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GHC Town Hall Recap.

Dear Friends and Supporters,

As we reflect on the recent town hall, our hearts are filled with a profound sense of responsibility, urgency, and compassion. We gathered to discuss the latest developments in our fight for constitutional rights, particularly in the context of AB 1955 and vaccine mandates. This gathering was more than just a meeting; it was a powerful reminder of why our work is so crucial.

A Call to Action

PERK President Amy Bohn opened the town hall with a stirring call to action. She highlighted the relentless efforts PERK has been making to protect individual freedoms and urged everyone in attendance to take an active role by contacting their legislators. Our collective voice is our strongest asset, and now more than ever, it is vital that we use it to stand up for our rights.

The Fight for Exemptions

Attorney John Howard shared critical updates on the ongoing battle. As we prepare to go to trial in November, it is clear that the panic induced by COVID-19 has led to the erosion of essential constitutional rights. We will be standing firm in our pursuit of justice, particularly in upholding medical and religious exemptions for educators in California. Our opponents, who have shown a disregard for the truth, will be held accountable.

Stories of Courage and Resilience

The heart of our town hall was undoubtedly the testimonies of the plaintiffs who have been directly impacted by these unjust policies. Their stories are a testament to the courage and resilience of those who refuse to be silenced.

**Laurie Peachy** has dedicated 19 years of her life to education at Granada Hills Charter School. She chose to opt out of the vaccine on religious grounds, only to find her position posted online as vacant before she even had the chance to submit her exemption request. Denied without consideration, Laurie faced unemployment, an appeal, and ultimately, an early retirement forced upon her.

**Zeth Beckman** and **Sarah Olczak**, both teachers at Granada Hills, shared similar experiences of being content in their roles, only to have their livelihoods ripped away due to their fundamental beliefs. Their exemptions were rejected without reason, leaving them with no choice but to fight for accountability.

**Angela Karapetyan**, another dedicated teacher, served her students for 15-17 years. Her story was one of deep anguish as she recounted how she was reported to the California Teacher Commission for gross and egregious misconduct—a claim so far from the truth that it left her with no choice but to leave California altogether.

**Iris Arnold**, after 15 years of service, was denied not only her exemption but also unemployment benefits. Despite being promised a recommendation letter, she never received it, leaving her with little more than the memories of her commitment to her students.

These stories, shared with tears and trembling voices, are not just personal tragedies; they are a call to action for us all. These educators were not only denied their rights but also their dignity. They are the faces of a struggle that affects us all, and their bravery in speaking out is a reminder of the importance of standing together.

Closing Remarks

Amy Bohn’s closing remarks left us with a sense of purpose and determination. She reminded us that the fight for our rights is far from over. The legal battle ahead will be tough, but with your support, we will continue to advocate for justice and the protection of our fundamental freedoms.

Thank you to everyone who attended the town hall and to all of you who continue to support our mission. Together, we can make a difference. Let’s keep the momentum going, reach out to your legislators, share these stories, and stand with us as we fight for the rights that belong to us all.

With gratitude and resolve,

The PERK Group Team

* Missed the town hall? Recorded video coming soon.