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Formally submit your opposition to SB 871 before noon, Wednesday 3/9.

We need everyone and every organization voicing their opposition now.

Call to Action:

Formally submit your opposition to SB 871 before Noon, Wednesday 3/9.

SB 871 - Summary

Public health: immunizations - Keep Schools Open and Safe Act (Pan): Would require the COVID-19 vaccine to attend in-person daycare and K-12 public or private school, starting January 1 2023. It would also remove the personal belief exemption from future CDPH added vaccines and removes the 7th grade exemption for Hepatitis B.

Assigned: Senate Health and Education Committee

Talking points to oppose.

Please submit your letter of opposition to the Legislative Portal . Senate Health Committee entries are due by 12:00 noon on the Wednesday (March 9th, 2022) before the scheduled Health Committee hearing in order to be included on the bill analyses. SB871 can be heard as early as March, 16, 2022.

The committee has specific guidelines for when and how submissions are made, yet they are not announcing when the bill will be heard. Let’s be proactive. All you need is your name, email, and a few minutes.

There is one central portal with instructions for individuals and organizations. First, read directions below before going to the site:

How to submit opposition/support letters to legislature for individuals:

1. Go to

2. Click “Create an Account”. Minimum requirement is to provide your name and email address.

3. Log In

4. Enter Bill Number: SB 871 Public health: immunizations

5. Choose:

Session- (Regular)

Committee- (Check All Committees)

Stance- Please input “OPPOSE”. If you put in OPPOSE UNLESS AMENDED, your stance will not be listed in the legislative bill analysis. So, we ask you to input "OPPOSE.  

6. Optional- add a comment stating sound reasons why you oppose the bill.


If you are an organization:

If you are head of an organization, group, chamber of commerce or union also register as organization and submit an official letter on letterhead from that entity.

  1. Go to

  2. Go to the Registration Page.

  3. Select the No bubble next to “Are you a registered lobbyist?”

  4. Complete the required fields in the User Details box.

  5. Select the box labeled “I am affiliated with an organization.”

  6. Begin typing the name of your Organization. Select your Organization from the dropdown that will appear as you type.

  7. If your Organization does not return in the dropdown, select “Create a new Organization”.

  8. Complete the Account Detail fields.

  9. Complete the Captcha and Click “Register.”

  10. Select measure type, measure number (BILL NUMBER) and Session Type.

  11. Click on the “Search” button.

  12. Select the appropriate Committees

  13. Select Your Stance

  14. Input note message in the note box.

  15. Complete the Captcha and select the “Submit” button

  16. For detailed directions on submitting a position letter:

  • Letters must be on letterhead with signature and title of an official of the organization or designated representative.

  • Coalition letters must have logos, signatures, and titles for all organizations.

  • Letters of conditional support will not be listed on the analysis.

  • Letters must clearly indicate position (letters containing "concern" may not be listed).

  • Submit letters only once unless bill is subsequently amended causing uncertainty as to the organization's present position.

  • For more details on submitting a position letter:
    Advocacy Quick Reference Guide - Position Letter Portal

  • FAQ’s