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SB 866 has passed Assembly Judiciary Committee. Time for action!

SB 866 has passed Assembly Judiciary Committee

Ayes: 6 Noes: 4 Noes

Video of Assembly Judiciary Hearing

It could be voted on by the full Assembly as early as Monday June 6th! Tell Assembly members to vote NO or ABSTAIN on SB 866!

We are asking for all people and organizations in California to take action. In addition to calling and emailing, we are encouraging people to respectfully go to your state Assembly member's district office this Friday, June 3. Appeal to their heart, emotions, and sound reason. First and foremost, you are a concerned parent and constituent. As you may already know, SB866 passed the Assembly Judiciary Committee on Wednesday with bipartisan opposition. Note: Principal coauthor Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks, not normally on the Judiciary Committee, was placed in the vacant Democrat seat, ensuring the extra vote needed to pass this committee. SB866 could be brought to the Assembly floor for vote as soon as this Monday.

NOW is the time to act. SB866 is a bill that will allow minors 12+ to be vaccinated without parent knowledge and consent. Bill authors reason that this is just expanding the health rights that minors already have. But really, this bill exposes children to unnecessary risk and coercion.


On Friday, June 3rd Legislators will be in their local offices.

1. Print out info graphics and handouts. We have provided templates to print off if needed.

2. Bring these documents to your state assembly members at their district offices. Find their information here:

  • If your Assembly member is not available, you may ask to speak with the district director or staffer in charge of SB866. Ask for their business card and for them to confirm with you that your documents are hand delivered to your Assembly member.

3. Ask them to vote no or abstain on SB866 on the Assembly floor.

Tell them:

  • The bill is illegal and violates Federal Law. The bill is already being targeted for litigation if it passes, as a similar bill from last year in Washington DC was struck down by a Federal Judge, without appeal.

  • This bill does not uphold democratic values. We want to uplift and empower women, but this bill silences women as mothers. This bill will also have the most impact on minority communities, assuming they cannot be educated to make the best decisions for their children.

  • Parents of adolescents know that when their children get sick, they ask their parents for help. Any medical care children can get without parent consent is only for issues that need immediate care. Legislators have already shown the science regarding vaping: Children are not capable of making sound risk/benefit decisions without being influenced by peer pressure and coercion.



First and foremost, you are a concerned constituent and/or parent. Appeal to your legislator by presenting yourself in a calm, concerned manner, and win them over by having them connect with the concerns you present.

Ask your legislator to vote no or abstain on SB866 on the assembly floor. We do not recommend asking for amendments to this bill. Click here for numerous resources, graphics, templates, and support for you to utilize if you choose.

If you cannot respectfully present your concerns to your legislator in person (I.E.: you feel strong emotions that can lead to emotional or aggressive outburst), it may be a better option to call their local office and ask for the district director or legislative director. Ask for their email address so you can send a PDF copy of the info graphic and documents along with your ask to vote no or abstain on SB866 on the assembly floor. The goal is to win them over, and move them to vote in our favor.

Click here for resources and graphics to support your meeting.




  1. Thursday, June 2nd

    • Call Capitol offices.

    • Email legislators directly voicing your opposition.

  2. Friday, June, 3rd

    • Call District offices.

  3. Leave messages over the weekend.

  4. Meet with Assembly Members.

  5. Share these action steps with everyone, every business, and every organization. We need all hands on deck.

Please leave anonymous voicemails if not in district, 8pm to 8am and all weekend at their capitol offices and district offices. Remember when calling, to keep a professional but firm tone. Ask them to vote NO or ABSTAIN.


When contacting legislators:

  • Call (D) Senators or Assembly members on roster list.

    • Give them the districts zip code when asked.

    • Tell them to vote NO or ABSTAIN on these bills.

  • Call (R) Assembly members to thank them for opposing this bill and to speak up on Assembly floor.

  • When calling, state your name and the district’s zip code. You can even call after hours to leave a message, if you are not in district so your calls will not be “trashed”.

  • Fridays call district offices (as the legislators are in their district office.)

Concentrate on the (D) legislators: Call and email directly these legislators to oppose SB 866, call district offices on Friday. Then both Capitol and district offices all weekend through Tuesday.

Sample Script:


My name is _______, I [live, work, own a business] in Assembly member_____district. I strongly oppose SB 866, lowering the age of consent to vaccination to age 12. I am demanding assembly member__________ oppose this bill.

Thank you.

Target these 28 Assembly floor 27 Democrats and 1 independent

Joaquin Arambula 916-319-2031, 559-445-5532 (district)
Tasha Boerner-Horvath  916-319-2076, 760-434-7605
Ken Cooley  916-319-2008 and 916-464-1910
Jim Cooper 916-319-2009, 916-670-7888
Tom Daly 916-319-2069, 714-939-8469
Mike Fong 916-319-2049, 323-264-4949
Eduardo Garcia 916-319-2056,760-347-2360
Mike Gipson  916-319-2064 and 310-324-6408
Adam Gray 916-319-2021 and 209-726-5465
Timothy Grayson 916-319-2014 and 925-521-1511
Jacqui Irwin 916-319-2044 and 805-482-1904
Brian Maienschein 916-319-2077 and 858-675-0077
Chad Mayes  916-319-2042 and 760-346-6342
Al Muratsuchi 916-319-2066 and 310-375-0691
Adrin Nazarian 916-319-2046 and 818-376-4246
Patrick O’Donnell 916-319-2070 and 562-429-0470
Cottie Petrie-Norris 916-319-2074 and 949-251-0074
Sharon Quirk-Silva  916-319-2065 and 714-525-6515
James Ramos 916-319-2040 and 909-476-5023
Eloise Reyes 916-319-2047 and 909-381-3238
Luz Rivas 916-319-2039 and 818-504-3911
Robert Rivas 916-319-2030 and 831-759-8676
Freddie Rodriguez 916-319-2052 and 909-902-9606
Blanca Rubio 916-319-2048 and 626-960-4457
Miguel Santiago 916-319-2053 and 213-620-4646
Rudy Salas 916-319-2032 and 661-335-0302
Carlos Villapudua  916-319-2013 and 209-948-7479
Lori Wilson 916-319-2011

Please feel free to reach out and thank Asm Maienschein (D), Cunningham (R), Davies (R), and Kiley (R), who voted no.