As schools across the nation continue to push LGBTQ+ curriculum, conflicts between parents and school staff escalate. President and Co-founder of PERK Advocacy (Protection of the Educational Rights of Kids), Amy Bohn, discusses the recent explosive clash outside a school board meeting in Glendale, CA, which led to an all out brawl and 3 arrests, including an ANTIFA member who is rumored to have elevated the peaceful protest to violence.

The Good, the bad and the ugly bill updates.


Thanks to all your efforts with the PERK action calls to ask for a double referral of AB 659! You made a difference. AB 659 has been double referred to Senate Health and Senate Education.


AB 665, AB 223, SB 407 passed their committee hearings and are heading to the next step of committee hearing and floor vote.


AB 957 passed the Senate Judiciary committee on June 13th, despite much opposition from constituents and skepticism from the committee members. AB 957 "requires the court, for purposes of deciding custody, to determine the best interests of the child based on certain factors, including, among other things, the nature and amount of contact with both parents and the health, safety, and welfare of the child...This bill, for purposes of this provision, would include a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child."

ASM. Wilson AB 957 bill author stated during the hearing: "All parents -- who are not abusive -- have a right to spend time with their is absolutely important that TGI kids are seen in the family court system and seen in a way that affirms them...This allows their children to be seen...that says it is a state policy...that affirmation of a child's gender identity is a good thing...and it doesn't leave for judicial discretion to say otherwise -- because that is what is currently allowed by law....we want to make sure that...every judge in the state of California recognizes that, for a TGI child, affirmation is in their absolute best interest -- period."

What you can do

Take action on all the PERK opposed bills .

AB 659- Cancer Prevention Act is misleading parents to think that HPV vaccine will be required for attendance in schools and colleges.

Status: Sen Health Committee Hearing Date: 06/28/23

AB 659 co-author ASM Friedman essentially admitting the bill’s intent is to mislead people into thinking you are required to receive HPV vaccine for school.

Action Steps:

Contact Senate Health Committee to demand they amend the bill by removing the “expected” language or remove the school notice section altogether.

  1. To oppose use AB 659 Health Committee One click Action link

  2. To oppose use AB 659 Latino Caucus One Click Action Link

  3. Submit your letter of opposition to legislative portal today.

  4. Call Senate Latino Caucus and Senate Health Committee

    Sample Script: Please oppose or abstain on Ab 659, unless amended to take out the word "expected".  This bill declares a state policy that it is "expected" for attendance leaves it open to misinterpretation to think the HPV vaccination is required. And misleads parents and administrators to think it is required.  This is especially confusing for non-English speaking families or that English is a second language to them

AB-665 - Minors: consent to mental health services

Assembly Bill 665 would remove the requirement that children must be a danger to themselves or others, or be alleged incest or abuse victims, before seeking care without their parents' consent.

Status: Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing: Tuesday June 20th at 1:30 pm room 2100.

Action Steps:

Contact the Senate Judiciary Committee.

  1. To oppose use the AB 655 One Click Action Link

  2. Submit your letter of opposition to legislative portal today.

  3. Call the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Sample script: AB 665 intentionally removes the “danger guardrails” of Family Code 6924, which require an allegation of danger to a minor before the minor may consent without parental consent to residential shelter. What facts or public policy support the removal of those specific danger guardrails from Family Code 6924, enacted in 1979? I urge you to either vote no or have the author gut and amend AB 665. Leave Family Code 6924 alone. Instead, amend Welfare & Institutions 14029.8 to remove the word “not.”  This will immediately enable Medi-Cal benefits for disadvantaged kids to receive counseling for any reason under Health & Safety Code 124260.  You can preserve your goal without removing safety guardrails.


AB 957 author ASM. Wilson defends this bill, using an example of a 7-year-old who announces their gender doesn't match their sex. Essentially saying a parent could lose custody for not "affirming" whatever their child believes about their gender.

AB 957 will amend and add to Section 3011 of the Family Code. It will obligate a judge to include "the health, safety, and welfare of the child includes a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity." as part of the of criteria in making a determination of the best interests of the child in a proceeding described in Section 3021 when awarding custody.


  • This bill passed Assembly floor on a 51-13-16 mostly partisan vote.  It passed out of Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday June 13th on a 8-2 straight partisan vote.

  • It is NOT keyed fiscal so it is eligible to be referred to the Senate floor for a vote perhaps as soon as Tuesday June 22nd.

Action Steps:

Contact the Senate Members.

  • To oppose use the AB 957 One Click Action Link

  • Submit your letter of opposition to legislative portal today.

  • Call the Senate Members

    Sample Script: Please oppose or abstain on AB 957. What if the child is not prepared to publicly announce his or her transition? What if the child is not able to do so in a court or during an official judicial proceeding? How is this in the best interests of the child, especially when this bill applies to children of all ages, not just, e.g. 12 and up?

    Talking points:

    • California would become the first state in the nation to criminalize and penalize parents who do not affirm their children.

    • Changes the Family Law creating a path for CPS (Child Protective Services), law enforcement, and the courts to award custody to the parent who affirms gender identity. 

    • If a parent does not affirm their child’s gender it may be considered abusive, cutting off this parent from all ties with the child and no control to change this.

    • There is NO age limit for which this bill applies.  If a 5-year-old believes he or she is in the wrong body, this law will make it child abuse not to affirm the child’s gender identity.

    • The bill redefines and amends the Family Code Family Code, section 3011, exploiting custody battles to redefine “health, welfare, and safety.”

    • This bill essentially makes it illegal to NOT give minors sex changes, gender affirming treatment, and surgeries in California making it so that parents would lose custody if they don't go along.

SB-407 Foster care: resource families.

SB 407 will not allow foster children to be placed in homes if you will not or cannot affirm their self-selected gender identity. This bill would make foster families sign forms stating they will affirm the foster child's gender, even if it is against their religious beliefs

Status: Asm. Human Services Committee Hearing Date: 06/20/23

Action Steps:

Contact Assembly Human Service Committee

  1. Submit your letter of opposition to legislative portal today.

  2. To oppose use the AB 407 One Click Action Link

  3. Call Assembly Human Services Committee

Sample Script:
SB407 is a bill that would make affirmation of a self-selected gender a determining factor regarding foster care placement. With limited availability of candidates to provide foster care and with the overwhelming rate of foster children being people of color and at risk youth, limiting the pool of candidates who can foster a child will have negative consequences for these children. Please oppose SB407.

SB-770 Health care: unified health care financing.

The ultimate goal is to force all Californians out of their existing health coverage – including Medicare, employer-based coverage and ACA plans – and into a new untested government-run system, with no ability to opt out or choose private coverage instead.. They also point out that any waiver obtained through this bill would not be permanent and could be disallowed by Congress at any time, eliminating 40% of the funding for the new health care system. This bill also requires raising taxes by roughly $300 billion a year.

This bill provides little details on how the transition to this system would be achieved, how providers would be reimbursed, and could ultimately cause providers to leave the state

This will implement government run medicine, which will dictate which medicines and medical treatments you will be allowed to have.  You will no longer have a choice in treatments.  It will be a one size all medical practice for the state.

This bill passed the Senate floor on a 30-9-1 mostly partisan vote. 

Status: Hearing Date 06/27/23 Assembly Health Committee

Action Steps:

  1. Submit your letter of opposition to legislative portal today.

  2. Take action to oppose with PERK’s SB 770 One Click Action Link.

  3. Call Assembly Health Committee

  4. Fridays call your legislators district office to voice your opposition and ask questions.

    Sample script: Please oppose SB 770. This is not financially feasible for the state nor the residents. This will led to universal health that eliminates choice in medical care, treatments and providers.

PERK goes to Texas to attend The Great Awakening Global Premiere.

More than 100k people tuned in for Plandemic3: The Great Awakening Global Premiere Live Stream.

The PERK team put their boots on and headed to Austin, Texas last week to take part in The Great Awakening Global Premiere.

It was the who’s who of the Health Freedom Movement. We reconnected with some of our many colleagues like Del Bigtree, the Highwire crew, Dr. Judy Mikovitz, Dr. Paul Thomas and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, to name a few. We made many new friends as well. It was a whirlwind of patriotism and good vibes, as all where there to celebrate and watch Mikki Willis’ latest documentary Plandemic 3: THE GREAT AWAKENING.

This documentary demonstrated the biggest parallels of current events to past totalitarian regimes. Witness the culmination of truth-seeking as PLANDEMIC 3: The Great Awakening unravels the layers of corruption and unveils a path towards a brighter future. Prepare to be inspired, awakened, and empowered to take a stand for liberty.

The themes of this movie have evolved over the past year, as it’s become increasingly clear that the plandemic was not the agenda, but rather a way to accelerate the agenda. As we face this darkness, a worldwide awakening is inevitable. It only takes us joining and spreading this movement, one by one.

-Mikki Willis

Special thanks to Del Bigtree, The Highwire team and ICAN, who helped bring this monumental documentary event in person and live stream it to everyone around the world.

AB 659 and AB 665 inch closer to passing into law.

NOTICE: There was no hearing yesterday, June 7th for AB 659! There was incorrect information circulating about a call to action and hearing. The bill is still in the Senate Rules committee waiting for assignment to committees. It was not in the Daily File yesterday. The primary role of the Senate Rules Committee is not to hear bills, but to assign bills to the proper committee. As an established leader, PERK has built relationships in Sacramento since 2019. We have established credibility and a solid weekly presence at the Capitol on these matters. We provide our PERK supporters with strategic calls to action depending on the status and location of legislation like AB 659. Our Call to Action is the following:

Call to Action: Click the quick click below and ask Senator Newman to "request that AB 659 be heard in the Senate Education Committee." We also suggest you copy the entire Education Committee and Consultants.

Contact Senator Newman: (916) 651-4029

AB 659 - HPV Cancer Prevention Act (Aguiar-Curry)

Assembly Bill 659, also known as the HPV vaccine mandate bill has been amended. Amendments removed the mandate for 8th graders and college students, but declares a state policy that it is "expected" for attendance. This language leaves it open to misinterpretation to think the HPV vaccination is required.

Summary of the Amendments

  • Leaves insurance expansion coverage intact.

  • Removes the middle school HPV vaccine mandate to advance to 8th grade.

  • Removes the HPV vaccine mandate for college students

  • Creates a mandatory middle school notice to sent out to all 6th graders that HPV vaccination is expected before moving into the 8th grade instead of mandate.

  • Creates a new higher education policy for first-time enrollees under age 26 at CCC, CSU and U.C. (all colleges and universities) that all students are expected be fully vaccinated for HPV.

Status of Bill

Senate Rules Committee

Why we oppose unless Amended

"Amendments removed the mandate for 8th graders and college students, but declares a state policy that it is "expected" for attendance. This language leaves it open to misinterpretation to think the HPV vaccine is required."

Action Steps

  1. Use our one click action campaign to the CA Senate Rules Committee directly to request a double referral to Senate Health and Education Committees.

  2. Use our one click action campaign to contact Senator Newman and Education Committee members to request AB 659 be heard in their committee.

  3. Submit your letter of opposition via the Legislative Portal. Instructions here on how to submit a letter.

  4. Meet with your CA Senator’s office to discuss your opposition to AB 659. Tell them you oppose AB659, unless language is changed from “expected” to “recommend”. Find your Rep

  5. Reach out to parents to let them know the bill intends to mislead and misinform them and their children. Ask them to present their concerns to their state Assembly member with an ask to abstain on the bill.

AB 665 consent to mental health services (Carrillo, Wiener)

This bill would align the existing laws by removing the additional requirement that, in order to consent to mental health treatment or counseling on an outpatient basis, or to residential shelter services, the minor must present a danger of serious physical or mental harm to themselves or to others, or be the alleged victim of incest or child abuse.

Assembly Bill 665 would remove the requirement that children must be a danger to themselves or others, or be alleged incest or abuse victims, before seeking care without their parents' consent.

Status of Bill:

Sen Judiciary Committee Hearing Date: 06/20/23 at 1:30 p.m.

Reasons to oppose:

  • This will remove the guardrails that prevent abuse of current law, so instead of cases of emergency, mental health professionals or school psychologists can refer for treatment and/or send a child to residential shelter services for any reason without parental consent or knowledge

  • The bill will give mental health counselors unfettered control over children age 12 and above and place children in residential facilities upon a minor’s request, even if the children are not experiencing abuse or neglect at home.

  • The law would enable school counselors, without parental knowledge or consent, to send children straight to a group home if the children say their parents aren’t supportive of their “gender identities".

  • This proposed bill would open up the law for abuse by officials, administrators etc.  Guardrails must be kept in place to prevent misusing the law.

Action Steps:

  1. Reach out to parents to let them know the bill intends to mislead and misinform them and their children. Ask them to present their concerns to their state Senator with an ask to oppose or abstain on the bill.

  2. Use PERK’s one click action campaign to contact Senate Judiciary committee by email and social media. Telling them to vote no or abstain on AB 665, unless the author guts and amends the bill by leaving Family Code 6924 alone. Instead, amend Welfare & Institutions 14029.8 to remove the word “not.”  This will immediately enable Medi-Cal benefits for disadvantaged kids to receive counseling for any reason under Health & Safety Code 124260.  You can preserve your goal without removing safety guardrails.

More resources:

An evening with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny & Amy Bohn, June 29th

Back by popular demand!

An evening with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny & Amy Bohn will take place on Thursday, June 29 from 5-9pm in Camarillo for a fundraising benefit for PERK. 

Seating is limited. Tickets are $200 before June 16 and $250 thereafter. Event address will be sent upon RSVP.  Last day to buy tickets: 06/23/2023, Midnight, (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

For further information and to purchase tickets please go to:

PERK is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting children, parental rights, and medical freedom.