AB 1078 headed to Governor Newsom’s Desk.

*PERK supports efforts to combat racism and discrimination, but as an organization who advocates for education and parental rights, WE OPPOSE AB 1078

AB-1078 - Instructional materials and curriculum

This bill would remove local school districts from the equation of deciding the best literature and curriculum for the communities served. Local school districts will lose their authority over curriculum and give all the power to the County Superintendent and California Board of Education. It includes financial penalties to school districts who don’t comply.

AB 1078 was passed out of Senate Thursday, Sept. 7th and passed out of Assembly concurrence in the same afternoon. It’s on a fast track to become law and now on the Governor’s desk. Take action immediately to oppose this bill.


1. Call Governor Newsom’s office. Urge him to Veto Ab 1078.

Capitol Phone Main line

(916) 445-2841

Los Angeles Office


San Francisco Office


Riverside Office


San Diego Office


Fresno Office


2. Write letter and mail to:

Governor Gavin Newsom

1021 O Street, Suite 9000

Sacramento, CA 95814

3. Submit your opposition to Newsom's Web Portal. *The Governor’s office no longer has a direct email.


On this page, here are the steps:

1. Under "What is your request or comment about?", scroll to and select "Legislation Issues/Concerns"

2. Under "What is the purpose of your message?", select "Leave a Comment"

3. Click "Next" to go to the next page

4. Under "If applicable, what is your stance on this topic?, click "Con"

5. In the message field, simply write in all caps: VETO AB 1078 then copy and paste

“AB 1078 Micromanages duly elected officials, taking away local control and overrides the community’s representation. This bill weaponizes the Attorney General and State Superintendent. You must veto AB 1078.”

6. Click "Next"

7. Enter your first and last name and email address (but not your phone number)

8. Click "Submit"

4. Use PERK’s Action Campaign link to email his office and tweet him on social media.