Victory For All as Mandate Drops for College Students

Dear PERK Members,

I am so proud of you and incredibly moved by this morning’s news.  Last night new amendments came in on the HPV vaccine bill, AB659.  I woke up this morning to endless text messages. The mandate on college students was removed!

Official Joint Statement from ICAN Legislate and PERK Advocacy on AB659 

PERK Advocacy and ICAN Legislate celebrate the removal of the HPV vaccine mandate for school age children and college age students.  In less than 4 months, our lobbyist provided critical meetings with the Health Committee Chair, Health Committee Members, and the bill author herself, Aguiar-Curry which turned the tide on AB659, the HPV mandate bill for children and college students.  This strategic action and partnership have already produced significant results in defeating the mandate portions of the HPV vaccine bill (AB659).  As two powerhouse organizations, we came together to protect medical freedom. Great things will only continue to happen.  

 PERK Advocacy & ICAN Legislate

We, like you, continue to choose how to face each day.  You are willing to fight for your freedoms and your children.  You are dedicated to truth and willing to unite with people of all walks of life.

Margaret Mead was right when she said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens, can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

This is a great day for all of us on this road of preserving choice.  I want to encourage you that no matter what, where, how long, or whatever the cost may be, together we will finish what we started.  We are blessed by the dedication, tenacity, and strength of good people doing their part.  We ask you to continue to stand alongside us in this great battle for freedom.


Amy Bohn

PERK President 

A word from The Highwire’s Del Bigtree