PERK provided Educational Presentations to over 1 million individuals this year.

PERK has been honored to provide Educational Presentations to over 1 million individuals during the legislative season. 

Below are just a few of the groups we had the pleasure of speaking with. Thank you to everyone who attended and helped organize these very important educational events. We enjoyed meeting with so many new organizations and caring individuals. We look forward to presenting to your groups again.



Newsom Has 5 Days Left to Do the Right Thing!

AB2098 is a bad bill. The Governor must VETO AB 2098 to prevent it from becoming law.

1. Please sign VETO request statement and share link, if you want Governor Newsom to VETO California Bill, AB2098, Physicians misinformation, disinformation bill.

2. Share PERK’s social media post with everyone to sign VETO AB 2098 request statement via Twitter and Instagram .

3. Retweet social media Tweet#1 or Tweet#2 to Governor Newsom, tag @GovPressOffice @GavinNewsom @CAgovernor #VetoAB2098 Punishes doctors for a having a different medical opinion that government narrative. CA Medical Board already has the ability to discipline doctors for causing harm to patients.

4. Call Governor Newsom’s office (916) 445-2841, tell him to VETO AB 2098.

September 30th is the last chance for Governor Newsom to VETO bills.

Action Call

Please ask Governor Newsom to VETO the following bills before Sept. 30 by taking the following action steps.

  1. Sign the Veto AB 2098 declaration letter to Governor Newsom and share with others.

  2. Call Governor Newsom’s office (916) 445-2841

  3. Click on ONE MINUTE ACTION links below and Governor Newsom’s Office portal to email you demand for a VETO.

  4. Tag @GavinNewsom on Twitter #VETO (bill number) #(bill number)

@GovPressOffice @GavinNewsom @CAgovernor telling him to VETO AB 2098, AB 1797, SB 1479, SB 1940

Sample statements:
#VetoSB1419: We don’t want our children’s medical records concealed from parents

#VetoAB2098: Punishes doctors for a having a different medical opinion that government narrative. CA Medical Board already has the ability to discipline doctors for causing harm to patients.

#VetoAB1797: No opt out of registry for private consumers, nor undocumented immigrants. Government agencies will have access to your private medical records.

#VetoSB1479: Unnecessary continuous COVID testing in schools, costing $1 billion a year.

#VetoAB1940: School Based Health Centers with no parental consent. Who is liable?

*Share with others to do the same via social media, email, and text.

Newsom, You Have 6 Days Left to Do the Right Thing

Newsom, You Have 6 Days Left to Do the Right Thing

Dear Governor Newsom, 

The clock is ticking, and the people across the country are watching you. Do the right thing and VETO AB2098. The entire country won’t let it go, and we won’t forget. 

Not just Californians, but People across the country are taking a pulse on this. Letting it pass without your signature is still letting it pass under your watch. It seems you may aspire to run for the Presidency.  There is NO WAY you will ever become president if you allow this to pass as governor. Middle America will not vote for a man who didn’t have the guts to do the right thing.

When celebrity doctors from both sides of the aisle are speaking on behalf of the doctors in California who are too scared to speak up. LISTEN! Public Health Doctor Leana Wen, MD; Dr. Drew, MD; Dr. Damanian “ZDogg”,MD; Dr Hemmati, MD, PhD; are a few notable doctors publicly speaking out against AB2098 for it’s anti-science impact on the practice of medicine and the unintended negative consequences it will have on the doctor-patient relationship. National medical organizations such as AAPS and California based doctor organizations have spoken out against the bill.  

AB2098 is a bad bill. Governor, if you allow this bill to pass, you will be accountable to the people of California, the medical community this will affect, and to science and the practice of medicine. Governor, this is your last opportunity to veto AB2098. 


Doctors, Patients, the Medical Community, and Concerned Citizens

PERK Protection of the Educational Rights of Kids 

Protecting Human Rights


Over 130,000 digital postcards were sent.

During the legislative season, over 130,000 digital postcards were sent to tens of thousands of constituents in key Assembly Member Districts and helped to defeat the bad bills.

Below are just a few of the postcards PERK sent to encourage constituents to express their concerns about the bad bills. Thank you to the thousands who took action.

Continue to take action.

Please ask Governor Newsom to VETO the following bills below before Sept. 30 by taking the following action steps.

  1. Call Governor Newsom’s office (916) 445-2841

  2. Click on ONE MINUTE ACTION links below and Governor Newsom’s Office portal to email you demand for a VETO.

  3. Tag @GavinNewsom on Twitter #VETO(bill number)

    @GovPressOffice @GavinNewsom @CAgovernor telling him to VETO AB 2098, AB 1797, SB 1479, SB 1940, SB 1419

    Sample statements:
    #VetoSB1419: We don’t want our children’s medical records concealed from parents

    #VetoAB2098: Punishes doctors for a having a different medical opinion that government narrative. CA Medical Board already has the ability to discipline doctors for causing harm to patients.

    #VetoAB1797: No opt out of registry for private consumers, nor undocumented immigrants. Government agencies will have access to your private medical records.

    #VetoSB1479: Unnecessary continuous COVID testing in schools, costing $1 billion a year.

    #VetoAB1940: School Based Health Centers with no parental consent. Who is liable?

    4. Share with others to do the same via social media, email, and text.