The Medical Freedom Symposium

Monday, Feb. 12 - 2pm-5pm


 LAX Hilton Hotel - 5711 W. Century Blvd.

LA, CA 90045

 Purchase Tickets for the Medical Freedom Symposium:

*Come visit the PERK booth on Sunday, Feb 11th. PERK will be in the Down The Rabbit Hole room at the Booth P8

You purchase a day pass here.

Speakers for Sunday Schedule 12pm -6pm in the Rabbit Hole Room

Rabbit Hole Room
Leigh Dundas
Winning the War on Freedom
Buy Ticket

Rabbit Hole Room
Del Bigtree
Truth Seeking and Changing Humanity in the Process!
Buy Ticket

Rabbit Hole Room
Dr. Robert Young
Liberty vs. Tyranny
Buy Ticket

Protect Kids CA Initiative

Petition Signature Event Loctions



California Republican Assembly Convention

  • 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

  • Four Points by Sheraton Sacramento, 4900 Duckhorn Dr. Sacramento, Ca.

APRIL 19-28

Redding California Kool April Nites Week-Long Car Show - Flyer

APRIL 19-22

Sacramento Gun Show 

  • 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

  • Capital Sports Center, 5209 Luce Avenue, McClellan Park


March for Life

  • California Capitol, Sacramento


Stanislaus Annual GOP Fundraiser - "Lincoln Day Dinner"

  • 5pm

  • DoubleTree Hotel, 1150 Ninth Street, Modesto, CA 95354


LA Cars & Coffee


The following list of "conservative" CA Reps who should be publicly supporting PKCA:

  • Joe Patterson District 5  (916) 435-0501

  • Tom Lackey District 34 (661) 267-7636

  • Josh Hoover District 7 (916) 294-9774

  • James Gallagher District 3 (530) 895-4217

  • Vince Fong District 32 (661) 395-2995

  • Heath Flora District 9 (209) 599-2112

  • Diane Dixon District 72 (949) 798-7221

  • Laurie Davies Distrtict 74 (760) 433-7400

  • Megan Dahle District 1 (530) 265-0601

  • Marie Waldron District 75 (858) 566-7538

  • Juan Alanis District 22 (209) 521-2201

The Initiative

Protect Kids California strongly advocates for policies that prioritize and promote the well-being of all children. Our initiative is geared towards protecting children and ensuring that parents are a fundamental part of their child’s growth and able to protect their safety.

Advocating for policies that promote all children’s rights and well-being.

  • Requires schools to notify parents regarding children's mental health concerns identified in school settings, including gender identification issues.

  • Protects girls competitive sports and school spaces to be for biological girls only.

  • Prevents the sterilization of children by prohibiting the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, mastectomies and genital surgeries for minors.

The Petition

Your signature can help change policies and laws by showing decision-makers that many people support our cause.


California's super majority of lawmakers have an agenda to liberate minors with gender ideology goals. The way to return fairness to girls and women in sports, stop gender harms on minors, and ban schools from deceiving parents about their child's gender struggles, is a ballot initiative. A ballot measure has been filed by Protect Kids California, and it’s ready for signature gathering to place it on the 2024 ballot. We need to gather 550,000 valid signatures to get the bill on the ballot.  Polling shows that the majority of Californians, if given the opportunity to vote, will choose to protect women, girls and children from the harms of “gender identity.”

California is leading the nation in transitioning children, taking children away from parents who refuse to succumb to the largest medical scandal against children of all times. California’s laws are the framework for national laws that harm women, girls and children.  Doing nothing and waiting will have a far more reaching and disastrous effect. 

We need everyone who is against the harms of “gender affirming” surgical procedures on children to participate.  

Call To Action:

  1. Go to the website ProtectKidsCalifornia.

  2. Download the petition, filling it out PROPERLY AND COMPLETELY (follow directions perfectly on the website or your signature will be disqualified - stay in lines, fill out declaration of Circulator, one county per petition, each signatory fills out their information in own hand)  ONLY CALIFORNIA REGISTERED VOTERS CAN SIGN IT.

  3. Help gather signatures! Anyone over 18 can collect signatures. All you need are petitions and pens. Attached is a handout that you can use, along with the Initiative PDF.  Go to the website to make sure you know how to collect signatures.  Directions must be followed or the signatures will be disqualified. 

  4. Donate: Protect Kids California initiative goal is to raise $3M to hire a signature gathering firm. Please consider donating to Protect Kids California today to keep the initiative efforts going.

This is an opportunity we cannot squander! We stand with California signatories who want to support this important effort.* 

Autism Health Summit Feb. 2-4, 2024



Join hundreds of parents and experts, including speakers Mikki Willis, Del Bigtree, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Brian Hooker, plus many more brave and brilliant pioneers of the health and freedom movement for an inspiring two-day immersive experience at the JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa on February 2-3, 2024.

The Autism Health Summit is an educational conference that can connect you to a wide range of resources, such as doctors, specialists, medical professionals, and other individuals who have successfully experienced improvements in their health and well-being. You will hear from the leading experts about the most recent developments in scientific research, treatment options, therapies, and so much more. Whether you or your child have been recently diagnosed with an underlying condition, or you have years of experience, you will walk away from the conference with a plan for the next steps in your journey to healing.

Purchase your in-person or virtual tickets today!

For Single Tickets Use Promo Code: ahs50 to Receive $50 Off
*Discount Code does not apply to Virtual Tickets*

Buy Tickets Today!

"Letter to the American Church" Movie Screening Jan. 31st.

 "Letter to the American Church"

Wednesday 01/31

  • Godspeak Calvary Chapel
    320 Via Las Brisas, Thousand Oaks, Ca, 91320

  • 6:00pm


Join us at Godspeak Calvary Chapel for an exclusive screening of the Turning Point Faith Documentary, "Letter to the American Church," featuring our very own Pastor Rob McCoy and produced by two Godspeak congregants, Rachel Tash & Simone Alex. This impactful adaptation of Eric's best-selling book is set to make a profound mark on the church and our culture.

Watch the trailer to the film at 

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Leads a Hearing on Injuries Caused By COVID-19 Vaccines: Part II

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene holds a hearing on blood-related adverse events post-COVID vaccination with special witnesses Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole, and Dr. Kirk Milhoan.

COVID-19 Vaccines May Cause Harm Five Years after Injection

US Congressional Testimony from Drs. McCullough, Cole, and Milhoan on Long-Term Health Impact of Genetic Vaccination--Full Hearing

Friday January 12, 2024, Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene held a historic US Congressional Panel in The Rayburn Building on Capitol Hill to learn why COVID-19 vaccination continues to cause record injuries, disabilities, and deaths, even years after the primary series in 2021.

The hearing was attended by Greene (R-GA), Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), US Representatives Warren Davidson (R-Ohio), and Any Biggs (R-AZ) and the witnesses were Dr. Peter McCullough adult internal medicine, cardiology, Dr. Ryan Cole, clinical pathology, and Dr. Kirk Milhoan, pediatrics, pediatric cardiology.