTION links below and via Governor Newsom’s Office portal to email you demand for a VETO.

3. Tag @GavinNewsom on Twitter #VETO (bill number)

@GovPressOffice @GavinNewsom @CAgovernor telling him to VETO AB 2098, AB 1797, SB 1479, SB 1940

Sample statements:
#VetoSB1419: We don’t want our children’s medical records concealed from parents

#VetoAB2098: Punishes doctors for a having a different medical opinion that government narrative. CA Medical Board already has the ability to discipline doctors for causing harm to patients.

#VetoAB1797: No opt out of registry for private consumers, nor undocumented immigrants. Government agencies will have access to your private medical records.

#VetoSB1479: Unnecessary continuous COVID testing in schools, costing $1 billion a year.

#VetoAB1940: School Based Health Centers with no parental consent. Who is liable?

4. Share with others to do the same via social media, email, and text.


THANK YOU for helping us conduct over 300 Advocacy Meetings.

Dear PERK Members,

Today, we want to THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for helping us to conduct over 300 Advocacy Meetings with Legislators, Board of Supervisors, City Council, Sheriffs, Board Of Education Members, Superintendents, and more. So many wonderful mothers, fathers, grandparents, citizens, Democrats, Republicans, vaccinated, non-vaccinated, faith-filled individuals and and Community Leaders reached out to speak about the proposed legislation and express their concerns. 

For many, it was their first time calling and getting involved. For that we thank all of you for helping to make a difference in your local community. We had the pleasure of meeting so many new faces at Advocacy Day this past June and we were thrilled to see so many familiar faces during the last day of the Legislative season on August 31st. We applaud you for your efforts this legislative season in your communities..


Your donations helped save 35,000 children from being kicked out of in-person school in LA! Tuesday, September 20

Dear PERK Members,

Thank you for the overwhelming support that we have seen over the past few days during our first Fall fundraising campaign- appropriately titled Together We Are Stronger. We have already raised over $32,000 thanks to your generosity!

Please continue to help us reach our goal of $500,000 so that we can continue to advocate for children, protect children’s rights, parental rights, civil rights issues, bodily autonomy, medical freedom, and more.

Today we celebrate the fact that PERK, as one of the plaintiffs, with YOUR support, saved 35,000 children from being kicked out of in-person school in LA.

We invite you to view our School Lawsuits filed on behalf of PERK.


YOU helped protect 6,000,000 children

Dear PERK friend and supporter,  

A message of gratitude to YOU as we reflect daily during the month of September on our accomplishments together during our Together We Are Stronger Fall fundraising campaign! Please enjoy the images below as we thank you for your generosity in helping us to fund multiple lawsuits leading to the protection of 6,000,000 school age children. 

PERK joined these lawsuits because of the devastating effect the unlawful mandate would have on children and families in California. Learn more about the multiple lawsuits filed by PERK.
