Approaching the Finish Line...No Amendments ...No on SB 866.

Recap of today’s SB866 stalled vote.

Dear PERK members,

The finish line…Today was a wild ride. We got news early this morning that SB866 would be brought up for a vote today. We also heard there would not be any amendments today. It it’s easier to share a recap of what happened through a short video!

Action steps for you to do this weekend as we approach the finish line.

1. Post and Tag the Assembly Members on social media. This is the best way to communicate with them through the weekend.

Post a meme with your photo and statement opposing SB 866, then tag legislators on Twitter. #sb866 #noonsb866 #thisisthehill

2. Co-sign the SB866 Declaration of Opposition here:

If you are an organization, please write your organizations name. We are working on the social media images to share and are preparing a PDF for you.

3. Call or meet with Assembly members district offices on Friday, then Capitol offices on Monday and Tuesday. Phones need to ring off the hook.

4. Go to PERK Twitter and retweet our SB 866 memes. @AsmGarcia, @AsmCervantes, @AMuratsuchi, @AsmMuratsuchi, @adrin_nazarian, @AsmReyes47, @AssemblyDems, @ChadMayes, @AsmLisaCalderon, @Blanca_E_Rubio, @AsmBlancaRubio, @AsmCarrillo, @JenSiebelNewsom, @GavinNewsom

5. Get ready to go to the capital next week! BIG Rally happening on the last day of session. Details TBA.

I am confident we will continue to stand united in our united and strong opposition to this bill. I will say it again. We have known all along we can kill this bill. No more amendments can be introduced! The bills are officially dead-on Wednesday at midnight (not Tuesday). Let’s kill this bill once and for all without any amendments!


Amy Bohn

PERK President

NO on SB 866 Video

Make this video go viral.


ALERT, ALERT, ALERT! SB 866 is set to be voted on today.


SB 866 is set for a vote TODAY ON August 25th 2022.

Link to watch:

Call the Assembly members offices and tag the legislators on social media!

No on SB 866 Video

Retweet our video from our Twitter page. Assembly members are already tagged.

Twitter Instagram

Alvarez: @AlvarezSD

Muratsuchi: @AMuratsuchi @asmmuratsuchi

Garcia: @AsmGarcia @asmgarcia

Carillo: @wendycarrillo @wendycarrillo

Daly: @AsmDaly

Nazarian: @adrin_nazarian @adrin.nazarian

Mayes: @ChadMayes @chadmayesca

Calderon: @AsmLisaCalderon @asmlisacalderon

Cervantes: @AsmCervantes @asmcervantes

Rubio: @AsmBlancaRubio @berubio714

Be sure to retweet our Twitter posts to spread the word.

Sign the SB 866 Declaration of Opposition TODAY!

The Final Stretch.

The legislative session is coming to an end soon. There is a mad dash to get bills passed out their current house to put on the governors desk to sign. We must kill these bills.

Senate Floor Session is on Monday August 22nd at 2pm. 

Assembly Floor Session is on Monday August 22nd at 1pm


SB 866 Minor Consent to Vaccination

Scheduled to be heard Monday August 22nd at 1pm on Assembly Floor.

SB 1419:Health information

Assembly 3rd reading on Monday August 22nd. Agenda item #220

SB 1479 COVID Testing in Schools

Senate Unfinished Business 08-22-2022. Agenda item #90

AB 1797 Immunization Registry:

Senate 3rd reading on Monday August 22nd. Agenda Item #592

AB 1940 School Based Health Centers

Senate 3rd Reading on Monday August 22nd. Agenda item # 471

AB 2098 Physicians and surgeons: unprofessional conduct: 

Senate 3rd Reading on Monday August 22nd. Agenda item #271


Call NOW

Senate members to OPPOSE AB 2098, AB 1797, AB 1940 and SB 1479

  • Capitol offices Monday through Thursday.

  • District Offices on Fridays.

  • 9am - 5pm.

  • Phones need to ring off the hook.

  • Remember to keep a professional and respectful tone when calling.

*Concentrate on the (D)legislators. Phone calls from outside the legislator’s district get thrown out, so give district zip code when calling or leave a message after hours.

Leave voicemails 5pm to 8am and weekends.

Concentrate on these legislators to oppose SB 866.

Email NOW

  1. Email legislators directly or

  2. Click on bill image below for one click email campaign. For sample scripts and more action information go to take action page.

Call to thank the following legislators for voting No or Abstaining on SB 866.

Politicians are silencing your doctors to protect you from information the government doesn't like.

Action steps


Bill would designate the dissemination or promotion of misinformation or disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, or “COVID-19,” by a physician or surgeon as unprofessional conduct, allowing the Medical Board to take action against such physician or surgeon. Currently in Senate Appropriations Suspense file.

Action Steps

  1. Call to oppose AB 2098. Senate Capitol offices (Mon - Thurs). Senate District Offices on Friday.

    • Concentrate on the (D)legislators: If you live in the district of one of these legislators, get everyone you know that also resides in that district to call these legislators to oppose. Be sure to thank the (R) legislators for opposing this bill.

      Phone calls from outside the legislator’s district get thrown out. Give district zip code when calling or leave a message after hours. Please get everyone that lives in the district of the current committee’s voting legislators, to call in mass. Share this information with others.

*Call District Offices all week, especially Thursday and Friday.

2. Email senators directly to voice your opposition.

  • For all Senate members click ONE MINUTE ACTION EMAIL for AB 2098.

  • Submit your opposition letter via the California Legislature Position Letter Portal. Any letters submitted to the committee will be retained as part of the committee’s legislative record.

  1. Call their Capitol Offices all week, District offices on Friday. Email and call members directly to voice your opposition.

    • Concentrate on the (D)legislators: If you live in the district of one of these legislators, get everyone you know that also resides in that district to call these legislators to oppose. Be sure to thank the (R) legislators for opposing this bill.

Senate appropriations

Senate Roster list

Sample Script:


My name is _______, I [live, work or have a business] in Senator____district. I strongly oppose AB 2098, labeling and disciplining doctor that contradict the CDC COVID-19 narrative, as unprofessional conduct.

Thank you.

*Call District Offices on Fridays up to hearing date.

AB 2098 Talking Points

It’s All Connected!

SB 866 will open the flood gates to coercion of minors by schools and permanent school-based health clinics. AB 1940 will include on site vaccination clinics, to immunize California children with all vaccine (current and future) without parental consent. AB 2098 will interfere with fully “Informed Consent” when it comes to anything COVID-19. SB 1419 will be able to conceal children’s medical records from parents, and place those records into a permanent immunization database held by the state AB 1797.

Individually some of these bills seem harmless, some may even seem like a good idea. But when you see how they all build on each other, you find the the foundation that is being laid down. If SB 866 passes to change consent to vaccination to age 15, the gateway will open to all these other bills. This will allow for insurmountable coercion, bullying and duress for minors to succumb to a medical procedure/treatment they may not want or should not have. This will usurp parent’s protective authority to decide what is in the best interest for their child’s health. This will hide the medical information from parents/guardians. Essentially transferring authority over your child to the state.

SB 866
Minors: vaccine consent (Wiener)
This bill would authorize a minor 15 years of age or older to consent to vaccines.

SB 1184

Confidentiality of Medical Information Act: school-linked services coordinators This bill will change the California Medical Privacy act to authorize a health care provider or service plan to disclose your child’s medical information to a school-linked services coordinator.

SB 1419

Health Information (Becker) This bill would prohibit the representative of a minor from inspecting the minor’s patient record when the records relate to certain services, including medical care related to the prevention or treatment of pregnancy, as specified. This bill goes hand in hand with SB 866.

SB 1479

COVID19 testing in schools: COVID19 testing plans (PAN) Requires schools to continue COVID19 testing plans.

AB 1797
Development of a state immunization registry (Weber)
Creates a state-mandated digital immunization registry for every vaccine. This bill will “require” health care providers and other agencies, including schools, childcare facilities, family childcare homes, and county human services agencies to disclose specified immunization information”, with no “opt out” provision.

AB 1940

School-Based Health Center Support Program The bill would authorize a school-based health center to provide primary medical care (including immunizations), behavioral health services, or dental care services onsite or through mobile health or telehealth. School-based health centers shall collect and report data to the California Public Health Department. To integrate the school-based health center in the school or local educational agency’s community school model.

AB 2098

Classifies the sharing of COVID-19 medical opinion by doctors and surgeons contrary CDC narrative as “misinformation” and as unprofessional conduct that would result in disciplinary action. 


  • Call, Email & Meet with your legislator now to demand they oppose these bills.

  • Our resource documents can assist you when meeting with your legislator.

  • Click on image to email legislators asking they oppose the following bills through our one click app.

Call Senator Roster TO OPPOSE AB 2098, AB 1797, AB 1940

Call Assembly member roster to oppose SB 866, SB 1419, SB 1479, SB 1184

  • Capitol offices Monday through Thursday.

  • District Offices on Fridays.

  • 8am - 5pm.

  • Phones need to ring off the hook.

  • Remember to keep a professional and respectful tone when calling.

*Concentrate on the (D)legislators. Phone calls from outside the legislator’s district get thrown out, so give district zip code when calling or leave a message after hours.

Leave voicemails 7pm to 8am and weekends.