PERK making a difference in Geneva!

It has been an exciting and memorable weekend in Geneva, Switzerland! It was incredible.  I had people come up to me from at least 5 other countries, who knew of PERK, and saw my videos, interviews, and the success of PERK in California.  I was surprised that our efforts in California have reached international freedom fighters.  Our credibility is high, and we are giving hope to freedom fighters all over the world.   When they’ve seen or heard of our victories, it’s been encouraging to them as well.  Some countries, like Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, and the UK, offer their support for PERK. I interacted with physicians from Mexico, researchers from Canada, experts from the UK, and various international figures eager to collaborate with PERK.

At the Inspired Network Global Leadership Summit, thousands of people zoomed in, to connect with us in Geneva.  In Japan, they were also protesting the WHO simultaneously with us.  We all shared a comradery for freedom that surpassed geography and culture.

 After the leadership summit, the next morning was a International Lawyers press conference led by Attorney Phillip Kruse.  He is an expert on the WHO issue and he and his team pulled together 10 international attorneys from 9 different countries (i.e. Israel, New Zealand, Switzerland, Germany). I had the opportunity to talk to several of them afterwards and record those brief conversations.  The PERK team will be working on releasing those videos to you all.  These international attorneys also offered to support PERK and getting this message out to everyone.

The Gates Foundation was holding a meeting in the same hotel.  I could not believe it.  They were just around the corner from the 10 attorneys, who held a press conference in opposition to the WHO.  You cannot make this up.  I had to take a picture.

This is a symbol that we are winning! The people of the world are waking up and fighting back against any group who tries to undermine our sovereignty.  The analysis of the international attorneys was quite sobering.  Their resounding answer to solve this problem of our day was for the people to rise, be aware, send letters to your representatives, and protect our countries at all costs.

Immediately following the press conference, we hurried to the International Freedom Rally.  There, with the United Nations behind me, I had the opportunity to deliver a message about being “Born Ready” for this moment to the thousands in attendance and the millions watching online.  You can watch me backstage with behind the scenes footage and you can see my full speech here!

Watch Amy's speech

It was so meaningful to have my family there and see the faces of an eager crowd motivated to protect their families, their rights, and their country.  I stood alongside them as we demonstrated, with a 2-hour people’s march for freedom.  The march was so loud and invigorating as it included drums, freedom chants, and bells, and most importantly, people from around the globe marching for freedom.

My friend, Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg and her colleagues, did a wonderful job and succeeded with their Geneva Project.  I’m grateful for the invitation to be there:

In this moment, I felt your prayers, love, your texts, your emails, your encouragement, and support.  I was so proud to stand and speak as a Californian, an American, a wife, a mother, an activist, and the President of PERK.  We were all ‘Born Ready’ for this moment. 


Amy Bohn

 Please continue to support our trip to Geneva, and your continued support allows us to continue our vital work.  I hope you enjoy the pictures!

 To support PERK's efforts please make a donation here:

During the Geneva Rally, it was announced that the WHO's pandemic treaty collapsed as member states couldn't agree. It won't be adopted at World Health Assembly. This is a victory for freedom advocates against WHO's pandemic control proposal.

The head of the World Health Organization on Monday voiced confidence that countries would one day reach a deal on a pandemic accord after failing to produce an agreement last week, although health officials warned it could take years.

Health officials have voiced frustration with the negotiations that have been dogged by lengthy discussions past midnight, last-minute shifts in position and growing criticism from right-wing commentators that the treaty would undermine sovereignty, which the WHO strongly denies. - CTV News

The WHO updated International Health Regulations before the deadline, seen as important. Critics noted that the final version didn't address concerns from health freedom advocates. After the World Health Assembly, WHO said the changes aim to enhance global health protection against future outbreaks. Legal concerns arise as the new IHR changes were proposed shortly before the Assembly, not following current rules. The final version was released on June 1 after voting just before the Assembly ended. WHO member states view the adoption of the diluted IHR amendments as significant progress and a win for the United States and others who led the process in 2021.

We won this fight, but we still need to win the overall war. Keep the pressure on our elected officials. Take action here with PERK Advocacy Action Campaigns.