School Legal Updates

LAUSD Lawsuit

We are putting the finishing touches on our amended Petition to include additional, egregious harms to LAUSD families and children, while serving aggressive discovery to find out the details behind LAUSD's policies.

The Amended Petition will expand the scope of our original lawsuit, bringing new claims to address additional horrors occurring as a result of LAUSD's policies. To that end, our fearless warriors at Facts Law Truth Justice sent counsel for LAUSD the attached letter, regarding its new masking requirements. Please share this letter far and wide and encourage parents throughout California to use it. We need to push back on these policies at every level, and these schools and representatives need to know you know the law, your rights, and the latest "science"!

click on letter for pdf

Piedmont Unified Lawsuit

On Tuesday, January 11, at 1:30 p.m. our attorneys will be in court remotely seeking an ex parte order staying the Piedmont resolution. This hearing is remote and private. Therefore, please keep our attorneys - and Judge Seligman - in your prayers. Pray that Facts Law Truth Justice communicate the bases for their request clearly and persuasively, and that Judge Seligman hears and agrees with them and has the courage to and does grant their request in its entirety. We will provide you with the ruling of that hearing as soon as we have it.