Long Term Use of Facemasks are harmful Psychologically, Mentally, & Emotionally.
Face masks are more dangerous than parents are being told. Scientific studies over the course of many years have concluded that wearing face masks for extended periods of time puts the wearer, especially children, in imminent risk of physical and psychological harms.
Masks on Children Are Ineffective
“Masks-for-all”, the one size fits all approach is not based on sound data. See report titled masks are ineffective on children.
Masks are Unnecessary
There is a large and growing body of physicians, pediatricians, scientists, epidemiologists, and researchers around the world that are speaking out against the anti- scientific public health recommendations that have been forced upon our children.
Additional Information
on Masks
A comprehensive document concerning the potential harm of masking children.
School and daycare transmission studies show that transmission of Covid-19 among unmasked children is remarkably low.
how mask- induced exhaustion syndrome impacts children…
A total of 65 scientific papers on masks qualified for a purely content-based evaluation, including 14 reviews and two meta-analyses, revealed relevant adverse effects of masks in numerous disciplines. The psychological and physical deterioration as well as multiple symptoms were described because of their consistent, recurrent and uniform presentation from different disciplines as a Mask-Induced Exhaustion Syndrome (MIES). https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/18/8/4344/htm
Children are having physiological and psychological effects from wearing face coverings for extended periods of time. The health consequences are harming children across the globe. Protect the children. See 3 Page Report on Health Consequences Here.
See 3 Page Report on Health Consequences Here.