Freedom Is Everything!
Saturday, December 2nd, was a night to remember! Our first PERK fundraiser in Orange County was packed! Rancho Las Lomas delivered a spectacular view while we were inspired by soliloquies with the resounding message of freedom from Del Bigtree, Amy Bohn, and honoree, Nicole Pearson. Special guests included Dr. Jeff Barke, Dr. Mark McDonald, Dr. Shannon Kroner and Dr. Sabine Hazan.
Thank you to all that joined us to celebrate our freedom warriors in Orange County. The event was beautifully narrated by the stunning Jessica Sutta, Board member of React 19 and former Pussy Cat Dolls performer with musical musings performed by DPAK, a musician who campaigns for truth, unity, freedom, and independence, including writing and scoring music for the Plandemic documentary series.
Guests entered into the appropriately named “Freedom Lounge” where special guests were interviewed by Shaun Frederickson, our media host and Founder of Freedom Revival. Guests enjoyed PERK wine created by 13 stripes winery as well as cocktails from AsomBroso Fine Tequila. Guests mingled and perused the Freedom is Everything exclusive merchandise and stopped by our Turning Point USA booth to find out how to start at TP club at their local High School or college campus!
After dinner, the audience was dazzled by excerpts of oscillating legal battles and government encroachment that have ultimately led to victory for the parents and children of California in 2023. There is still Hope for Freedom! Amy Bohn, PERK President and Del Bigtree, host of wildly popular show The Highwire, gave messages of achievement and promise for the future of California. This year we achieved great impact through the collaboration of ICAN Legislate and PERK Advocacy 501 (c) (4) during the 2023 legislative session. Big Announcements from Del Bigtree included a collaboration with ICAN and PERK on a new legal pursuit to reclaim the religious exemption for vaccinations for all children to attend school in California. This lawsuit would rescind the changes made in the 2015 bill SB277. We look forward to a successful 2024!
The honoree, Attorney Nicole Pearson of Facts Law Truth Justice thrilled the audience with her unwavering determination to seek justice and truth for our children. Amy shocked the audience by offering a job proposal for Nicole to join the PERK team on stage. We will wait to find out if that dream comes true!
This was PERK's largest event to date, with more than 260 guests including individuals and organizations focused on freedom.
The College Republicans of USA
Representative from Kevin Kiley’s Team
Rebecca Friedrichs - For Kids & Country
Attorney & Advocate Jennifer Kennedy @jennkenn23
Newport Mesa Uncensored @newportmesauncensored
Max Ukropina- Running for Congress
Aliso Viejo Mayor Mike Munzing
SD Rise Up @sandiegoriseup
Sonja Shaw, CHINO VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT school board member
PERK plaintiffs from our SAG Lawsuit
Shaun Frederickson our red carpet host and Founder of Freedom Revival (@freedomrevivalevents)
Catholic Families 4 Freedom @catholic_families4freedom_ca
Reform Capo USD @reformcapousd
Informed Parents of Capo USD @informed_parents_of_capousd
John Knox & Josh Sattley- Firefighters 4 Freedom
Parents & Educators against mandates
Freedom Keepers @ca_freedom_keepers
Mike McMahon- Former LA Police Officer, & Assembly Candidate
Because of the amazing support of our donors, supporters and community in attendance we are close to our fundraising goal for this yea. This will help us continue to advocate for YOUR medical freedom, bodily autonomy, children’s rights, parental rights & civil rights.
Please help us reach our goal by making a donation today at
This is just the beginning for PERK, as we will have many more upcoming events, gatherings and educational town halls. Don’t miss out! Sign up for our PERK newsletter to receive up to date information about these events and so much more. Sign up today at:
If you would like to make a year-end tax deductible donation, would like to volunteer with PERK or would like to host an event for PERK please contact Natalie at
Freedom is Everything MONTAGE video
about our Special Guests
Del Bigtree is the founder of the non-profit, Informed Consent Action Network, and host of the wildly popular talk show The HighWire, the fastest-growing program in the natural health arena with over 100 million views.
Del’s career as an Emmy-winning producer of the CBS talk show The Doctors changed profoundly when he produced the documentary, Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe. Since its release, the film is credited with igniting a revolution against pharmaceutical tyranny around the world.
Del’s non-profit, the Informed Consent Action Network, or ICAN, is leading worldwide investigations into drug and vaccine fraud that have already resulted in multiple winning lawsuits against US Government agencies Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, CDC and FDA.
Del is the recipient of multiple awards including an Emmy Award as a producer on The Doctors, Best Drama at the New York Television Festival, and the Health Freedom Hero Award from the National Health Freedom Federation, the oldest natural health organization in America. He has appeared on primetime news networks including ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX and has been interviewed by countless radio and Internet personalities ranging from Tom Hartman to David Knight of Infowars.
Above all, Del is most fulfilled by his work with the brave mothers and fathers of vaccine injured children who are marching on state capitals around the nation to stop Big Pharma’s push to forcibly inject every American citizen with vaccines, a product the Supreme Court has described as “unavoidably unsafe.”
Amy Bohn
President of Protection of the Educational Rights of Kids
Amy Bohn is the co-founder and President of PERK, Protection of the Educational Rights of Kids. Amy is originally from Arkansas and has a degree in psychology and a background in life coaching, working with people of all walks of life. Her leadership has impacted people of all ages. As an activist leader in California, Amy speaks across the state on these issues encouraging and teaching people to protect their children, and families.
After graduating U.C.L.A. with honors, Nicole graduated from Loyola Law School as a scholar and Moot Court champion and began representing businesses and employers throughout the world. Quickly, however, she realized that advocating for voiceless employees was her actual calling. Therefore, using her experience defending employers, she harnessed her desire to advocate for those in need and launched the Law Office of Nicole C. Pearson in 2015.
In 2021, Nicole pivoted her law office to rise up against the coordinated assault by politicians, special interest groups, and private entities emboldened by the government on our – and our children’s – individual liberties. Since that time, her firm and advocacy group – FACTS LAW TRUTH JUSTICE – has been at the forefront of the Fight to defend basic principles of limited government, checks and balances, and personal autonomy necessary for a free and healthy society.
Nicole’s career has been marked by a passion for facts, law, truth and justice, a zeal for tackling – and winning – legal challenges, and an insatiable drive to protect the vulnerable. Her broad legal experience encompasses employment discrimination (race, religion, pregnancy, disability, marital status, leave), harassment, retaliation, and wrongful termination; civil rights violations (Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, Unruh); and Constitutional issues. She has personally taken these claims through every stage of litigation, and practices before state and federal courts, including the Central District of California.
Dr. Jeffrey Barke with over 25 years as a board-certified primary care physician, is known for his extensive medical experience and his roles as an educator, author, and public speaker. He has made vast contributions in healthcare, education, and his involvement with America's Frontline Doctors. Dr. Barke is the author of COVID-19, A Physicians Take on the Exaggerated Fear of Corona Virus and Morning Message. He is a sought after speaker on the failure of government education and all things related to COVID-19. Dr. Barke is a proud founding member of America’s Frontline Doctors. He is also the co-host of the podcast:
Born and raised in Los Angeles, Dr. Mark McDonald graduated from UC Berkeley before attending medical school at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Trained in both adult and child and adolescent psychiatry at UCLA, he now works primarily with children in private practice in west Los Angeles. His opinions on topics such as the need to re-open America’s schools, and the pandemic of fear in the United States today, have been widely published in local and national news, including the Wall Street Journal and The Federalist.
LA psychiatrist Dr. Mark McDonald noticed negative mental health effects in his patients, linked to fear caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. These effects included stress, anxiety, depression, addiction, domestic violence, and suicidal thoughts. Driven by public health authorities and amplified by the media, this fear led to excessive government measures like lockdowns and mandates. McDonald called it a "pandemic of fear," which he believed was more harmful than the virus itself. Dr. Mark McDonald, author of "United States of Fear," explains that America is facing a mental health crisis due to prolonged lockdowns, distancing, and masking. In his new book, "Freedom From Fear," he provides a guide for personal and national recovery.
Dr. Mark McDonald also has a podcast, Informed Dissident, that he co-hosts with Dr. Jeffrey Barke.
Dr. Shannon Kroner has a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, a Master's in Special Education, with a focus in Educational Therapy, and a Bachelor’s in English. She has been working with special needs families since 2001. Her 2013 doctoral dissertation entitled, Childhood Vaccinations: The Development of an Educational Manual, provides a psychological viewpoint of the ways in which parents make decisions regarding vaccinations for their children.
Dr. Kroner is the Executive Director of Freedom Of Religion - United Solutions (FOR-US). As executive director, she has built an interfaith coalition of religious leaders who have united to protect the religious freedom of vaccine choice, helping thousands of American's obtain religious vaccine exemptions for work and school.
Dr. Kroner is the author of the children's book, I'm Unvaccinated and That's OK!
MD, Founder & CEO of Progenabiome
As a specialist in gastroenterology, internal medicine, and hepatology, Dr. Hazan has used her expertise in many regards over the last two decades. Dr. Hazan is also the Founder & CEO of the Malibu Specialty Center and Ventura Clinical Trials, where she conducts and oversees clinical trials for cutting-edge research on various medical issues. She was and is a speaker for World Congress of Digestive Disease, MAGI, Microbiome Congress, International Drug Discovery Science and Technology Conference and NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). She has been on the cutting edge of COVID treatments and is the author of “LETS TALK SH!T”, a book that is a humorous, easy to digest explanation of gastrointestinal disorders, current treatments for heart disease, obesity, Autism, Alzheimer’s and more.
Mother, Singer, Writer, Vaccine Injury Advocate & former member of the International Platinum Award-winning recording pop group, The Pussycat Dolls.
She was severely injured by the Moderna mRNA shot two years ago but her painful experience led her on a mission to help heal the injured and be a voice for the ones suffering who have been shunned and silenced by society. She continues to advocate for the injured as she is the creative director for React19, a non-profit for the vaccine injured and bereaved.
As a one-man solo act, DPAK presents a captivating live-looping journey that ranges from Future Rock / Dream Pop / Dance beats to cinematic soundscapes to power anthems. Each live performance is a unique offering featuring improvisational creations in the moment curated specifically to the energy and vibe of the crowd. He can be found online as @DPAKfuture on social media.
He has performed with great talents such as India.Arie, Rihanna, et al. Most recently, he completed production on 45 songs for Disney’s hit animated series “Mira, Royal Detective”. He has also created music for major feature films with stars such as Brie Larson and Donald Sutherland as well as commercial spots including FOX and Toyota to name a few. He has also created music as well as performed at numerous activist events and campaigns for truth, unity, freedom, and independence, including writing and scoring music for the Plandemic documentary series.