The HEAT is on! Legislative Session Reconvenes August 14th. — PERK

The HEAT is on! Legislative Session Reconvenes August 14th.

SUMMER SESSION IS OVER! We hope you enjoyed the summer break and had a chance to meet with your legislator. The CA state legislature reconvenes on Monday August 14th. The bills we are currently advocating against will be pushed through the next few weeks. Your actions and advocacy will be pivotal these next 2 months. Several of the bills we are following have already been set for a hearing date and are a few votes away from getting to the Governor's desk for a final signature.  

PERK has been heavily involved in politics since the start of our organization in 2019, we are noticing a dangerous pattern of policy that looks to eliminate your parental rights in every way. Last year's bills showed what extreme legislators are capable of when they don’t have people like you advocating to protect your children. We have won battle after battle in this arena because we are willing to be in the fight and have the difficult conversations. Our PERK team feels the exhaustion and the burn out that you also feel when we are faced with a mountain of extreme policy that we cannot easily take down. Despite that overwhelm, we must fill our cups, take care of our families and continue this fight for the next generation. History repeats and we have the power to create what the future looks like, our actions now will echo into the world for eternity. This is a fight we refuse to pass onto our kids and we are honored to stand alongside you!

Take Action Today

Take action on important California bills. Send an email to your legislator to let them know you oppose or support. We’ve made it easy — click the Take Action buttons below each bill. Also, please submit your official opposition letter to the legislative portal.

Other Action steps:

  1. Call your legislator and schedule a time to meet. 

  2. Print out our Bills Graphic and use it as a tool to initiate the concerns you have. 

  3. Contact your local school board and make them aware of the bills, ask that they oppose them too. 

  4. Attend School Board meetings where parents are already activated into action and share the bills with them. Many people don't understand that the root cause of the Gender Ideology policies start in Sacramento.

  5. Visit our Take Action Link to email and tweet your legislator.

  6. Be sure to submit your official letter of opposition to these bill through the legislative portal to be apart of public record and bill analysis.

  7. Rally with the parents on August 21st in Sacramento and August 22nd in Los Angeles. 

  8. Share this information with others concerned citizens and have them take action as well.

California Legislative session reconvenes Monday, August 14th.

AB 665

consent to mental health services (Carillo)

Removes the requirement that children must be a danger to themselves or others, or be alleged incest or abuse victims, before seeking care without their parents’ consent. This will remove the guardrails that prevent abuse of current law, so instead of cases of emergency, mental health professionals or school psychologists can refer for treatment and/or send a child to residential shelter services for any reason without parental consent.

Status of Bill: Sen 3rd Reading - Asm Bills 08-14-2023 #75

AB 957

Family law: gender identity

AB 957 Obligates a judge to include gender identity affirmation by parent as part of the deciding criteria when awarding custody in family court.  Changes SECTION 1. Section 3011 of the Family Code to the health, safety, and welfare of of the child. (B) As used in this paragraph, the health, safety, and welfare of the child includes, among other comprehensive factors, a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity or gender expression. Affirmation includes a range of actions and will be unique for each child, but in every case must promote the child’s overall health and well-being.Read more

Status of Bill: Senate 3rd Reading - Asm Bills 08-14-2023 #147


Change of gender and sex identifier.

The intent of AB 223 is to limit access to information about sex identified at birth (birth certificate, name, sex, gender identifiers, etc.) It hides the minors' records who seek changes of name and gender by making the records confidential.

Status of Bill: Sen 3rd Reading - Asm Bills 08-14-2023 #52

SB 407

Foster care: resource families (Wiener, Lee, Low)

SB 407 will not allow foster children to be placed in homes if you will not or cannot affirm their self-selected gender identity. This bill would make foster families sign forms stating they will affirm the foster child's gender, even if it is against their religious beliefs. 

Status of Bill: Asm Appropriations Committee Hearing Date: 08/16/23


AB 1078

Instructional materials and curriculum:

This bill would remove local school districts from the equation of deciding the best literature and curriculum for the communities served. 

Local school districts will lose their authority over curriculum and give all the power to the County Superintendent and California Board of Education. It includes financial penalties to school districts who don’t comply.

Status of Bill: Sen Appropriations Committee Hearing Date: 08/21/23


SB 596

School employees: protection

This bill would specify, for purposes of the above-described offense, that “substantial disorder” includes substantial disorder at any meeting of the governing board of a school district, the governing body of a charter school, a county board of education, or the State Board of Education.

The broad bill language targets involved parents who are passionately speaking out to defend their children’s innocence and improve their quality of education.

Status of Bill: Asm. Appropriations Committee Hearing Date: 08/16/23


How a bill becomes a law in California.
