Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, Presidential Campaign Launch.

Dear PERK Members,

We took a last-minute quick trip to Boston, MA on April 19th, for the presidential campaign launch of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.  Because PERK is a non-profit, 501 C3, as an entity we cannot officially endorse Bobby Kennedy for President.  Our organization is bipartisan in the work we do and always have been.  We appreciate all leaders who stand for freedom, regardless of the political letter next to their name.  This email serves as a description of what it was like to attend his campaign launch. 

Honestly, it was spectacular, meaningful, and impactful. It was a memorable and possibly a once in a lifetime experience. The ambiance of the beautiful banquet room decorated with American flags, symbols of freedom, and patriotism showed everywhere.  The tv screens complimented the stage, which was set up with flags, and a stage of diverse people.  The columns and balcony in the room were stunning; as red, white, and blue stripes hung from each balcony.

There was a section for the live band and mini orchestra who played patriotic songs during the program.  “America the Beautiful” was sung by a talented artist whose voice penetrated our hearts with words and themes of love, God, and freedom.

At the front of the room, close to the stage, we were seated in the friends and family section.  It was joyful and exciting to see so many people we know, work with, and love.  Friends new and old, colleagues, neighbors, our own doctor, lawyers, and more from the medical freedom movement.  It was exciting to experience the moment as a collective group of freedom leaders from our different spaces, geographies, and expertise.

Hearing the chants of “Bobby,” “RFK,” and endless cheering, was symbolic for the freedom people have engraved on their hearts and the desire for a real leader to protect those freedoms.  Hearing the crowd cheer after each articulation of truth was beautiful.  We all wanted more.  Just to hear it.  Maybe the meaningfulness runs deeper than imagined as hearing the message together, as a group of people, standing in unity, cheering in unity, perhaps lifted us all to a destined hope that this moment can ignite a fire towards victory for freedom.

The Kennedy name and family are a legacy in our country.  The Kennedy’s have been loved by the people, from JKF to RFK Senior, to RFK Jr.  They have lived a legacy of extraordinary global and country impact.  Their ideas and leadership have been revolutionary to the point of threatening the deep state, exposing the corruption of the intelligence agencies, and dismantling the goliaths to protect the people.  RFK Jr. is positioned to fulfill his destiny as a Kennedy and continue the legacy of his uncle and father.  A legacy that deserves respect and honor as the Kennedy family has known loss, suffering, and tragedy, unlike others.  In the tragedy, there’s also the light in this legacy that creates light in the darkness, and hope for the future. 

You and I will have a choice to make in 2024.  We will each have an opportunity to choose who we want as President of the United States.  You may choose the current President, a formidable Democrat challenger like, Robert Kennedy Jr., the Libertarian Nominee, or the Republican Nominee.  Whomever you choose, remember to choose a leader who can address the issues and concerns you value most.  Choose someone who is authentic, loves this country, and can defend her in this unique time of history.

The independents, conservatives, republicans, liberals, libertarians, and democrats, all have been hungry for a leader who will show integrity, strength, and courage to face the unique tyranny born and unleashed through lock downs, mandates, and the violation of our God-given rights.  The tenants and ideals in the constitution are hanging by the sheer will of liberty warriors in this nation and across the globe.  So many liberals and democrats left their party during COVID.  This creates a perfect opportunity to reach these same people who are disenchanted.  I encourage everyone to choose and support a candidate who will rise truly for the people.

Regardless of your political views, we can all celebrate the legacy the Kennedy’s have given America. This is a historic and legacy moment for not just another Kennedy. As a warrior and champion in the health freedom movement, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launching his bid for the presidency, is a positive step forward for all of us who care about freedom.


Amy Bohn