PERK’s lawsuit heads to Jury Trial

PERK needs your HELP to take the Granada Hills Charter ​​lawsuit to trial. We can WIN with your support!

Exciting news has emerged in the legal landscape: PERK’s lawsuit filed on behalf of dedicated teachers and committed educators is heading toward a jury trial. The pivotal case that PERK, alongside the five fired employees, filed against Granada Hills Charter is officially set for trial on November 4th, 2024.

ABOUT THE LAWSUIT (Complaint Filed)

Five employees of Granada Hills Charter (GHC) were unfairly terminated during the Covid-19 pandemic for simply exercising their rights to medical and religious freedom.   These school employees were the first in California and possibly the nation to lose their jobs due to the mandate.

Granada Hills Charter School has been egregious in implementing illegal vaccination policies on four points.

  1. Five educators were unfairly and unlawfully terminated. 

  2. Granada Hills Charter went on to force students who were unvaccinated against Covid-19 into independent study. 

  3. PERK learned that students, including seniors, were excluded from in-person learning based on their vaccination status for Covid-19.

  4. PERK was informed that the school went as far as excluding seniors from Prom and did not allow them to attend their in-person graduation ceremony, based solely on their vaccination status for Covid-19.

These actions taken against students and educators were completely unreasonable and unjustified. PERK has been advocating for students, families and teachers at GHC, as a result, decided to take legal action against the school on behalf of the faculty and staff that were fired over the COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate. On January 14, 2022, Protection of the Educational Rights of Kids (PERK) and the five individuals collectively filed a lawsuit against the individual Brian Bauer, Superintendent of GHC, as well as GHC itself. The plaintiffs filed a comprehensive complaint seeking declaratory and injunctive relief, alongside damages resulting from violations of their civil rights. They also requested a jury trial to adjudicate their grievances. The legal representation for PERK and the plaintiffs comes from Attorney John Howard and Attorney Scott Street, both affiliated with JW Howard Attorneys, LTD.  The complaint has been amended several times and in a significant development, the case has finally been set for trial on November 4th, 2024, marking an important date in the pursuit of justice.


Recent legal wins in similar cases suggest a good chance of winning the GHC case at trial. PERK requires sufficient funds to ensure our success moving forward and advancing medical freedom progress, even in a challenging state like California.


As donors, partners, and supporters who firmly believe in PERK’s mission, we urge you to donate immediately so we can continue litigating this case to settlement, trial, and secure another huge win.  We anticipate the trial to extend several weeks, demanding extensive resources.  Not only will your dollars make an impact on the lives of the five teachers and educators who were wrongfully terminated, with a win, a new precedent will be set in California, which can begin to shift the state towards true freedom.

Please donate to this cause at:

This support and victory allows us to continue doing this important work across California, causing positive change for families, children, and freedom-lovers alike.

Together, we can reach our funding goal. This is crucial for ongoing lawsuits and allows us to continue to fight for freedom and keep the PERK mission going.  It is incredibly important to do so, especially in a state like California, that continues to threaten liberty and go against the people’s wishes.