ACTION STEPS for hearings SB 1464, AB 2098, AB 1797, SB 1100 in the week of April 19th and April 20th.


Week of April 19th and April 20th for 4 Bills

SB 1464, AB 2098, AB 1797, SB 1100

All hands on deck. We continue to have success defeating the bad bills in CA. There are three targeted actions you can take this week. If possible, we encourage you to do all three. Email, Call, and Attend in Person. Detailed instructions below. Thank you for answering our call.


Make their phones ring ‘off the hook’. Call all day Monday April 18th: ask them to vote “NO” or “Abstain” on AB 2098, SB1100, AB 1797. Call in your opposition to both District and Capitol Committee Member Offices on Monday April 18th and Tuesday April 19th. Each bill is listed with phone list for the committee members assigned to its hearing.

AB 2098 Physicians and surgeons: unprofessional conduct (Low)

SB-1100 Open meetings: orderly conduct. (Cortese)

AB 1797 Development of a state immunization registry (Weber)

  • Phone list here: Assembly Health Committee Members Phone List

  • AB 1797 would merge the three CA Immunization Registry tracking systems to create one statewide system and all vaccines will be required to be entered into the CA Immunization Registry (CAIR). Schools and other entities would have access to all vaccine records, including adults.

  • Assembly Health Committee hearing Tuesday April 19th at 1:30 pm.

SB 1464 Law Enforcement of public health orders (PAN)***

  • Call all day Monday April 18th AND Tuesday April 19th.

  • Phone list here: Senate Health Committee Member Phone List.

  • This bill would instead require those sheriffs and peace officers to enforce the public health orders. The bill would additionally prohibit state funds from being provided to any law enforcement agency that publicly announces that they will oppose, or adopts a policy to oppose, a public health order. If funds are withheld, those funds would instead be reallocated to the county public health department of the county in which the law enforcement agency operates for public health purposes.

  • Senate Health Committee hearing April 20th at 1:00 pm.


The deadlines to submit your opposition letter through the Legislative Portal to for the bill analysis has passed for AB 2098, SB 1100, AB 1797, and SB 1464.

To make an impact, you must email your opposition directly to Committee Members now until hearing dates April 19th and 20th.

Click on all three links below for an easy one step email to all committee members.



Attend or call in public comment during hearings.

Hearing calendar gives you the date, time and location. Or click on bill hyperlink to be directed to committee for call in information.

List of bills to oppose and Talking Point Compilation from all organizations.


SB 871 has been put on hold!

SB 871 has been PULLED!

Dear PERK Members,

SB871 is one of the worst bills, mandating children 0-17 to receive the Covid-19 vaccine and removing all personal belief exemptions. PERK team has called Senator Pan’s office directly and are working closely with other colleagues and Capitol contacts. According to Pan’s capitol staff, SB 871 was pulled. The bill is officially DEAD if it doesn’t get scheduled for the next two weeks. We will still stay vigilant. However, moments ago, the Capitol staff did state, “that it’s dead.” We expect an announcement soon.

We are winning because of you! Thank you! You answered our call to send letters of opposition and your non-stop pressure created this result. We are SO proud to work with you and honored that PERK can be one of the leading groups sounding the alarm this year. You are our heroes. You did not back down. The parents, the people, your calls, your emails, your texts, your donations, all the people who made their voice loud and clear that we would not accept this bill, nor amendments. Our children are our future.

We cannot win in this work without you taking the actions we ask you to take.

Thank you with all my heart!

Amy Bohn

President of PERK

*California Department of Public Health announced April 14th, 2022, (hours after Senator Pan’s statement) that it would be delaying any requirement of the COVID-19 vaccine for schools until at least the 2023-2024 school year (  If this requirement is implemented on schools by the CDPH, it would allow for a Personal Belief Exemptions. 


Keep up the pressure on SB871 (mandate on children) for the next two weeks. Let’s make sure that bill stays away for good. Click on the link and send in opposition letters.

Keep up the pressure on SB866 (lowering the age of consent to minors for the covid shot) for the next two weeks. Click on the link and send in opposition letters.

Keep up the pressure on SB1464 (law enforcement bill) for the next two weeks. Click on the link and send in opposition letters. Alert ALL law enforcement to take this action, too.

Legislative Update

Legislative Update

Legislative Update


Legislative Update Legislative Update 〰️

SB 1464 - Law enforcement of public health orders (PAN)

*April 6th, 2022 at the beginning of hearing, Senator Pan called to reschedule the hearing. We do not have a new hearing date yet.

This bill would instead require those sheriffs and peace officers to enforce the public health orders. By expanding the duties of local law enforcement, this bill would create a state-mandated local program. The bill would additionally prohibit state funds from being provided to any law enforcement agency that publicly announces that they will oppose, or adopts a policy to oppose, a public health order.

Senate Health and Public Safety Committees

Senate Health Hearing: April 6th at 1pm - Rescheduled

SB 920 - Medical Board of California: investigations: record requests.

Bill pulled by author.

Sen Melissa Hurtado sent out a press release, that she is pulling SB 920

*The posting of a new hearing date on the Senate website for April 26th was a clerical error by the Senate Judicial committee. There is no new hearing date. As of right now the bill has been pulled.

SB 1479 - COVID19 testing in schools: COVID19 testing plans (PAN)

Requires schools to continue COVID19 testing.

Contact the Senate Education Committee members with your opposition.

Senate Health Committee Hearing: March 30 at 1pm - PASSED COMMITTEE

Senate Education Committee Hearing: April 27

*Continue to call and email the committee members with your opposition

Opposition Letter Reminder


Please don’t wait until the last minute.
The deadlines to submit an opposition letter:

  • AB 2098- Physicians and surgeons: unprofessional conduct:

    Monday April 11th by 5pm (8 days before the hearing at 5:00 pm)

  • AB 1797 - Development of a state immunization registry:

    Tuesday April 12th by 12pm

  • SB 920 - Medical Board: investigations:

    Monday April 19th by 5pm

  • SB 1390 - Social media disinformation:

    April 19th by 12pm

  • SB 1479 - Covid-19 testing in schools:

    April 22nd by 12pm

Other bills to submit opposition now:

  • SB 866 Minors: vaccine consent (Wiener)

  • SB 871 Public health: immunizations (Pan)

List of bills to oppose and Talking Point Compilation from all organizations.

Submit all your opposition letters for each bill to the Legislative Portal. Please keep all submissions in a professional tone, tailor to the respective committee and limit to one page. Please encourage all medical professionals and organizations to also submit letters of opposition.

Instructions and link to submit letters here.

Also, email each committee member individually to voice your opposition.

Legislative Updates

Legislative Updates


Legislative Updates 〰️

SB 1184 - Confidentiality of Medical Information Act: school-linked services coordinators

This bill will change the California Medical Privacy act to authorize a health care provider or service plan to disclose your child’s medical information to a school-linked services coordinator.

Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing Date: April 5th

SB 1184 was amended.

(23) To the extent not preempted by federal law, the The information may be disclosed to a school-linked services coordinator. coordinator pursuant to a written authorization between the health provider and the patient or client that complies with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

Please contact and call the Judiciary Committee members immediately:

Inform committee members that “Due to new amendments to SB 1184, this bill is no longer necessary, as the amendment now repeats existing law.”

Existing law, the Confidentiality of Medical Information Act, prohibits a provider of health care, a health care service plan, or contractor from disclosing medical information, as defined, regarding a patient of the provider of health care or an enrollee or subscriber of the health care service plan without first obtaining an authorization, except as prescribed. The act authorizes a provider of health care or a health care service plan to disclose medical information in certain circumstances, including by authorizing disclosure to providers of health care, health care service plans, contractors, or other health care professionals or facilities for purposes of diagnosis or treatment of the patient.


- Expands circumstance under which can request and share information

  • Yes, pending receipt of written authorization

  • HOWEVER, if most parents electronically sign the re-enrollment papers without reading, they are likely going to sign these.

- Expands recipients – before psychologist, school nurse, and clinical social worker.

  • NOW any person with a credential that allows him or her to perform “school counseling, school psychology, child welfare and attendance services, and school social work” at any grade level. § See Education Code, Section 44266

- Unnecessary because other laws exist requiring the written authorization

Letters can be sent to the Committee through any of the following ways:

SB 920 - Medical Board of California: investigations: record requests.

Sen Melissa Hurtado sent out a press release, that she is pulling SB 920

A hearing date has been set for April 26th in Senate Judicial committee. This is due to a clerical error because it was double referred.

SB 1479 - COVID19 testing in schools: COVID19 testing plans (PAN)

Requires schools to continue COVID19 testing. This bill would require each school district, county office of education, and charter school to create a COVID-19 testing plan and designate one staff member to report information on its COVID-19 testing program to the department. The bill would require that all COVID-19 testing data be in a format that facilitates a simple process by which parents and local educational agencies may report data to the department. By imposing new obligations on local educational agencies, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program. The bill would also authorize each school within a school district to name a staff member to lead its COVID-19testing program. The bill would require the department to determine which COVID-19 tests are appropriate for the testing program.

Contact the Senate Education Committee members with your opposition.

Senate Health Committee Hearing: March 30 at 1pm - PASSED COMMITTEE Referred to Senate Education Committee.

Opposition Letter Reminder Deadlines.


Opposition Letter Reminder Deadlines. 〰️



The deadline to submit an opposition letter for:

  • AB 2098- Physicians and surgeons: unprofessional conduct (Low): Monday April 11th by 5pm (8 days before the hearing at 5:00 pm)

  • AB 1797 - Development of a state immunization registry:

    Tuesday April 12th by 12pm

  • SB 920 - Medical Board: investigations: Monday April 19th by 5pm

Please don’t wait until the last minute.

Other bills to submit opposition now:

  • SB 1390 social media disinformation (PAN)

  • SB 866 Minors: vaccine consent (Wiener)

  • SB 871 Public health: immunizations (Pan)

  • SB 920 Medical Board of California: investigations: record requests (Hurtado)

Submit all your opposition letters for each bill to the Legislative Portal. Please keep all submissions in a professional tone, tailor to the respective committee and limit to one page. Please encourage all medical professionals and organizations to also submit letters of opposition.

Instructions and link to submit letters here.

List of bills to oppose and Talking Point Compilation from all organizations.

Also call committee members for meetings and/ voice your opposition.

AB 1797
Development of a state immunization registry (Weber)

Would merge the three CA Immunization Registry tracking systems to create one statewide system and all vaccines will be required to be entered into the CA Immunization Registry (CAIR). Schools and other entities would have access to all vaccine records, rather than just those of their students/patients or the particular vaccines required for school.

Assembly Health Committee:
Hearing date: April 19th at 1:30 p.m.

AB 2098 - Physicians and surgeons: unprofessional conduct (Low)

This bill would designate the dissemination or promotion of misinformation or disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, or “COVID-19,” by a physician or surgeon as unprofessional conduct, allowing the Medical Board to take action against such physician or surgeon.

Assembly: Business and Professions Committee

Hearing Date: April 19th at 9 a.m

Information regarding a call-in option for testimony will be made available and updated the night prior to the hearing date.


Please attend hearings make public comment of opposition. Some committee webpages list a Public comment Call in number. Please click on link for calendar.

Defeat The Mandates Coast To Coast

Thankfully some mandates are dropping across the country, but there are still vaccine mandates that persist in schools, colleges, businesses, hospitals, and corporations. Restrictions on doctors who treat COVID, censorship by Big Tech, the unnecessary COVID-19 vaccination of children, silencing of scientific debate, and the extension of the Emergency Powers Act beyond March 1st for the coronavirus pandemic are a few of the main concerns.

In California, an aggressive slate of COVID-19-related bills—mandating vaccines for children and all employees, and allowing 12 to 17-year-olds to get the vaccine without parental consent—remain under consideration by the California state legislature.


In California, an aggressive slate of COVID-19-related bills—mandating vaccines for children and all employees, and allowing 12 to 17-year-olds to get the vaccine without parental consent—remain under consideration by the California state legislature.

April 10th 2022, starting at 12:00 noon we will hold a day-long rally in the heart of Los Angeles at Grand Park where a wide range of featured guests including prominent doctors, recording artists, actors, journalists and premier thought leaders will give a series of inspiring talks and musical performances.

For more information:

We hope to see you there!