November 8, 2021 Update on our LAUSD lawsuit:

Our PERK-CHD legal team has been busy this past week. Since Judge Hogue did not grant our request for a Temporary Restraining Order, our attorneys filed a Motion for a Preliminary Injunction, another emergency tool to ask the court to pause LAUSD's unlawful Covid-19 vaccine requirement until we have the official hearing on the merits of our case. If granted, the Injunction would stop enforcement of the vaccine requirement on all students 12 years and older, and return the district to the original Covid-19 masking and testing safety measures. 

The date set for the Injunction is December 8. Because the next "first dose" deadline for vaccination is November 21, our attorneys filed another, separate application for the judge to set this hearing earlier. December 8th date is too far out and will lead to irreparable harm for many LAUSD students and families!    

Please keep our legal team in your thoughts and prayers and pray that the judge will do the right thing and grant the request to shorten time this Wednesday! 

In addition to the LAUSD litigation, our attorneys are also busy working the next school vaccine lawsuit against Piedmont Unified School District, which they hope to file by the end of this week. Stay tuned.  We need to grow our numbers and let these petty tyrants know that we will not stand for illegal, unconstitutional, and dangerous mandates and that they will not inject our children - or US - against our will.
