These bills still need to be stopped!

Why are these bills so bad? Individually they seem harmless, some may even seem like a good idea. But when you see how they all build on each other, you see the the foundation that is being laid down. If, SB 866 passes to change consent to vaccination to age 15, the gateway is open to all these other bills. This will allow for insurmountable coercion, bullying and duress for minors to succumb to a medical procedure/treatment they may not want or should not have. This will usurp parent’s protective authority to decide what is in the best interest for their child’s health. This will hide the medical information from parents/guardians. Essentially transferring authority over your child to the state. Please continue to educate legislators and to demand they oppose the following bad bills.

SB 866
Minors: vaccine consent (Wiener)
This bill would authorize a minor 15 years of age or older to consent to vaccines.

SB 1184

Confidentiality of Medical Information Act: school-linked services coordinators This bill will change the California Medical Privacy act to authorize a health care provider or service plan to disclose your child’s medical information to a school-linked services coordinator.

SB 1419

Health Information (Becker) This bill would prohibit the representative of a minor from inspecting the minor’s patient record when the records relate to certain services, including medical care related to the prevention or treatment of pregnancy, as specified. This bill goes hand in hand with SB 866.

SB 1479

COVID19 testing in schools: COVID19 testing plans (PAN) Requires schools to continue COVID19 testing.

AB 1797
Development of a state immunization registry (Weber)
Creates a state-mandated digital immunization registry for every vaccine. This bill will “require” health care providers and other agencies, including schools, childcare facilities, family childcare homes, and county human services agencies to disclose specified immunization information”, with no “opt out” provision.

AB 1940

School-Based Health Center Support Program The bill would authorize a school-based health center to provide primary medical care (including immunizations), behavioral health services, or dental care services onsite or through mobile health or telehealth. School-based health centers shall collect and report data to the California Public Health Department. To integrate the school-based health center in the school or local educational agency’s community school model.

CALL, EMAIL and MEET with your legislator now to demand they oppose these bills.