We say goodbye to 2022.

A Special End of the Year Message from PERK President Amy Bohn.

PERK President Amy Bohn.

Hooray, we finished 2022 with major victories!
We had an incredible year and we couldn’t have done it without you.

But it wasn’t easy…

2022 has indeed been an epic battle. When California faced some of the worst, most extreme times, PERK did not back down. Instead, PERK took on the challenge and showed tremendous leadership in California and across the country. Because of donor support, PERK's efforts have produced result after result, lawsuit victories, mandates have been delayed, dropped, and pushed back. A few of our accomplishments in 2022 are listed below:
PERK Accomplishments 

  • 1.3 million+ Social Media Reach 

  • Funded multiple Lawsuits leading to the protection of 6,000,000 school age children. View lawsuits at https://www.perk-group.com/lawsuits

  • Saved 35,000 from being kicked out of in person school in LA

  • Delayed mandates in multiple cities and counties, preserving tens of thousands of jobs

  • 300 advocacy meetings with Influencers

  • 800,000 actions taken through citizens engagement

  • 100,000 Educational Resources provided to people in need

  • 130,000 educational postcards sent to constituents in Assembly Member Districts

  • Educational presentations to over 1,000,000 

  • Reached audience of 20,000,000 through TV, newspaper, interviews & more

  • Successfully educated and brought awareness to over 10 bad bills heard during the 2022 legislative season in California.

  • Launched Liberty Series with Godspeak and featured speakers such as Dr. Peter McCullough, Del Bigtree and Dr. Joe Ladapo.

As we enter 2023, we need your help more than ever to continue to hold the line to protect children, families, and parental rights, to protect your right to work, travel, and live in society, to preserve medical freedom and bodily autonomy, and protect the citizens of California from unconstitutional mandates and Government overreach.

Stay tuned

We have some great things in store for next year so stay tuned for announcements in January!  

Please consider making a year-end tax-deductible donation today, to support our efforts as we advocate for the protection of all children. 

Dr. Peter McCullough is taking the nation by storm. Speaking the truth and there is no holding him back now.

Watch the event here.

On December 14th, we had an amazing night from our latest Liberty Series event. It was a full house of attendees filling up the overflow rooms, listening to speakers PERK President Amy Bohn, Dr. Peter McCullough, John Leake, and Pastor Rick Brown. John Leake and Dr. McCullough spoke about their book, The Courage to Face Covid-19, sharing insightful historical context and scientific data to enlighten and empower us to be courageous.

Dr. McCullough is back on Twitter.

Dr. McCullough on America Out Loud.

You can follow him @P_McCulloughMD

Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake also have a new Substack called Courageous Discourse™. Please subscribe to this Substack support their work of investigating and reporting what is going on in our increasingly confusing world.

Courageous Discourse by Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake: A new Substack for the advancement of clinical science, protection of personal autonomy, liberty, and constitutional rights.

Children's Education & Medical Freedom

A Special Event in Thousand Oaks, California on Wed., December 14

By John Leake

In his 1835 book, Democracy in America (a classic of political history and philosophy) the French author Alexis de Tocqueville observed that America’s genius at preserving freedom against tyranny was rooted in its culture of creating and maintaining free political associations. His chapter “On the Use That the Americans Make of Association in Civil Life,” is as relevant today as ever.

In recent years, all over the country, we have seen free associations formed by MOTHERS for the purpose of defending us from assorted tyrants, oligarchs, and syndicates who have asserted their dominance over public affairs and official policy. Women who are deeply invested in their children’s futures seem far more alert than men are to threats posed by antagonistic parties and individuals. Perhaps this is because (generally speaking) men who succeed in their professional lives think of their prosperity as a barometer of our wellbeing as a society and country as a whole. As long as they are earning well, they tend to dismiss reports of social breakdown as exaggerated. Not so with mothers, who quickly recognize the predators among us.

Soon after SARS-CoV-2 arrived in March 2020, I sensed that the official pandemic response was going to do far more harm to the mental and physical health of schoolchildren than the virus ever could. Soon it became clear that COVID-19 was a heavily risk-stratified illness that posed little threat to kids. Thus, the school closures and mask mandates had little to do with protecting children. Why exactly public officials took these measures is a matter of investigation and debate, though it seems clear that Teachers Unions had a strong hand in it.

One year before SARS-CoV-2 arrived, a group of mothers joined together to fight California Senate Bill 276. Their objective was to protect their children’s right to medical freedom and their right to attend school. For those unfamiliar with this legislation, SB 276 (passed in 2015) eliminated all non-medical exemptions for immunizations required for school entry. This was, in effect, a legal precedent for the state to mandate vaccine passports for all kinds of educational, social, and commercial activity.

The mothers who protested SB 276 formed PERK (Protection of the Educational Rights of Kids)—a 501c3 non-profit organization for defending educational freedom and medical freedom. PERK is precisely the sort of institution that Tocqueville had in mind as a bastion against the encroachments of tyranny….. Read more

Subscribe to Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake By Dr. McCullough & John Leake  ·

Liberty and the Divine Speaker Series

PERK hosted a whirlwind of speakers at Godspeak on November 18th. It was a truly amazing event. Speakers included: Amy Bohn, Del Bigtree, Joseph Bonderenko, and Pastor Rob McCoy. Hundreds were in attendance and thousand viewed live stream. The speaker gave inspirational speeches of what has happened over the last 2 years and where we are headed.

Click on images for video links.

PERK President, Amy Bohn

ICAN CEO and Host of the Highwire, Del Bigtree

Pastor Rob McCoy

Joseph Bonderenko