Victory! Piedmont Unified School District formally dropped their Covid-19 vaccine mandate for students today, too.  


PERK, CHD-CA, Jane Doe, Janet Doe v. Piedmont Unified School District

April 28, 2022

Piedmont, California – Another victory for children’s health, parental rights and medical freedom!

Children’s Health Defense, California Chapter (“CHD CA”), PERK, and two mothers took on the entire Piedmont Unified School District (“PUSD”) for illegally demanding that its students in grades kindergarten and up succumb to the COVID-19 injection or face complete expulsion from the District (as no remote learning option was provided), on the grounds that the District lacked the legal authority to impose such a mandate, violated parents’ and students’ rights to privacy and to make personal health decisions for themselves, segregated and discriminated against children, and deprived children of their constitutional right to an education, among other unlawful misconduct.

Soon after Alameda County Judge Seligman granted our Application for an Alternative Writ of Mandate and ordered the District to show why its policy should not be struck down, PUSD voted to repeal the mandate in its entirety for all students in the District. Over 100 families in the District were able to avoid forcibly enrolling their children as young as 5 years old in the clinical trials of an unapproved, Emergency Use Authorized-only injection, and to avoid the jab altogether.

Immediately thereafter, our legal team engaged in aggressive settlement negotiations with counsel for the District and, today, finally reached an agreement that the District not only repeal its illegal, dangerous mandate, but guarantee that no similar mandates will be contemplated in the future. This is a major victory not only for schoolchildren and families within this District, but throughout the State. Without the actions of CHD-CA and PERK, this horrifying policy would still be in place.



PERK and CHD-Ca v. Los Angeles Unified School District Update: Hint WE WON!

Congratulations to PERK and Children's Health Defense- Ca Legal Warrior Mom Team: Nicole Pearson, Rita Barnett Rose, and Jessica Barsotti. Thanks to the lawsuit against LAUSD for their illegal Covid-19 vaccine mandate for students, the Los Angeles Unified School District Superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho announced that after consultation with health experts and its medical director, the District will make a recommendation to align with the state of California’s student requirement for COVID-19 vaccinations. Right now, there is NO California state Covid-19 vaccine mandate.


The LAUSD school board will formally vote May 10th.


Children’s Health Defense, California Chapter and PERK v. Los Angeles Unified School District

April 28, 2022

Los Angeles, California – Children’s Health Defense – California Chapter (“CHD-CA”) and PERK achieved yet another major victory for children, families, and everyone’s right to medical freedom and privacy, this time against the second-biggest school district in the nation: the Los Angeles Unified School District (“LAUSD”).

CHD-CA and PERK sued LAUSD for illegally imposing a COVID-19 vaccine requirement on its students ages 12 years and up on the grounds that the District lacked legal authority to impose such a mandate, and were unlawfully violating students’ and families’ fundamental and constitutional right to privacy and to make medical decisions for themselves; segregating and discriminating amongst schoolchildren; and depriving children of their fundamental, constitutional right to an education, among other misconduct. After CHD-CA and PERK asked for a temporary restraining order in December 2021 to stop the exclusion of 32,000 students from in-person services and forced enrollment into the District’s overwhelmed, failing remote, independent study program, LAUSD suddenly changed course and on January 14 voted to delay implementation of the mandate and removal of students until the Fall of 2022.

But CHD-CA and PERK kept going.

On April 15, 2022, our attorneys at FACTS LAW TRUTH JUSTICE went to court to oppose a motion by the District to dismiss CHD-CA’s and PERK’s lawsuit. LAUSD claimed that the COVID-19 vaccine requirement was not actually a mandate, but a “placement determination” within the authority of the District, and that it was not discriminating against schoolchildren or depriving them of any rights – after all, it was their “choice” not to get the shot – but our FLTJ Warriors would not relent and argued that, even if the mandate was “just” a “placement determination,” it still violated California law because the Education Code does not allow school districts to force children into independent study without the consent of the student and his or her parents, and must allow children to return to campus whenever they wish. The Code also requires independent study program students to have equal access to on-campus services and facilities, and comparable, not sub-par, learning.

After over an hour of oral argument – and yet another tentative ruling against CHD-CA and PERK – Judge Beckloff shockingly informed counsel that he needed to take his tentative under submission, and we have been awaiting his decision:

After almost two weeks of deliberation, Judge Beckloff finally issued his final ruling on April 25, 2022 overruling the District’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit without leave to amend.  Instead, Judge Beckloff granted Petitioners leave to amend to clarify various violations of the Education Code, and overruled the District’s motion to dismiss other claims, recognizing that CHD-CA, PERK, and FLTJ had presented legitimate claims that could proceed in court.

But that is not it:

Today, less than 72 hours of the Court’s ruling, the District announced that it is recommending and will vote on May 10 “to align with the state of California’s student requirement for COVID-19 vaccinations delaying the effective date to no sooner than July 1, 2023.” In other words, in a same fashion the District saved face in light of our December hearing and rally and “delayed implementation” of its mandate to Fall 2022 “to allow families more time to comply with the mandate and get vaccinated,” the District is attempting to save face, again, now, and hold back its illegal mandate-masquerading-as-a-“placement”-policy until the State requires it. In other words: your CHD-CA, PERK, and FLTJ team was right: individual school districts do not have the authority to unilaterally require new vaccines, especially without satisfying the Legislature’s extensive procedural requirements and Due Process safeguards. And they do NOT have the right to force children who refuse to comply with these illegal mandates out of school and  into independent study programs.

PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR MAY 10. We will be rallying there before the Board not just to ensure they pass the vote, but to tell them we are done. This is a call to action to every parent, every student, every concerned human being to show up, #RISEUP and shut down these illegal, unconstitutional dangerous mandates on our children, once and for all.

Important Action Steps: Week of April 30th

Action steps for the following bills for the week of April 30th.

  1. For each bill, call the assigned legislators’ district offices. Focus on Fridays if time permits. Phones need to ring off the hook.

  2. Meet with legislators. Make an appointment with your legislator to formally register your opposition with their office and discuss your opposition. They are in their district offices on Fridays.

  3. Email legislators to voice your opposition.

  4. Make sure to do both: Register your opposition with the legislative offices AND through the legislative portal to be included in legislative record.

* Always maintain a professional tone and respect. Email all legislators, but focus calls on the (D) legislators.

SB 866 - Senate Judiciary

Hearing Date: May 5th at 11:00am

  • Submit a position letter in opposition to SB 866 now to the Senate Judiciary Committee via the California Legislature Position Letter Portal. The Senate Judiciary Committee position letter submission deadline is the Tuesday before a hearing at 12:00 PM, unless stated otherwise.  

  • Email and call Senate Judiciary Committee Members directly to their district office to voice your opposition to SB 866. Call District Offices all week, especially Thursday and Friday.

  • Email and call your Senator now at their district office to voice your opposition to voice your opposition. Make an appointment with your Senator to ask them to vote NO or ABSTAIN on SB 866


AB 2098 - In Assembly Appropriations Committee

Hearing date: May 9th

  • Email and call members Assembly Appropriations Committee directly to voice your opposition to AB 2098. You need to tailor your comment toward the fiscal aspects of the bills for appropriations.

  • There is also no deadline to receive position letters for Appropriations Committee via the California Legislature Position Letter Portal. Any letters submitted to the committee will be retained as part of the committee’s legislative record.


SB 1479 - In Senate Appropriations Committee

  • Email and call members Senate Appropriations Committee directly at their district office to voice your opposition to SB 1479. You need to tailor your comment toward the fiscal aspects of the bills for appropriations.

  • There is also no deadline to receive position letters for Appropriations Committee via the California Legislature Position Letter Portal.  Any letters submitted to the committee will be retained as part of the committee’s legislative record.


AB 1797 - Going to Assembly Appropriations Committee, then Assembly Floor for vote.

  • Email and call Assembly Appropriations Committee members directly to voice your opposition to AB 2098. You need to tailor your comment toward the fiscal aspects of the bills for appropriations.

  • There is also no deadline to receive position letters for Appropriations Committee via the California Legislature Position Letter Portal. Any letters submitted to the committee will be retained as part of the committee’s legislative record.

  • Email and call your Assemblymember now at their district office to voice your opposition to AB 1797.

  • Call District Offices all week, especially Thursday and Friday.


SB 1100 - Going to Senate Floor for vote

  • Email and call your Senator now at their district office to voice your opposition to to SB 1100. Make an appointment with your Senator. Call District Offices all week, especially Thursday and Friday.

SB 1184 - Going to Senate Floor for vote

  • Email and call your Senator now at their district office to voice your opposition to SB 1184. Make an appointment with your Senator. Call District Offices all week, especially Thursday and Friday.


*Call District Offices all week, especially Thursday and Friday.

If you are able to schedule a meeting, attend a legislator’s event or you would like support- please email We can help you with supporting documentation and talking points.



Week of April 25th

AB 2098, AB 1797 & SB 1479

All hands on deck. We continue to have success defeating the bad bills in CA. There are three targeted actions you can take this week. If possible, we encourage you to do all three. Email, Call, and Attend in Person. Detailed instructions below. Thank you for answering our call.


Make their phones ring ‘off the hook’. Call to ask them to vote “NO” or “Abstain” on AB 2098, SB 1390, SB 1479, and AB 1797. Call in your opposition to both District and Capitol Committee Member Offices on Monday April 25th and Tuesday April 26th. Each bill is listed with phone list for the committee members assigned to its hearing and dates.

Call and email (D) legislators.

Email (R) legislators.

AB 2098 Physicians and surgeons: unprofessional conduct (Low)


  • This bill would designate the dissemination or promotion of misinformation or disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, or “COVID-19,” by a physician or surgeon as unprofessional conduct, allowing the Medical Board to take action against these doctors.

  • Call Assembly Appropriations members to voice you opposition now until hearing.

  • Assembly Appropriations Committee hearing: TBA

  • Call and Meet with your local Assembly Member or their staff voicing your opposition. 

AB 1797 Development of a state immunization registry (Weber)

  • Phone list here: Assembly Health Committee Members Contact List and Assembly Education Committee phone list.

  • AB 1797 would merge the three CA Immunization Registry tracking systems to create one statewide system and all vaccines will be required to be entered into the CA Immunization Registry (CAIR). Schools and other entities would have access to all vaccine records, including adults.

  • Call Assembly Health Committee now and until Monday April 25th.

  • Call Assembly Education Committee members now and until Tuesday April 26th.

  • Assembly Health Committee hearing Tuesday April 26th at 1:30 pm. Give public comment on Tuesday April 25, at 1:30pm in person in Rm 1100 or call in (877) 692-8957; Code: 18501100

  • Assembly Education Committee hearing on Wednesday April 27, at 1:30pm. Give public comment in person on Wednesday April 26, at 1:30pm in Rm 1100

SB 1390- Social media disinformation (PAN)

April 26 set for first hearing canceled at the request of author.

  • Phone list here: Senate Judiciary contact list.

  • This bill would prohibit a social media platform, as defined, from amplifying harmful content in a manner that results in a user viewing harmful content from another user with whom the user did not choose to share a connection. The bill would provide that harmful content includes libel or slander, as specified, threats of imminent violence against governmental entities, and disinformation or misinformation, including, but not limited to, false or misleading information regarding medicine or vaccinations, false or misleading information regarding elections, and conspiracy theories.

  • Call Senate Judiciary Committee members now until Monday April 25th.

  • Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing date: April 26 at 1:30pm

SB 1479 COVID-19 testing in schools: COVID-19 testing plans (Pan)


The deadlines to submit your opposition letter through the Legislative Portal to for the bill analysis has passed for AB 2098, AB 1797, SB 1479 and SB 1464.

To make an impact, you must email your opposition directly to Committee Members now until hearing dates.

Click on all three links below for an easy one step email to all committee members.

*One click links provided by A VOICE FOR CHOICE ADVOCACY

Attend or call in public comment during hearings.

Hearing calendar gives you the date, time and location. Or click on bill hyperlink to be directed to committee for call in information.

List of bills to oppose and Talking Point Compilation from all organizations.



SB 1419 Health Information (Becker)

Prohibit the representative of a minor from inspecting the minor’s patient record when the records relate to certain services, including medical care related to the prevention or treatment of pregnancy, as specified.

Senate Judiciary Committee- Passed

Referred to Senate Appropriations Committee.  

Senate floor mid-May

Contact your local State Senator to voice your opposition. ( 

Legislative Updates


SB 1390 Social media disinformation (PAN) - April 26 set for first hearing canceled at the request of author.

  • Phone list here: Senate Judiciary contact list.

  • This bill would prohibit a social media platform, as defined, from amplifying harmful content in a manner that results in a user viewing harmful content from another user with whom the user did not choose to share a connection. The bill would provide that harmful content includes libel or slander, as specified, threats of imminent violence against governmental entities, and disinformation or misinformation, including, but not limited to, false or misleading information regarding medicine or vaccinations, false or misleading information regarding elections, and conspiracy theories.

  • Call Senate Judiciary Committee members now until Monday April 25th.

  • Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing date: April 26 at 1:30pm

SB 1464 Law Enforcement of public health orders (PAN)***

  • ON HOLD. Senate Health Committee hearing. Senator Richard Pan put SB 1464 ON HOLD.  This was due to the overwhelming opposition from law enforcement groups throughout the state.  On hold does NOT mean this bill is dead or defeated.

  • This bill would require those sheriffs and peace officers to enforce the public health orders. The bill would additionally prohibit state funds from being provided to any law enforcement agency that publicly announces that they will oppose, or adopts a policy to oppose, a public health order. If funds are withheld, those funds would instead be reallocated to the county public health department of the county in which the law enforcement agency operates for public health purposes.


SB 866 Minors: vaccine consent (Pan) – 12 Year Old Minor Consent to Vaccination Without Parental Consent:

A minor 12 years of age or older may consent to a vaccine that is approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration and meets the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (ACIP) without the consent of the parent or guardian of the minor.

Senate Judiciary Committee.  No hearing date confirmed

Submit your opposition letter before Tuesday, April 26 to the Senate Judiciary Committee here:


AB 2098
Physicians and surgeons: unprofessional conduct (Low)

This bill would designate the dissemination or promotion of misinformation or disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, or “COVID-19,” by a physician or surgeon as unprofessional conduct, allowing the Medical Board to take action against such physician or surgeon.

Assembly: Business and Professions Committee Hearing Date: April 19- Passed

Assembly Appropriations Committee: TBD

Contact Assembly Appropriations Committee to tell them to vote NO or ABSTAIN.

SB 1479

COVID19 testing in schools: COVID19 testing plans (PAN)

Requires schools to continue COVID19 testing. This bill would require each school district, county office of education, and charter school to create a COVID-19 testing plan and designate one staff member to report information on its COVID-19 testing program to the department.

Senate Health Committee Hearing: March 30 at 1pm - PASSED COMMITTEE

Senate Education Committee Hearing: April 27th 9am

Contact Senate Education Committee to tell them to vote NO or ABSTAIN.

AB 1797
Development of a state immunization registry (Weber)

Would merge the three CA Immunization Registry tracking systems to create one statewide system and all vaccines will be required to be entered into the CA Immunization Registry (CAIR). Schools and other entities would have access to all vaccine records, rather than just those of their students/patients or the particular vaccines required for school.

Assembly Health Committee Hearing: April 19th (pending re-refer to Com. on ED.) 04/21/22 Assembly Rule 56 suspended. 04/19/22 In committee: Hearing postponed by committee.

New Hearing Dates:

Assembly Health Committee: Tuesday April 26, at 1:30pm

Assembly Education Committee: Wednesday April 27, at 1:30pm

Contact both Assembly Health and Education Committee to tell them to vote NO or ABSTAIN.



Open meetings: orderly conduct. (Cortese)

Senate Bill 1100 allows the members of a legislative body to remove individuals who willfully interrupt their meeting. The measure defines willful interruption as intentionally engaging in behavior that substantially impairs or renders infeasible the orderly conduct of the meeting in accordance with law and applicable rules. It includes, but is not limited to: (1) a failure to comply with reasonable regulations prohibiting force, threats of force, or intimidation; and (2) a threat against another person’s free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to them by the state and federal constitutions or law.

Senate Com. on GOV. & F.: Committee: Passed March 9

Sen Judiciary Committee Hearing Date: Passed April 19

Senate Floor Vote: TBD

Contact your local Senate Member to voice your opposition and demand they vote NO or ABSTAIN. ( 

SB 1184

Confidentiality of Medical Information Act: school-linked services coordinators

This bill will change the California Medical Privacy act to authorize a health care provider or service plan to disclose your child’s medical information to a school-linked services coordinator.

Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing Date: April 5th - Passed

Going to Senate Floor for vote: TBD

Contact your local Senate Member to voice your opposition and demand they vote NO or ABSTAIN. (