Teachers, Fire Fighters, Nurses, Parents Rally Against Vaccine Passport Mandate - Aug. 21


Californians Rally Against LA City Council Mandating Vaccine Passports

Parents, Teachers, Nurses, Fire Fighters, First Responders + More join in unison!

Saturday, August 21st at 12pm, Tongva Park in Santa Monica

Santa Monica -- August 20, 2021 --
In protest of the Los Angeles City Council’s upcoming vote on August 24th and 25th to mandate Vaccine Passports for the City of Los Angeles, medical freedom groups, religious leaders, college students, first responders and parents rights groups will rally and demonstrate peacefully at Tongva Park in Santa Monica on Saturday, August 21, 2021. This family friendly event will feature a lineup of prominent speakers including medical professionals, first responders and other local business constituents who stand to lose their jobs and access to society if they do not agree to get injected with an experimental drug.

A Vaccine Passport, presented in the form of a proof of vaccination law, if implemented in the City of Los Angeles will severely trample the rights of the people and businesses who live, work or visit the city. While the Vaccine Passport divides and segregates people, the groups listed below prefer to do the opposite and want to bring people together united under one cause – Medical Freedom. They are parents, sons, daughters, doctors, nurses, college students, lawyers, teachers, students, religious leaders, business owners, veterans, city employees, police officers, first responders, firemen, and ANGELINOS united together to stop Vaccine Passports and bring healing to Los Angeles through education and unity not through propaganda, censorship, forced vaccination and segregation.

On August 21st, Californians from across the state will stand as a unified body to claim that as individuals and parents they will not allow themselves or their children to be used as collateral damage by the trillion dollar pharmaceutical companies, lobbyists and proponents of social credit systems. They have the right to decide what goes into their bodies. They gather as a collective body to send the message to elected representatives in the Los Angeles local area, and also in Sacramento, that they will not accept Vaccine Passport mandates in any form.

The S.O.S California No Vaccine Passport Rally is a presentation by these organizations:
California Parents United; Latinos for Medical Freedom; Protection of the Educational Rights of Kids; Freedom Angels; Children’s Health Defense CA Chapter; Advocates for Physicians Rights; America’s Frontline Doctors; Central Coast Health Coalition; Califree Santa Monica; Freedom of Religion - United Solutions; Lexit; Mama Bears Radio; Vaccine Injury Awareness League; UtahRevival.com; Million Mamas Movement, and more.

WHAT -- The S.O.S California No Vaccine Passport Rally
On August 24th and 25th, the Los Angeles City Council will vote whether to implement a Vaccine Passport system for the City of Los Angeles. This will prohibit residents, visitors or anyone within the city bounds of Los Angeles from entering inside an establishment without proof of having received the Covid vaccine. This vaccine is authorized only under Emergency Use by the FDA and is an experimental medical technology Even if FDA approval is granted, to discriminate against any person who has not participated in receiving a Covid vaccine is unlawful and egregious. This mandate will divide the residents, business owners, and visitors of this city and cause irreparable harm to the economy and vitality of Los Angeles.

WHO - Speakers:
Leigh Dundas, Esq. - Lawyer advocate for Freedom of Health Choices
Will Witt - Prager University - radio & TV show host
Noelle Fitchett - Turning Point USA Ambassador, Host of "Out of Context" Podcast

Pastor Jack Hibbs - Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills

Dr. Cordie Williams -Former Marine, Chiropractor -Family Wellness Center

Pastor Allen Jackson - Pastor - World Outreach Church (WOC)

Amala Ekpunobi - Singing - the National Athem

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: local firefighters, first responders, nurses, teachers, parents, local Latino community leaders and others who are being threatened with job loss across the state if they do not comply.

WHEN -- Saturday, August 21, 2021
Press Check In*: 11:00am - 12:00pm

Rally and Speakers: 12:00pm - 4:00pm

* Media Opportunities Pre-Event & On Site upon request


Tongva Park - 1615 Ocean Avenue,

Santa Monica, California 90401

(corner of Ocean Avenue & Colorado)

*Entrance on Ocean Avenue

MEDIA CONTACT -- Tracy Henderson
Cell: 831-917-1583;

PreEvent Media Contact: - Dawna Shuman

Cell: 818.632.3296; dslighthousepr@aol.com

We, the citizens of Los Angeles firmly stand against vaccine passports

for these reasons:

1. The Vaccine Passport will breed more hate in Los Angeles. It will make a two-tiered society. This Vaccine Passport is the pre-cursor to a digital infrastructure that not only controls entrance into indoor spaces, but controls education, employment, travel, finances, and potentially all movement or interaction in society.

2. Vaccine Passports violate the very first principle of the Nuremberg Code of Ethics which states that the voluntary consent of the human subject before being entered into a medical trial is absolutely essential. However, threats of increasing one’s health insurance or firing them if they won't get vaccinated is forcing someone into participating in a medical procedure. Coercion is not consent!

3. The Vaccine Passport will not address the problem of the Covid 19 outbreak. Those who take the vaccine can still get and transmit the virus. Currently, blame is placed on the people who choose not to take the vaccine, claiming with no scientific backing that the pandemic is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” when currently fully vaccinated people are still dying from Covid and filling up hospitals. This labeling is reminiscent of the same hate stirred up in the 1930s and 1940s, blaming Jews for spreading diseases they did not have.

4. The Vaccine Passport does not take into account natural immunity valid and would force people who are already immune to Covid 19 to take the shot.

5. The Vaccine Passport violates medical privacy and makes private medical matters public.

6. The Vaccine Passport will hurt small business owners when their customers will no longer be allowed in their stores.

7. First Responders and City Employees were on the front lines all year. Most of them have already contracted Covid 19 doing their jobs and now they are being forced to take a vaccine that they do not need or want. Our heroes should not be made zeros because they refuse to take a vaccine.

8. Once we give up our rights, they can add any booster to this ordinance and those who do not want to take another vaccine such as a third or fourth booster. It is now being said that boosters may be needed every 8 months.

9. The Vaccine Passport is discriminatory and will bring segregation back as it has already started to. Those who are not vaccinated will not be allowed to participate in society as those who have been vaccinated.

10. The Vaccine Passport will breed more hate in Los Angeles. It will make a two-tiered society like what occurred in Nazi Germany where Jews were used as a scapegoat. They were called disease spreaders. This Vaccine Passport blames the people who choose not to take the vaccine claiming with no scientific backing that the pandemic is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” when currently fully vaccinated people are still dying from Covid and filling up hospitals. Labeling someone an anti-vaxxer merely because they have questions surrounding a new experimental shot with no long term studies conjures up the same hate as “dirty Jew” did in the 1930s and 1940s, blaming Jews for spreading diseases they did not have.


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