Dear PERK Members,
Protection of the Educational Rights of Kids, PERK, has been notified by concerned community members and parents of students at Granada Hills Charter School. It has been brought to our attention that the school is discriminating against students with an illegal vaccination policy. We were informed that the school was excluding seniors from Prom, based on their vaccination status for Covid-19. We were also informed that students, including seniors, have been excluded from in person learning based on their vaccination status for Covid-19.
Attorney Jennifer Kennedy asked PERK to sponsor a prom for these seniors. We agreed to do so. However, good news came in yesterday. Because of the push back from activists, parents, and organizations, like PERK, Granada Hills Charter School has changed their policy to all students to attend all indoor events, such dances, performances, athletic games, and prom. They can now attend prom regardless of their vaccination status. We would like to especially acknowledge the work and efforts of attorney Jennifer Kennedy who has tirelessly and directly advocated for these students and families.
The heroes here are truly the brave students, who have remained steadfast in their faith and in their belief in our inalienable, God-given right to individual liberty. Their principled conviction in refusing an unconstitutional, coerced, experimental, and dangerous injection has cost them dearly. Since January 2022, GHC has denied children at both the TK8 and the high school the right to be on campus, in class with their friends and teachers, and has denied them every sport, academic team, and extracurricular activity offered to everyone else. These children have been harmed by the very adults charged with their educational development and preparation for the future. I honor the sacrifices they have made, with grace and grit, that many adults would not have borne. While this sudden decision by GHC to return the right to Prom--that it never should have taken--is welcome, it is not enough. Every Covid-19 mandate must fall: for students, employees, and campus visitors. That is the only goal, and I will not rest until we reach it—together. - Jennifer Kennedy, Attorney at Law
Here is the letter PERK sent to Granada Hills Charter School who continues to implement illegal vaccination policies on three points.
· Granada Hills Charter School has no authority to enact its Covid-19 vaccine policy.
· Granada Hills Charter School cannot require students to participate in independent study programs.
· Granada Hills Charter School is illegally barring students from extracurricular activities such as prom.
We have addressed these problematic issues in our recent letter to Granada Hills Charter’s Governing Board and Executive Director. We ask for your continued support of PERK as we continue this work defending your children and parental rights.
Amy Bohn
PERK President
Parents making a difference.
Attorney Jennifer Kennedy with GHC parents.