DING DONG…the bill is dead! The wicked bill is dead.

2022 Legislative session has come to an end. On the very last day of session, SB 866 was put into inactive file. SB 866 is officially dead.


AB 1940: School Based Health Centers also made it to the Governor’s desk.

Recap of bad bills from 2022 session.

With the help of all of your calls, emails, and collaboration of many other organizations, we managed to kill 6 major bad bills. The most drawn out was SB 866.

On the last day of the California Legislative Session, Senator Scott Wiener (D) moved SB866 in the inactive file. The bill is officially dead for the rest of the Legislative Session.

SB866 Minors: Vaccine Consent would have allowed minors 15 and older to consent to the COVID-19 Vaccine and any other vaccine that meets the recommendations of the ACIP of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention without the knowledge or consent of the parent or guardian of the minor.

When the bill was originally introduced the age limit was 12, it was then amended to a higher age limit to secure votes.  If Senator Wiener aims to bring it back, he will have to start all over the next legislative session.


August, 31, 2022 - 11:30am PST - Sacramento, California

SB 866 California Senator Wiener's bill that would have allowed youths as young as fifteen years old to be given vaccines without parental consent., is DEAD!  Earlier today Senator Wiener released a a statement saying that he did not have the votes and was putting the bill in the Inactive file. 

"The tide has officially turned in California. What happened today was not the product of a minority, fringe, extremist group. It was the result of thousands of tireless hours of millions of Californians uniting, educating and empowering each other, and rising up together to take our seats at the political table where we belong and have the right to be. It was the product of measured, respectful, informed, consistent efforts across all political, religious, racial, professional spectra,  meeting with our elected representatives to educate and inform them and ensure that they represent and protect the Will of the People. While we as lawyers – and doctors, nurses, teachers, parents, concerned citizens and human beings – still have a tremendous amount of work to do truly turn our state around, today marks a tremendous moment in California history. Today marks the day that we KNOW that we have the power and RIGHT to turn our communities into what exactly what we want them to be."   

Signed by

Nicole Pearson, Founding Partner of Facts, Law, Truth, Justice 

Amy Bohn, President of PERK (Protection of the Educational Rights of Kids)

Media Coverage of the last day of legislative session, August 31st.

PERK President, Amy Bohn inteview on The Highwire (timestamp 00:15:00)

OAN interview with Nicole Pearson, Esq.

OAN - Calif. teen vaccine bill fails, SB866 aimed to take away parental rights

FOX 40 News

FOX 40 News (timestamp 00: 47)

Interviews with Amy Bohn, Nicole Pearson, Tara Thorton and Denise Aguilar.

Interviews with PERK President Amy Bohn, Freedom Angels Tara Thorton and Denise Aguilar.

Bill to allow minors to be vaccinated without parental consent is withdrawn

California Lawmaker Shelves Bill That Would Allow Kids 15 and Older to Get Vaccines Without Parental Consent

Highlights from the capitol on August 31st, 2022.

What is next?

  1. Call to thank legislators that opposed SB 866.

2. Tell Governor Newsom to VETO the remaining bad bills.

He has until September 30th to sign bills into law. Don’t wait contact him now. We need a massive amount of calls, tweets and emails to make an impact. Please take the following action steps today!

3. Tag @GavinNewsom telling him to VETO AB 2098, AB 1797, SB 1479, SB 1940

Sample statements:

#VetoSB1419: We don’t want our children’s medical records concealed from parents

#VetoAB2098: Punishes doctors for a having a different medical opinion that government narrative. CA Medical Board already has the ability to discipline doctors for causing harm to patients.

#VetoAB1797: No opt out of registry for private consumers, nor undocumented immigrants. Government agencies will have access to your private medical records. Foundation for vaccine passport system.

#VetoSB1479: Unnecessary continuous COVID testing plans in schools, costing $1 billion a year.

#VetoAB1940: School Based Health Centers with no parental consent. Who is liable?

4. Share with others to do the same via social media, email, and text.


History was made today!

The sacred bond between parents and their children can never be compromised. This bill has brought together an army of parents, faith leaders, organizations, all united to protect the children of California. By instinctually knowing protecting the children means defending parental rights at all costs.

That is why all of us have sent letters, emails, endless trips to the Capitol, and calls to action. We couldn’t sleep until this bill was defeated.

Undersand this: There will never be a compromise when it comes to parental rights. Without the loving guardian, a child is vulnerable to the coercion from other adults, including bullying and duress to succumb to medical treatments. You cannot remove the most important part of protecting a minor: THE PARENT.

In less than 6 days, 3100 citizens and hundreds of organizations have co-signed THE DECLARATION OF OPPOSITION - all united to defeat SB 866. A real unity, with a common unwavering purpose, bringing together Republicans, Democrats, vaccinated and non-vaccinated, faith leaders, parents, grand parents, citizens, members of all races, creeds and walks of life.

You are what made history today. This is how we defeated SB 866. This victory will ripple across the nation as a clarion call and symbol that we CAN WIN. No one comes between us and our children. CALIFORNIA YOU DID IT!

Thank you,



Time to tell Governor Newsom to VETO these bills.

We need a massive amount of calls, tweets and emails to make an impact. Please take the following action steps today!

  1. Call Governor Newsom’s office (916) 445-2841

  2. ONE MINUTE ACTION EMAIL using links below.

  3. Tag @GavinNewsom on Twitter #VETO(bill number) #(bill number)

    @GovPressOffice @GavinNewsom @CAgovernor telling him to VETO AB 2098, AB 1797, SB 1479, SB 1940

    Sample statements:

    #VetoSB1419: We don’t want our children’s medical records concealed from parents

    #VetoAB2098: Punishes doctors for a having a different medical opinion that government narrative. CA Medical Board already has the ability to discipline doctors for causing harm to patients.

    #VetoAB1797: No opt out of registry for private consumers, nor undocumented immigrants. Government agencies will have access to your private medical records.

    #VetoSB1479: Unnecessary continuous COVID testing in schools, costing $1 billion a year.

    #VetoAB1940: School Based Health Centers with no parental consent. Who is liable?

  4. Share with others to do the same via social media, email, and text.

Click image to email

Click image to email

Click image to email

Click image to email

Thousands Co-Sign The Declaration Of Opposition


One vote away from defeating SB 866

If passed, SB866 will reduce the age of consent for all vaccines to 15. While originally drafted to allow children as young as 12 to consent to any vaccine without their parent’s/guardian’s consent or knowledge, SB866’s author, Senator Scott Wiener (D, San Francisco) amended the bill to increase the age to 15 in response to massive bi-partisan and public outcry to the blatant, dangerous trampling of California parents’ and guardians’ ability to protect and care for their children, especially in the context of liability-free products that federal law requires parents/guardians give fully-informed, freely-given consent.

Frustration from California residents, constituents, and parents has reached a boiling point as Sacramento Legislators continue to attempt to pass extreme laws that remove parental rights and endanger children. In a unique turn of events, the final bills left - particularly Senate Bill 866 - has seen massive bi-partisan opposition across every profession. Public statements made by both Democrats and Republicans acknowledge the Bill is a slippery slope and goes too far. One vote could decide it all.

  1. Email your Assembly Member now with this Declaration of Opposition PDF. Find your legislator here.

  2. Tag Assembly Member now with the Declaration on Twitter. Assembly member social media handles below.


Hundreds of Organizations Have Co-Signed The Declaration

Countless Faith Leaders Declared their Opposition to SB866

Thousands Have Co-Signed The Declaration

Assembly member social media handles

@AsmAguiarCurry, @drarambulaAD31, @BauerKahan, @asmstevebennett, @AsmMarcBerman, @FrankBigelowCA, @RichardBloom, @AsmTbh, @AsmMiaBonta, @ib2_real, @AsmLisaCalderon, @wendycarrillo ,@AsmCervantes, @PhillipChenCA, @AsmStevenChoi68, @KenCooley, @AsmJimCooper, @Cunning_Jordan, @AsmMeganDahle, @AsmLaurieDavies, @HeathFloraCA, @MikeFongCA, @vfong, @laurafriedman43, @AsmJesseGabriel, @J_GallagherAD3, @AsmGarcia, @AsmEGarciaAD56, @AsmMikeGipson, @AdamGrayCA, @AsmGrayson, @MattHaneySF, @ChrisHoldenNews, @ASM_Irwin, @JonesSawyerAD59, @Ash_Kalra, @KevinKileyCA, @TomLackey36, @alex_lee, @MarcLevine, @Evan_Low, @BMaienschein, @devonjmathis, @ChadMayes, @KevinMcCartyCA, @AsmJoseMedina, @Mullin4Assembly, @AMuratsuchi, @adrin_nazarian, @JanetNguyenCA, @AsmPatODonnell, @JimPatterson559, @AsmCottie, @AsmBillQuirk, @QuirkSilva65th, @AsmJamesRamos, @Rendon63rd, @AsmReyes47, @LuzRivas, @AsmRobertRivas, @AsmRodriguez52, @AsmBlancaRubio, @rudysalasjr, @SantiagoAD53, @AssemblySeyarto, @SmittyThurston, @AsmMarkStone, @PhilTing, @suzettemartinez, @AsmVillapudua, @RandyVoepel, @MarieWaldron75, @ChrisWardCA, @drakilahweber, @BuffyWicks ,@LoriDWilson, @JimWoodAD2


WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31st is the last day of legislative session in California. All bills that have not been passed out the current house will die. So there is a mad rush for legislators to pass bills this week. We need everyone’s help to put immense pressure on legislators Monday through Wednesday. As well as contacting Governor Newsom to Veto these bills.

Bill Status

Assembly Floor :

  • SB 866 Minor Consent to Vaccination. In daily file for floor vote for Tuesday (tomorrow).

  • AB1797 Immunization Registry: Passed the Senate with 28 aye votes and 8 no votes. It now goes back to Assembly House for a concurrence.. 

  • AB2098 Physicians and surgeons: unprofessional conduct: 

    Passed the Senate House with 28 aye votes and 6 no votes. Goes back to the Assembly House for a concurrence. 

Senate Floor:

  • SB1419:Health information: Passed the Assembly House with 49 aye votes and no votes. Goes back to the Senate House for a concurrence. 

Governor’s Desk:

Action Steps

Monday, August 29th to Wednesday, August 31st.

1. Call



My name is _______, I [live, work, own a business] in _______member_____district. I strongly oppose_______. I am asking _______ member__________ oppose this bill. Please Vote NO or ABSTAIN.

Thank you.

*click on bill number for detailed action steps and sample scripts.

For opposition to SB 866.

2. Post and Tag the Assembly Members on social media. Opposing SB 866.

Post a meme with your photo and statement opposing SB 866, then tag legislators (see above) on Twitter. #sb866 #noonsb866 #thisisthehill Also, retweet PERK twitter memes opposing SB 866.

3.Email your opposition using our one click email campaigns.

Sample statements:
Oppose SB 866: Opens the door for insurmountable coercion minors to consent to vaccination.

Oppose SB 1419: We don’t want our children’s medical records concealed from parents.

Oppose AB 2098: Punishes doctors for a having a different medical opinion that government narrative. CA Medical Board already has the ability to discipline doctors for causing harm to patients.

Veto AB 1797: No opt out of registry for private consumers, nor undocumented immigrants. Government agencies will have access to your private medical records.

Veto SB 1479: Unnecessary continuous COVID testing in schools, costing $1 billion a year.

Veto AB 1940: School Based Health Centers with no parental consent.


5. Attend Advocacy Day at the Capitol.

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