THANK YOU for helping us conduct over 300 Advocacy Meetings. — PERK

THANK YOU for helping us conduct over 300 Advocacy Meetings.

Dear PERK Members,

Today, we want to THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for helping us to conduct over 300 Advocacy Meetings with Legislators, Board of Supervisors, City Council, Sheriffs, Board Of Education Members, Superintendents, and more. So many wonderful mothers, fathers, grandparents, citizens, Democrats, Republicans, vaccinated, non-vaccinated, faith-filled individuals and and Community Leaders reached out to speak about the proposed legislation and express their concerns. 

For many, it was their first time calling and getting involved. For that we thank all of you for helping to make a difference in your local community. We had the pleasure of meeting so many new faces at Advocacy Day this past June and we were thrilled to see so many familiar faces during the last day of the Legislative season on August 31st. We applaud you for your efforts this legislative season in your communities..
