Take Action and Submit an Opposition Letter for SB 871 - Pulled by author

Public health: immunizations

SB 871 requires all children 0 to 17 to get the COVID-19 vaccine to attend any daycare, public, or private schools. Removes PBE, disregards EUA status, and allows CDPH to add any additional doses. 

Steps to Submit A Letter

1) Write Your Letter

Sample SB 871 Letter - PDF
Helpful Talking Points - PDF

2) Create an account

Register for an account at the CA Legislature Position Letter Portal.

If you are head of an organization, register both individually and as an organization. Submit both letters.



3) Login to the Position Letter Portal

  • Sign in using your Email and Password

  • Once on the Position Letter page, select measure (for example AB stands for Assembly Bill). Then, input bill number and Session Type. Click on the “Search” button.

  • Select if you are an individual or organization. Then, select the appropriate Committees. For this bill you must submit to the Senate Health and Education Committees

  • Select your stance. In the Subject line, you may input “Opposition and Bill Number.”

  • Upload your letter. Complete the Captcha and select the “Submit” button.

Sign In

Position Letter Page

Important Points and Tips

  • Why submit official opposition/support letters to the legislature? In order to defeat the bills, we ask you to submit an official letter of opposition through the legislative portal.  These letters go directly to the committee voting on the bill to be included in the official analyses.

  • Support and opposition letters are typically due by 12:00 p.m., seven calendar days prior to a scheduled hearing in order to be included on the analyses.

  • National organizations can submit opposition letters. You can submit letters of opposition, even if you are out of state. If you have a national organization, you may submit letters of opposition on these California bills.  National groups often have members and stake holders in states like California. The importance of national organizations submitting opposition is of critical value to defeating these bills.

  • If you are the head of an organization, group, chamber of commerce or union, you must submit an official letter on letterhead from that entity with signature, and title of an official of that organization.

  • Coalition letters must have logos, signatures, and titles for all organizations.

  • Letters must clearly indicate position. letters containing "concern" may not be listed.

  • Submit letters only once unless bill is subsequently amended causing uncertainty as to the organization's present position.

  • If you additional directions on submitting a position letter: Advocacy Quick Reference Guide and Instruction Video.